This time it may take another half a year, now that you can move, let's do something meaningful.

If you don't want to do it, you can't help it.

This hospital is not for you to live in if you want to.

There is a fee required.

Su Chen's expenses were not paid, he was picked up by the scavenging team, and all the treatment costs had to be borne by himself.

Su Chen looked at the long list of medical details, and the whole person was already numb.

Astronomical Therapy Cost

... No problem.

It would be nice to have a chance to recover a disabled body that I can't recover.

What are the sky-high costs?

Okay, many people in debt don't

worry! There is no way to worry! The

mission cannot be completed, and it is

difficult to leave? Refer

to the dragon clan that has been in the beast mountain for more than 1,000 years, and then refer to the phoenix clan that has been in the Fengshan for more than 1,000 years.

It's kind of desperate...

A year later.

Interstellar Guard Division Logistics Department, Garbage Disposal Center.

"Su Chen, I'm off work, how many brothers are going to the bar to party and drink at the bar today?" said a fat man in a security uniform to Su Chen, who had just entered the office.

Su Chen smiled and shook his head: "Brother Wang, you guys go play, my salary is just enough to pay the rent today, I'll be...!"

Su Chen wanted to say that he wouldn't go.

"Go, today our team leader has a treat, and he deliberately said that he must go, although Ah Chen's guy is not popular, but he is the brother-in-law of the deputy minister of logistics, go, it's a big deal that you can drink water when you go, you know your situation, I will carry you, don't worry, I'll send you back when you come back! I won't throw you there again

!" "Poof! Haha, Lao Wang, you are embarrassed to say that Ah Chen was almost sent back to the garbage star by the scavengers that time!"

Didn't you make a mistake, didn't I bring him to our logistics department to show my apologies?

" "Thank you, Brother Wang?"

"Thank you, thank you, let's go together, go change into civilian clothes!"

Su Chen: "... Alright!"


The fat man's name is Wang Qiang, and he is the team leader of the garbage disposal center of the Logistics Department of the Security Department, and Su Chen's immediate boss.

It is also Su Chen's Bole.

Su Chen met this guy when he was hospitalized in the Interstellar Cooperative Medical Hospital.

As a result, this guy didn't say that Su Chen was a star thief, and forcibly took him to the detention center of the Interstellar Medical Hospital.

As a result, as soon as he entered, he was kicked out again without even being interrogated.

Everyone's information can be found on the detention center's starnet.

Name: Su Chen

, Hometown: Junk Star

, Position: Wilderness Demon Hunter (Free),

Age: 18 years old

, Residence: No fixed residence,

Nearest residence: Demon Hunter was picked up by scavengers and thrown into the Interstellar Medical Hospital...

It was also at this time that Su Chen also knew his information and identity in this copy.

Knowing that it was an oolong, Wang Qiang apologized again and again and had to compensate.

"Since it's okay, please send me back to the hospital! Su Chen didn't apologize or ask for compensation, knowing his information here, even if he did himself a great favor.

Wang Qiang shook his head again and again: "I don't have that ability!" "


"Don't you know? Ordinary citizens like you who are not in the interstellar center are not eligible to enter the interstellar medical center, unless they are thrown there by scavengers!" Wang Qiang said curiously.

Su Chen nodded: "I know, I still have to repay my medical expenses, and I haven't paid it!" I

really didn't know this regulation before, but now I know.

The old king in front of him just told himself.

Wang Qiang said with sour teeth: "I just paid you the medical expenses, just you, a guy who doesn't even have a low-level demon hunting certificate, it's good to be able to earn expenses here for decades!"

Su Chen was stunned: ... It turns out that I have met a kind person?

Su Chen still has a handful of people, and if he wants to compensate himself, there is no need to pay such a large amount of medical expenses for himself.

"Even if I borrow from you, what do you need me to do to pay off your debts, and I am willing to do any dirty work without violating the law and the bottom line of morality!" Su Chen immediately said.

"Your kid is very interesting, that's the case, I still lack a temporary worker there, the salary is not high, and there are no benefits, but you can eat, there is a commission for extra work, are you kid interested? Don't worry, I am a member of the official security department!" Su

Chen thought about it, and he really had nothing else to do here.

Except for the fact that he doesn't know how to hunt demons at all, knowing that his profession is a demon hunter, other jobs are not open to him as a useless person, so...

Su Chen figured it out and said: "Yes, if I have a more suitable one in the future, can I leave with you at any time?" You can rest assured, I won't lose

it!" Wang Qiang nodded without saying a word: "I'm not afraid of you, no problem, but little brother, it's not that my brother said to drop the chain for you, you really can't find a more suitable job than mine here, unless you go to the wilderness to be a demon hunter!"

If it weren't for his profession as a demon hunter, Wang Qiang would not have been so kind to accept him.

Of course, now there is also compensation for their own oolong.

When he arrived at the place, Su Chen learned that Wang Qiang was said to be the garbage disposal center of the logistics department of the Security Department.

There are so many people here.

There are too many to count at a glance.

but there are not many people alive.

Jia Suchen has a total of 60 ordinary normal people, and the rest are robots.

60 ordinary people were divided into groups of 10 people, divided into six groups,

and worked in shifts of 4 hours every 4 hours.

The working time is quite comfortable, only 4 hours.

In the same way, the wages are pitiful.

Every time the salary is paid, it changes hands and is almost gone.

This is still under the condition that there is a unified canteen on the side of the Security Division.

Although the taste of the meal may be considered non-existent, it is not a problem to fill the stomach.

Except for the team leaders of each group, everyone else is like Su Chen, who is a temporary number.

Temporary workers do not have a room for accommodation and need to rent a house on their own.

Take Su Chen as an example.

The salary is 2000, the rent alone is 1000, and the other 1000, Su Chen will call Wang Qiang all of them.

There is no hair left in his hands.


to mention some of your daily needs, which are basically saved and saved.

Su Chen, who was drinking or something, had never been there at all.

It's not that I don't want to go, it's that I don't have the qualifications.

Can you imagine that the average cost of a party is at least a thousand?

Su Chen said: Yes, and often.

Especially these guys from the Garrison Department can eat, drink, and play.

Su Chen went there once, and when he first came here, he thought that people would go to play and not be unsociable, and then he went.

As a result, the cost of this game has not been paid off until now.

Wang Qiang, a big creditor, is even more of a monkey.

Fortunately, Wang Qiang never urged.

Great good guy!?at

least on the surface.

It would be great if it was really a good person.

It's a pity....

Every time he thought of this, Su Chen could only smile bitterly...

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