
Su Chen didn't know that the two little balls were secretly poking and poking and poking and were working hard to cultivate and do things.

The only thing I'm worried about is whether the two little guys will be hungry when they're so young?

Qinglong: "Wang... Roar..."The little guy of the Terran race is so smart, how can he be starved?"

Su Chen also made sense when he thought about it.

"None of them are three-year-old children anymore, mature older children should be able to take care of themselves!"

All the netizens who watched the live broadcast were all sore teeth.

Why didn't he find out that Su Shen's heart was big enough before! Su

Chen really didn't worry.

He knew best that since the two little dolls could cultivate and were left alone in the Netherworld City by the Divine Domain, they would definitely not be able to die.

He remembered how he had saved the beast cubs.

There is also the arrangement of cubs of various races.

God's Domain doesn't do anything to cubs.

Terrans are cubs under the age of 18.

So, for sure, there will be no starvation.

The Divine Domain is very confident in the cub's love for Su Chen.

The reason why I said those is also to let the netizens who watched the live broadcast room interact more.

Yes, it's interaction.

After Su Chen said this, there were many barrages of swearing.

still scolded Su Chen.

Very straightforward scolding.

"It's so unconscionable

!" "If such a small cub says throw it

away!" "Shall we vote for this participant to withdraw

?" "It's a pity that the only vote was given to an ordinary amateur

!" "But what about those two

cubs?" "Let's see, if the cubs don't come out in a few days, let's vote again!"

There are a lot of withdrawal tickets, and the cost is quite reasonable, so it's a pity to vote for free!

""Then let this Dragon Kingdom Su Chen give gold coins

!" "Isn't it stupid upstairs? People didn't take the initiative to withdraw, we wanted to cast him out ourselves in order to let him feed the cubs!"

It seems to be!"

Su Chen closed his eyes and seemed to be resting.

In fact, it is summarizing this information.

It turned out that I was able to quit halfway.

It's just that the audience needs to vote.

There are still hidden tasks in the water bar.

Su Chen would take the time to go to the water bar every day to have a look, but he didn't find anything related.

Either that, or it's hidden by the Divine Domain.

In fact, it was indeed as Su Chen thought.

Such a task is hidden.

Normally, a new Guardian who has just joined the Battlefield of All Races will not have access to the Secret Dungeon.

Of course, Su Chen does not belong to the normal ranks.

Qinglong and Nine-Tails didn't say much.

One of them speaks cat language, and the other speaks dog language.

It was clear that Su Chen could understand.

But I'm still worried that the people watching the live broadcast will also understand the beast language?

Be careful!

This is what the owner reminded them.


Su Chen woke up from the cold.

I don't know when it snowed heavily.

It's a comparison with the night snow of the gods.

No, it's more perverted than the snow in the Divine Domain.

Here sleet and hail.

"You two come in, it's too dangerous at the door!" You can't

say in front of the live broadcast that you want these two to warm yourself, right?

Who knows if the live broadcast here will be closed at night.

For his own safety, Su Chen even lay down in his clothes.

The temperature is unbearable.

Qinglong and Nine-Tails slowly swallowed inside.

It's just that his eyes still look out from time to time.

Su Chen: ... There is something in the eyes of the two guys! Anyway,

they have been together for so long.

"Want to go out, play in the snow, play with hail?"

Hearing Su Chen's previous words, the two nodded together.

It's just that what the hell is behind it?

They're mythical beasts.

What snow

, what hail

, well, default.

As long as you can get to the door, stay longer.

Su Chen pulled his clothes: "I'll accompany you!"


, it must be warm next to the two.

The aura of the divine beasts on these two bodies is naturally warm.

Arriving at the door of the stone cave, Su Chen discovered the big secret.

The entrance of the cave, where the snow drifted into the cave, was not cold at all.

If you want to say that you are awakened by freezing in a cave, touching the snow at this gate is like jumping into a hot spring.

Bursts of warmth wafted in.

The source of that warmth was snow and hail.


it seems that this is another operation of the Divine Domain.

I'm used to things like this.

If it weren't for the fact that it would be too strange to suddenly appear in the snow outside, Su Chen would have wanted to take the nine-tailed green dragon to sit in the snow together.

"Just stay at the door, I don't know how long it will be until dawn!" Su Chen sat down.

It's the same at the entrance of this cave.

Anyway, the snow that drifted in was not small.

The green dragon has nine tails, one left and one right.

One person and two looked at the snow at the door, and then snuggled together.

After a while, he closed his eyes.

In a short time, their bodies were covered with snow, and from a distance they looked like three ice sculptures.

It seems to be asleep!

or freeze to death?

It's not okay to be worried.

If you want to say that you can still send a text message when you are in the God's Domain.

Although only 100 words a month is not enough at all.

Anyway, there is still contact, but in this dungeon, it can be seen that there is no connection at all, and the guardians inside don't know what is happening outside.

It's a hurry.

Fortunately, it was early the next morning.

The snow outside turned into fog as soon as the sun came out.

What is visible to the naked eye is disappearing.

Su Chen and Qinglong Nine-Tails had also come out of the cave.

This is aura!

It is full of pure spiritual power!

You don't need to absorb it deliberately, you just need to walk in it and you can automatically absorb a lot of it by your body.

Su Chenbian absorbed it himself, and deliberately compressed the excess spiritual power into the space.

There is a systematic compression and storage, and there is no pressure at all when the spiritual power is stored.

System: At this time, you think of me, okay, it's not impossible.

The spiritual power compressed into the space is also good for him.

"Meow..." the tail of the Nine-Tails exploded.

Su Chen hurriedly looked over.

Nine-tails suddenly spoke: "Meow, my spiritual power is suddenly suppressed, my skills can't be used, there is danger, master go quickly

!" Qinglong also said at this time: "Wang, mine too, master, hide first!"

The two looked around nervously.

The only thing that is not good here is that sometimes it is very sudden, and their spiritual power will be suppressed.

It's like they have to transform into ordinary small animals, otherwise they won't be able to see the two of them at all.

At this moment, the two suddenly felt lighter.

looked at Su Chen in confusion.

Su Chen took the green dragon and the nine tails into his back one by one.


!" "Don't make noise, I'll take you away if it's dangerous!" There

were a lot of dark wounds on these two bodies, although they didn't mention it, Su Chen could sense it.

The connection between the summoned beast and the summoner comes from the depths of the soul.

As long as Su Chen wanted to, even the dusty memories of the two for thousands of years could be seen.

These two have no spiritual power, they are ordinary little transparent.

Even an ordinary monster can crush their existence.

So I still carried them on my back and ran slightly faster on my own.

If you hurry up, you might be able to save your life!

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