Sheng Jian: "There is one creature around here, I come to see you every day, look, these things we eat are also sent by everyone on their own initiative!

They are cute and polite, and they are particularly painful!" "Where is it, then meet, thank you well!" Su Chen is also a polite Dragon Countryman.

For such a small thing, it must be special, there are dealings.

Both of them pointed behind Su Chen.

The curvature of the fingers is a bit complicated.

Su Chen glanced back, and then, Su Chen was shocked.

"Sleep... Damn..."

This dense patch.

Don't be too infiltrating


All are robots.

And it's the kind that lacks arms, legs, and eyes.

If it weren't for the rusty bones in this body, and some chest cavity that could see the existence of the material inside, Su Chen would not have imagined that these physical features were so real that they were robots.

Sheng Jian and Wang Qiang: I was comforted! I

think that when they suddenly saw these guys three days ago, they were almost scared to pee.

Look at the current Su Chen.

Well, it's all a normal reaction.

[Body recovers, quest continues

!] [Please grow an edible plant, even if you clear

the level!] [Everyone has tens of thousands of seeds in their warehouse, anyone who grows them will be counted as all of you have cleared the level, and every time you use up all the seeds will be replenished until the end of the task!]

The servants were excited: it was so simple!! it was not

just planting plants, who is not a person who can plant anymore.

The servants rushed to see the warehouse under the leadership of the crippled robot.

A big warehouse.

There are three seats in total.

One for three people per person.

It's all seeds.

It also marks the name of the variety, the attributes and the planting requirements, not only these, but also all the required watering equipment.

Just pull it on and use it.

After reading it, the servants quickly ran out.

One person on one side.

Find a place to plant in each of the three directions.

No, no, or nothing.

Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.

Still not.

There are old and broken robots everywhere, all sorts of them.

The farther away you are, the more piles up there.

That's not all, there are a lot of bad leakage raw materials in these robots, which are highly polluting.

Then, the places that were slightly visible were polluted.

Not to mention growing edible crops, even people will feel dizzy and dizzy and ringing when they are close.

Fortunately, they all have some savings of their own, and they can still take them out, at least they will not starve to death for a short time.

But that's not the way to go.

Sooner or later, what is stored will be eaten.

"What should I do?"

"I'm going to die again

!" "The existence of this pit man!"

Wang Qiang thought to himself.

Sheng Jian also sat on a robot shelf, completely lacking the momentum he had at the beginning.

Su Chen pressed his head.

It hurts terribly.

Su Chen listened to what these two said, and he already had some scores.

At the very least, these two won't kill themselves.

So, it's better to sleep first.

The explosion is an illusion, but the pain is 100% there.

Now this copy, grow food in a polluted place.

There are no pits, only more pits!

" "Find another day, we will enclose the places that have not yet been polluted, and we can't let those things continue to expand, or we will be buried here sooner or later

!" "Listen to you!"

Sheng Jian and Wang Qiang naturally knew.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be in a hurry to find it.

The day passed quickly.

The trio still hasn't made much progress.

However, a safe zone is marked.

They divided this safe area into three small areas, one by one near their warehouse, and then cleaned up by themselves, tackled the fortifications, solved them, and planted them as quickly as possible.

They don't have time to continue wandering outside.

I couldn't find a more suitable area anymore.

As far as the eye can see, it is all the same.


It's still a ruin with a source of pollution.

If they don't plant it quickly, I'm afraid that this safe zone will get smaller and smaller, and when the time comes, let alone plant it, even they themselves may not be able to survive.

Fortunately, the Divine Domain didn't let them compete this time, as for the future... Let's talk about it....

Now they have only one goal.

Hurry up and try planting!

Even if you can grow a small seedling, the kind that grows a small leaf, you can do it...

Su Chen was in his own small area,

dismantling and repairing.

I built a nest for myself out of waste materials.

Anyway, I can live people.

"It's back to the beginning!" I

think when I first went to the God's Domain, the camp in that shack was like this.

Oh, there's one more thing than here, there's a sacred tree over there.

Here, not to mention trees, there is not even a single grass.

If the grass ???

is not mistaken, when he was farming treasure chests and monsters in the wilderness area, he collected a lot of grass and grass seeds, and many of them were sent back to the Dragon Kingdom for research in the Dragon Kingdom.

There should be some leftover here, right?

Su Chen turned out of his space, a small pile of grass and grass seeds.

The corners of Su Chen's mouth slowly hooked.

Grow food that you can eat.

I didn't say I couldn't grow grass.

This grass can be eaten and can be called food.

Although this explanation is quite reluctant, as long as the Divine Domain does not dismiss it, then the idea is feasible.

However, Su Chen didn't plant it right away, let alone tell the other two.

With the urine nature of the Divine Domain, how kind it is to get three people together.

To say that the Divine Domain was not intentional, Su Chen would not believe it.

Now it's for the three of them to do it together, and it's hard to say what to say afterwards.

The hearts of the people are separated from the belly!

I have to guard against it!

Su Chen put away the grass seeds again.

Let's try these seeds from the warehouse first, it's best to grow them.

When the time comes, you will have your own grass seeds when you try to plant them together...

In a month's time, the three of them have been full of vicissitudes.

Even Su Chen, an existence who could eat all over the world with this face before, is now looking like he is going to die.

"It's too difficult for me

!" "Are these

seeds fake?" "It's impossible to be fake, if the Divine Domain gets such fake

seeds, there is no need to play with us!" "How much time does this have to be to get so many seeds, and then let us try it every day, how easy it is to kill us directly!" "Then how

to fix it, as soon as this thing is put in the soil, it will rot the next day, how can this be played?"

Su Chen also wanted to cry without tears.

No matter what kind of seed it is, if you put it in the soil and bury it, it will start rotting the next day.

Or from the position of the seed sprout.

In less than three days, it will be the same as the soil.

The three of them used various methods to finally keep the seeds from rotting, but they could only put them on the table, put the soil on the table, and then plant the seeds.

Then, staring with big eyes, watching, waiting....

Hoping for a surprise, it feels like something is definitely going to happen...

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