
!" "There are still 6 slaves in the family, each performing his own duties, and he is not lazy!"

"The previous tenants of the East and West Courtyards have left, and no other tenants have been arranged for the time being. "

There is a great chaos in the Netherworld in the neighboring city, and the city gates of all countries have been closed quite tightly recently, except for the people in the city, other outsiders are not allowed to stay in the city for more than an hour, and those who exceed it will be forced to go to the brawl platform!"

Su Chen waited for a while, and when he saw that Chi Yi didn't continue to speak, he knew that everything that should have been said had been said.

As for what can't be said, we may have to wait.

That's it.

There is a lot of news!

Su Chen asked Chi and the two of them to go to the guest house to rest.

He himself walked around the courtyard.

This is your own property, so you have to understand it.

We're doing a quest, but you're going to take my camp

yard is not small, and it's not bad.

Especially when he knew that there was a no-man's land outside the courtyard wall at the back, Su Chen's face was full of teeth.

"Build a house in this location, well, a pavilion, just be able to sit on it and see below, drink tea, chat and watch fights, how nice

!" "..."

As a housekeeper Chiichi is loyal, if it weren't for the master, would he have a face?"

"Master, this no-man's land is a place to throw unclaimed corpses, a pile is very high, mosquitoes and flies rot in summer, freeze into lumps in winter, clean up your subordinates, just the smell..."

After all, many people die every day.

Even if it is cleaned up in time, the rancid smell is still indispensable.

I don't understand why the owner is so interested, and

he even wants to build a pavilion.

Well, it's not difficult to build a pavilion on the courtyard wall, but this place is really not a good choice.

The master said, puzzled, but did not dare to ask more.

Su Chen naturally didn't explain much.

Wouldn't it be a bit silly to explain so much to an NPC?"

"Arrange manpower, build it as soon as possible, and then pick two good people to go out with me to see the beautiful scenery of this

city!" "Yes!" Actually,

there is really no scenery in the city of this Red Phoenix Country.

There were strife everywhere, fights, and it could be said that the whole city was in chaos.

Su Chen thought that he would have to see some details of his city when he went back, wouldn't it be like this.

If that's the case, even if you don't do quests anymore in the future, you'll have to completely renovate the Dragon Country camp first...

I took a turn and didn't find anything wrong.

In addition to chaos, it is still chaos.

I found a slightly more crowded place on the street and sat for a while.

Su Chen fell into deep thought.

The quest is to complete, but there is no requirement on how to complete the Divine Domain.

In just a moment and a half, Su Chen had already heard the announcement of the Divine Domain, and no less than a hundred people had died.

There are people dying all the time, and there are also people in the Dragon Kingdom.

Since it's all unknown, let's conquer the current position first.

As for not knowing how to clear customs?

No requirement is the most convenient.

For example, wouldn't it be nice to clean up this copy of the Red Phoenix Kingdom and become your own back garden...


not bad to have such a subsidiary dungeon.

It's impossible for God's Domain to give himself such a messy copy for no reason, playing?


Then, take it!

Once you figure it out, you can start doing things.

Su Chen arranged for Chi Yi to gather people.

Well, to put it in more detail, it's the thugs.

With their own houses as the standard

, they should open up the wasteland! Yes, they will open up the wasteland!

All the poor people can join, and they will be paid, sheltered, and take care of their food.

Now, there are quite a few people coming.

It can be said that those who have a little bit of combat power want to join.

You don't have to work hard with others, as long as you complete the work, you can eat enough and get paid, which is not much more convenient than finding it yourself outside.

In this way, with enough manpower, the speed of land reclamation has been accelerated a lot.

Su Chen divided the Red Phoenix Kingdom into the East City and the West City.

The east city is easier to open, and there are more individual ones, while the people in the west city are more complicated.

There are many mansions in the West City, that is, Su Chen settled in the East City, and the conditions here are also the most suitable.

"Master, there are three mansions in Xicheng that are not sold, and they are not sold for any amount of money, and they have injured the people we went to talk about cooperation!"

Su Chen took a sip of tea, not to mention that the tea in this copy tasted good.

"Why, did they put forward the conditions?"

Chiichi was puzzled for a moment, then nodded, and then shook his head again.

Su Chen: "So, did you mention it or didn't mention it?"

nodded and shook his head, and he couldn't fix him.

Chiyi: "We can't understand what they say, as soon as we walk to the door, we won't be able to beat them without waiting for us to finish!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed.

Don't understand?

"That's interesting, let's go together tomorrow!Let's rest first, settle the accounts for them, how about you gather people?" Su Chen said casually as he didn't seem to care.

Chi Yi immediately said: "There are already hundreds of people who are willing to enter our Dragon Mansion, and everyone else wants to settle the matter by day, I told them that they won't be used tomorrow, then the three over there..."

At the end of the day, there are a lot of people coming, after all, there is money every day.

If you want to come, you can come and go, and then go anywhere else.

However, there are still people who want to be more long-term, and Chi Yiyi said that he would recruit long-term workers, and some people signed an agreement.

"Butler Chida, what time will we meet tomorrow?" asked the person who paid the day's end when he got paid.

It's a daily routine.

The day before, I agreed on the meeting time for the next day, so that I didn't have to go out again and again to find someone alone.

Chi Yi was still expressionless as before, but the words he said this time made these people's hearts tighten: "Tomorrow you will not use the knot according to the day, the long-term work is enough, let's go!" "

No, I said that I will end it according to the day, I..."

"When did I not give you the knot?" Chi Yi asked with a cold look.

"I'm saying tomorrow?"

"I don't need you to come tomorrow, and I'll give you a fart?" "

Then I'll sign a long-term labor agreement!" There are not many masters with such timely and little pay as Longfu, and the long-term workers' remuneration is even more generous.

Chi Yi sneered: "The long work is enough, you are challenging the patience of the steward, get out, no matter how much you dare to talk nonsense and kill you, no one will dare to say a word!"

But the long-term worker was retained.

From today onwards, they will be able to live in the Dragon Mansion.

In the past few days, the slave's yard has been built.

The slave's yard was built near no man's land.

That's it, the long-term workers are still excited to thank again and again.

Outside, it's not uncommon for the third watch to die in the middle of the night.

I went back and brought in my family, and those who didn't have family brought in what they had hidden outside.

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