What about the road? The road

that I just walked has disappeared.

No, you can't say that.

It's not that it's gone, it's that there are two more.

They remembered very well that there was only one way when they came, and they followed it all the way.

Now, they're going back and going back.

Three paths appeared in front of them.

Left, center, right!

So, which is the way back

for them? The same is true of the Dayong team, who had the same experience as them.

looked at the three roads in front of him dumbfounded.

"So, do you want to guess the way back to Boxing

?" "Is it so random

?" "But what if the one we choose

can't go back?" "I'm afraid I won't be able to go back to all three!"

We... Keep moving forward?!"

"This is a good idea, we can't go any further, we'll come back

!" "That's the only way, draw a mark

!" "Yes, draw it!"

"Dayong's team can't do it."

It was quickly settled.

Since you can't be sure of the way back, let's keep going.

Su Chen's team also quickly had a plan.

Three marks were drawn in place.

One is drawn on each of the three roads.

Then: "Go back, mark the way

!" "Okay!"

In order to avoid the appearance of several more roads when you come back, you will mark the end of the road.

Chose the leftmost road to go first, and after walking a few steps, Su Chen looked back.

Don't mention the complexity of the face.

Several others also looked back.

Crouch... It's a big... The place

where the !! just crossed the road to the distance was a road, and now the matter of these few steps has appeared again.

Three, and the three roads that appeared before are connected.

Three roads appear side by side.

Just if you look at the distance, the direction of the three roads is different.

It's... It's quite a test!

"Let's go!" Su Chen continued to walk back.

It's just that it's more subtle when it's marked.

After walking for two hours, I finally stopped.

It's not that they're where they're looking for, it's not that they're in danger, it's that there's no way out.

At the end of this road is a city gate.

At the gate of the city are written a huge three words: Red Phoenix Country.

This is, have you arrived at the opponent's hometown?

"Do you want to enter the city?"

"You can only enter!" Su Chen said helplessly.

Several people subconsciously looked back at the road.



the road is gone.

That is to say, if they do not enter the city, they will have to stand outside the city gates...

At this time, Feng Chen and Yan Ju, the commanders of the light pole, also arrived at a city gate, and wrote two big characters on them: Dragon Country!

The two of them looked at each other, shocked.

Then, without any hesitation, I walked in...

Inside the city gates of the Red Phoenix Kingdom.

It's lively, it's bleak.

It's lively because there are a lot of people, shouting, shouting, and roaring.

The desolation is because there are many corpses, people carrying corpses, crying people, and everyone is numb.

As soon as Su Chen and the three of them appeared, they accepted everyone's attention for a while, and then they went to work on their own again.

However, Su Chen found that this wave of people was subconsciously surrounding them, although the amplitude was relatively small, they could still be seen if they looked closely.

"Why are there so many dead people in this city?"

Su Chen didn't speak, and he didn't know.

I quickly looked around, and saw a wall not far away covered with paper, and the paper was full of words.

"Go over there!" walked over

and saw that the paper was written in a mess.

There are those who sell their own homes, there are those who have lost their families to look for them, there are obituaries, and there are those who sell their own, and there are a few that are to be sold for a family, and you can buy a family (5 people) with only 1 ingredient, and 3 servings of ingredients can buy a family (5 people).

The price of the house ranges from 10 ingredients to 1000 ingredients.

Su Chen looked around again, and then strode towards one of the pitch-red gates.

There are the least number of people here at the gate.

Even the people who lay down were far away.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

Sure enough, Su Chen was stopped as soon as he walked to the door.

Looking up, Su Chen was stunned for a moment, the person who stopped him had no face.

The facial features are blurred to none.

Immediately, Su Chen regained his composure and said indifferently: "May I ask the steward, I want to buy this mansion and some of the slaves in it!"

Of course, this transaction item can only be seen by Su Chen.

[The guardian of the Dragon Kingdom buys a private mansion in Chifeng Kingdom, the transaction amount is 100 ingredients, do you want to buy it?

] [Confirm/reconsider]

Su Chen's consciousness moved: Confirm!

100 ingredients are consumed.

The face of the man standing in front of Su Chen blocking the door was almost visibly changing.

Under Su Chen's gaze, a face grew, an ordinary public face.

In a place that everyone didn't see, there was also an extra plaque on the door of this house: Longguo Su Mansion.

The corners of Su Chen's mouth hooked.

You guessed it right.

"Master, please come in!" bent down and gave way to the door.


Su Chen raised his feet and walked in.

The other two subconsciously followed in.

I didn't react until I came in.

This is to buy a house

! The efficiency is just now!

Netizens who watched the live broadcast were even more convinced.

If you want to say that the old and young who are following Su Chen still don't feel anything, netizens know best.

Half of the people in these cities are Guardian participants of the various planets, and the other half are natives.

Or rather, call it NPCs.

They exist to allow many events to happen.

For example, there is a brawl, and life and death are the kind that depends on life.

For example, if you don't have your own mansion, if you don't take the mission, you can only passively participate in the brawl and be killed.

There are so many NPCs and so powerful that they make the Guardians desperate.

Not to mention a subset of participants who were randomly selected.

And a lot of those who came around were these people.

As long as a Guardian participant is killed, they can share their gains.

Yes, the proceeds can be robbed.

Those rewards that appeared before the Dragon Kingdom, if Su Chen was killed by these people, then the rewards that appeared would be withdrawn and distributed to the people present.

Su Chen chose to buy a house for the first time.

When they entered their private houses, they did not dare to come near.

In the city, if someone dares to approach a private house without permission, he can be killed directly.

The reward goes to the owner of the private house.

Therefore, these people did not dare to approach.

In the yard that I just bought.

Su Chen summoned the housekeeper Chiyi.

Akaichi, the first person with his own face who had just blocked the way at the door.

"Master!" Chi Yi brought Su Chen a cup of fine tea.

A housekeeper should look like a housekeeper.

Su Chen nodded with satisfaction, and he was very quick to get started: "Tell me what happened in the past few days when I was away, and talk about it at home and outside the home!"

Is it so straightforward?

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