How can these guys run so much.

"What should I do?"

If he goes on like this, he can be tired.

System: "Killing Light Dark Elemental Beasts can refine themselves!"

Su Chen: ... This is certainly not good news.

But it's an opportunity.

He could see that these extreme snow beasts were not finished if they didn't catch up with him.

He released the two green dragons and the nine-tails behind him, and then placed the big round ball under their paws.

"Find a safe place by yourself, if I die, you can live by yourself, this thing..." Su Chen didn't say anything later, and ran away.

The monsters are coming!

If they don't run, the monsters will trample them all into mud.

Meat puree!

can really make it possible to leave no bones.

Nine-Tails and Blue Dragon: ... It's round, and they can't hold it with their claws.

There are always more solutions than difficulties.

In a corner of the live streaming screen.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast saw a strange picture.

Su Chen is fighting to the death with monsters.

It was quickly overwhelmed by the hordes of monsters.

Even people can't see clearly, and they can only see the monster group moving occasionally, as if it were a spiral nest.

They all knew that the center of the spiral nest was Su Chen.

Nearby, the cat named Nine-Tails and the dog named Qinglong were playing with a large round ball.

The cat's paw slapped.

The dog scratch next to it and pat it again.

Everyone was helpless.

It's really not a good place to play ball.

But their thoughts and worries were not known to the people in the live broadcast and the two small pets.

an hour.

Two hours.

Five hours.

Ten hours.

Su Chen has been fighting monsters.

The Extreme Snow Beast is like it can't be killed.

There is still after the fight, there is still after the fight.

Su Chen was numb.

I don't know when it started, and it was dark in front of Su Chen's eyes.

Occasionally, a dozen blood-red monster souls will appear.

Su Chen himself didn't know where it was, and

there was only one thought in his heart, to destroy these monsters in front of him.

With the increase of spiritual power, the number of monsters being destroyed is increasing.

Su Chen's mind also became more and more condensed.

It's going to be promoted!

Su Chen's consciousness moved.

By this time it had come to the sixteenth hour.

Look at the bright red body that seems to be visible at a glance.


There was a huge explosion around Su Chen.

The few remaining Extreme Snow Beasts were overturned by the explosion.

A huge crater appeared at the scene.

Su Chen disappeared without a trace.

The Extreme Snow Beast also had no sense of existence.

Only not far away, the Nine-Tails and the Green Dragon, who were stunned by the explosion and were still holding the big beads, were still crawling forward.

Climb a few steps, roll a few times, climb again, roll again...

"Congratulations to the Dragon Kingdom Guardian for his successful refining and entry into

the Hidden Demon Dao!" "Cultivating the Hidden Demon Dao can increase the cultivation speed, which is generally 100 times the current one, and the average speed is 10 times. "

The renouncer will return to the world with a crippled body, and choose a different correct path to return to the real world or stay in the dungeon world forever!"

"Abandoner option 1: Return to become a first-level ruler, half of the disabled body can be recovered, and be recognized by everyone and become the supreme leader forever. (You can kill all those who disobey)"

"Option 2 for the renunciator: Self-contained immortal cultivation system, 1/3 of the disabled body can be recovered, and it is recognized and accepted by more than half of the personnel, and can return to the real world according to their wishes. "

Option 3: Live script of the real world, the disabled body has not recovered, and it is recognized and accepted by more than 1 person, and it can return to reshape the real world according to their wishes. "

If you don't agree enough, you will be regarded as a failure, and you will bear the consequences

!" "Please choose!" was

still ignorant just now, until the choices of the Divine Domain appeared in front of me.

Su Chen, whose consciousness has finally returned: ... It's a little complicated.

I looked at it again.

"I, no, Xiu!" Su Chen's own throat was dry, and it was difficult to speak.

But he was still a little sober, and he immediately said what he thought.

If nothing else, let's state our position first.

Doesn't practice the Hidden Demon Dao.

No matter how good it is, if you enter the Demon Dao, it means that you will never be a member of the Dragon Clan again.


is Su Chen's bottom line.

"Please choose!" The waiting options of the Divine Domain appeared in front of Su Chen again.

Su Chen was silent for a while, and then chose his identification item: "I, choose ,—— the abandoner option 3!"

A flash of light flashed in front of him.

Su Chen immediately felt a momentary pain hit him.


almost screamed.

"Child, bear with me!" said

two tall men carrying a stretcher.

The person on the stretcher was none other than Su Chen, who had more air out and less air in.

Su Chen: ... Is it so unlucky?

If it weren't for the occasional change of breath, Su Chen would have felt that he would not have to waste manpower anymore.

"Don't try too hard, child, if you try harder, your head will fall off, and you really won't be able to pick it up!"

Su Chen: ...

Well, quiet.

I don't know if I was scared by which sentence, or if Su Chen was born.

Su Chen fell unconscious.

The two of them walked faster.

Sent Su Chen to a hospital.

Name: Interstellar Cooperative Medical Hospital.

Su Chen lay in the medical cabin.

It's been three days.

Su Chen just kept lying like this.

It hurts and it hurts.

Fortunately, my consciousness has been awake.

That's what makes it even more torturous.

"Su Chen, Guardian of the Dragon Kingdom

, Necessary Plot: Say to three different strangers: I need your help dear, for every time

you complete a recovery 1/10 to complete the plot of joining the legion as an intern

, complete the recovery 5/10 and successfully complete the legion recruit training, complete the recovery 2/

10 achievement and reach 10, you can recover.

Su Chen's whole body was numb.

Now he can't even move his head for a moment, and he goes to the legion as an intern.

This mission is really... Perverted enough.

Su Chen complained frantically in his heart.

But I'm super looking forward to it.

As long as someone comes, regardless of whether the other party is male or female, it must be the first thing to complete the task.

When I fully recover, I will compensate others...

In the following month.

Su Chen only finished saying that sentence to a stranger.

It's not that Su Chen is lazy to say it, and it's not that Su Chen's mouth can't say it.

It's that the one who takes care of Su Chen is a robot, and it's the only one.

There were no so-called three people coming to Su Chen's side at all.

There is only one robot that is responsible for the entire treatment process.

Su Chen: ... Just kill yourself, you can use such a pit?

The more pit is yet to come.

Half a year later.

Su Chen saw the second robot.

At this time, Su Chen was no longer that useless.

At the very least, I can leave the medical cabin and be admitted to the general ward.

The second robot is dedicated to handling procedures.

Then, Su Chen recovered 1

After this, Su Chen couldn't see anyone again.

Su Chen: ... Okay, no hurry.

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