At this moment, a monster appeared in front of Su Chen.

Looking at it intently, Su Chen was stunned.

Wild Snow Beast.

Still, a swarm!

the kind that you can't count at a glance.

It's really a swarm.

The physique is super strong, and the power is super strong.

All of them.

The corners of Su Chen's mouth twitched: "It's really... It's a rare fate!" Su

Chen saw so many Wilderness Extreme Snow Beasts.

The first thought was to want to run.

Coming to this desert island dungeon, more than two divine beasts were suppressed.

He himself was suppressed.

Spiritual power and other aspects.

Of course, slightly stronger than the Divine Beast.

At least not a forced makeover....

If there was only one Wilderness Extreme Snow Beast, Su Chen would still have no problem grinding it.

But the problem is.

Now it's such a big crowd.

If Su Chen is really fenced up, it is really not certain who will do whom.

It's just that.

The system gave a warm hint, which stabilized Su Chen's heart a little.

"The Wilderness Extreme Snow Beast (Dark Elemental Spirit), the more it can appear, the closer it is to the Dark Elemental Spirit, and you can get the Dark Elemental Spirit to have a chance to pass the level perfectly and leave the dungeon

!" "Strong attack power, sensitive to lifeforms containing spiritual power, and can be devoured!" "

Poor vision, often ignoring lifeforms without spiritual power!" Su

Chen: Understood

! This is simply, great!

If others encounter these Wilderness Extreme Snow Beasts, I am afraid that there will be no other choice but to wait for death and escape.

Su Chen is different.

He has his own means of preserving his life.

In particular, the weakness of the Extreme Snow Beast can be exploited by Su Chenchao.

This is much better than letting Su Chen look for opportunities everywhere like a headless fly.

Looking at the hordes of Wilderness Extreme Snow Beasts again, Su Chen's eyes lit up.

Where's this beast monster?

This is a powerful and extremely useful key.

Then, the next second.

Su Chen not only did not leave immediately, but ran towards the Wilderness Extreme Snow Beast that was running towards him.

At the same time, he didn't forget to tell the two behind him: "Keep up, don't be thrown out, don't blame me for not taking good care of it!"

Nine-Tails: ....

No squeaks.

But he also silently shrank towards the bottom of the bag behind Su Chen's back.

can go ahead, and definitely don't look for death.

They are intelligent and intelligent beasts.

Listen to the master's words even more.

I saw a powerful life spirit running towards me.

The Beasts of the Extreme Snow Wilderness are going crazy.

Running faster.

The back ones crowd the front ones.

A few of them had even been trampled into the ground, and the Extreme Snow Beast still ran towards Su Chen without any pause.

They all want to embrace this powerful life form and take it for themselves.

500 meters.

300 meters.



, what about the spiritual

power body? The spirit power body that was obviously still strongly attracted just now suddenly disappeared, which made the Extreme Snow Beast that was running a little unable to react.

When they ran to the position where Su Chen had just stood, the Extreme Snow Beasts began to roar.

Roar Roar

Roar Roar !!Roar


No surprises.

These curious guys have killed themselves.

Although these people are ordinary people, there is another condition that is in line with the eating habits of the Extreme Snow Beast.


watching the live broadcast were scared stupid.

Obviously, the little brother of the Dragon Kingdom was not far from the Extreme Snow Beasts, quietly running behind them, why did these beasts seem to be blind and couldn't see them.

He also killed the onlookers.

It's quite wronged.

The Extreme Snow Beast was still following the footprints left by Su Chen to find it.

The result is inevitable.

Looked for a vacancy.

The roaring beast roared a few times from time to time.

There are smart people who stay away, and there are curious people who are still rushing this way.

Without exception, all of them became ingredients...

Su Chen hid his aura and kept heading towards the Extreme Snow Beast's clan.

With a large map given by the system, the sense of direction is still quite easy to find.

It's that the big camp of this extreme snow beast is a little far away.

It looks relatively close on the map, and the actual run can run dead people.

Su Chen didn't dare to use spiritual power, the Extreme Snow Beast could come back late for a while, and no one knew if the Extreme Snow Beast Clan would have it.

Su Chen thought that there were people left to watch the clan land, and it was definitely not as many as here.

This run is two hours.

The people who watched the live broadcast ranged from shock, to surprise, to distressed and curious guys, and then to numbness.

"So when is this little brother

going to run?" "I want to ask him where he is going, I came in the middle and have been watching and running for an hour!" "I have been running

for two hours, what did I say

?" "Are there any older brothers and sisters who came early?"

It's been 2.3 hours.,I came early and just watched this guy from the beginning of running.,I don't know where this one is going.,I just want to see where he's going

.,As a result, I've been watching a run here!"""The half-brother on the same floor.,If it weren't for your barrage,I would have thought this was a live broadcast card to show the GIF!

""Can I say that I've been peeking since I went to work.,Now it's been two hours off work and still haven't left the company?" I was worried that I wouldn't see this person's arrival location on the way, so I just watched it stupidly for two hours!


who watched this live broadcast room, only one person was running, and the surrounding scenes were similar.

This configuration, this scene, this action, this feeling.

Isn't that a GIF?

2 hours and 55 minutes.

Su Chen finally stopped.



I'm about to die of exhaustion!

It took a long time to breathe a sigh of relief.

I'm still tired and want to sit down and rest, but I can't.

Su Chen didn't know when those Extreme Snow Beasts would come back,

he knew that he had to find the Dark Elemental Spirit as soon as possible.

"Got rid of it, right

?" "Whew~ I'm tired brother!Is there anyone here?"

"Yes... Cough... Is there anyone?" Su Chen's voice suddenly became several decibels.


I know that this is the land of the Extreme Snow Beast Clan, but I still ask anyone

? Who knows if anyone watches his live broadcast, and if someone does, but he doesn't pretend to be himself, people are not very curious

? How can they know that there is such a place?

It's so strange!

So, Su Chen designed a small script.

No, as soon as I stopped, I started acting.

Regardless of whether anyone watches their live broadcast, there is nothing wrong with acting anyway.

It took a few more words, although he didn't want to say a word now, he just wanted to lie down and rest.

Pretending to be weak, he asked a few more words.

"No, if you don't answer, then I'll come in, sorry to disturb!" After

Su Chen finished speaking, he entered the Extreme Snow Beast Clan.

If you pretend to be enough, someone should believe that you came here by mistake.

No one is better.

Although this idea is not realistic.

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