A week has passed.

Finally planted a sprouted one.

Su Chen, who was happy, jumped a few meters high.

After being happy, Su Chen was depressed again.

You say it's finally going to sprout.

It's a step forward.

It's just that this kind of Tema is not a thing.

It is particularly large as soon as it sprouts.

As soon as I looked at it, it started to be posted, and it turned out to be very big, which is still bearable.

The bud can pass through the table and touch the ground in one fell swoop.

Then, it started to rot again.

What's more, this thing only sprouts and takes root, not leaves.

It's really going to collapse!

Just this thing, when will it be able to grow a normal tree?

When is this kind of day a head?

Su Chen is still trying to change his methods.

I just hope to find a better way soon.

It's just that, soon, there was a breakthrough.

It's not that Su Chen has grown plants, and it's not that he's progressing again.

Rather, there has been a change.

That night, Su Chen simply ate something and lay down.

When Sheng Jian came to knock on the door, he knocked for a while and didn't hear Su Chen's movement.

Sheng Jian pushed open the door and came in.

"Yo, it's a fever!" As

soon as the words fell, Wang Qiang came in from outside.

"That medicine is pretty good!"

Sheng Jian: "You idiot, didn't you say you'd

wait a minute?" The two discussed that they would wait for a minute of temptation before coming in and killing Su Chen, but the result was that the goods were good, and they rushed in before even ten seconds.

Wang Qiang didn't care: "We have been waiting for a long time when we knocked on the door outside, afraid of something, don't say, this guy is so powerful, he really planted it!" On

Su Chen's table, it was a plant that had begun to sprout small buds.

The color of the buds was emerald green.

After being here for so long, it's almost time to forget about this appealing color.

"It's so beautiful!" Sheng Jian couldn't help but be excited.

The two of them gathered around the table and looked at the potted plant.

I didn't recognize what kind of plant it was, but it was green.

No wonder Su Chen was jumping and jumping in the house, and he didn't even want to go out and have a perfunctory time with them.

"Then kill him now, or grow up a little more!?" Wang Qiang asked.

Sheng Jian also glanced at the place where Su Chen was lying: "Wake up, then live a little longer, tell me, how did this thing grow like this

?" Su Chen's eyes blinked: "You, what, a, the situation?"

"Headache! Before the words, I, I didn't hear clearly, what are you talking about?!" Su Chen pointed his finger.

Wang Qiang didn't know where to take out a small instrument and put it on Su Chen's head.

It squeaked and squeaked, and after a while the numbers were revealed.

"It's a fever! 40 degrees, it's still rising, this... It's going to burn to death..."

What Su Chen said was true.

Su Chen wanted to nod, but his head shook a few times.

It does look like it's buzzing.

I can't even find the direction.

Both of them had heard of fever to such an extent, and few of them would survive anyway.

Sheng Jian relaxed: "No one who can get to this point is a fool, brother, I'm sorry, you still tell me how fast this thing continues, you can still live for a few minutes!"

Su Chen: "... You, no, you said that you would spend it together, you can get over it, what kind of illness did you have, this is..."

Wang Qiang and Sheng Jian glanced at each other and laughed.

Don't mention the madness of laughing.

"Hahahaha! We've been pretending to be with you, and we haven't burned yet, and we can even remember such things so clearly!" Wang Qiang said with a smile.

Sheng Jian: "Don't talk about that, hurry up, this... How... Don't pretend, I'll kill you now!"

Su Chen: "... Two fools!" Then, close your eyes and sleep.

Wang Qiang: ....

Sheng Jian: ....

I was scolded

! I was still scolded in front of you!"

"Nima! You should give you face, right, if it weren't for your cleverness to pass this level, who would have let you live until now, hurry up, you... You..."

Wang Qiang rushed to Su Chen's bed, and wanted to pull him up and beat him up.

The two of them have endured humiliation for so long, being grandsons and errands in front of this guy, isn't it just to be able to live a big benefit now.

Now that the benefits are in hand, I have to be scolded.


, if you don't clean up before this kid dies, do you have to wait to choose a sunny day?

Bang bang!

The third step was not taken.

Wang Qiang's skull had an extra blood mark on it.

Right in the middle of the forehead.

Just one more step and stretch out his hand, he can press Su Chen to death.

As a result, he was killed before the man who was about to be pressed to death.

Unwilling, really unwilling!

Sheng Jian stood up.

"Whew, it hurts, it hurts me!" Sheng Jian's foot was pierced to the ground, and blood flowed.

It hurts.

The sore face is white, white, white.

The first one looked at Su Chen, but Su Chen was still lying on the bed with his eyes closed.


He lowered his head slightly, looking at the being who had attacked him.

It turned out to be a sprouted plant that I had just hugged myself.

I don't know when this budding plant suddenly grew so big that it could poke from the table to his feet.

With a smile on his face: "I succeeded..."

, and before he could say it, Sheng Jian hugged the plant and was excited, so he took the table.

Then the long bud of the old nose dragged to the ground.

Then, Sheng Jian's face stiffened!

"What, what's going on? Why?,"

Suddenly, he was dry, right under his nose.

ruthlessly, he pulled the root off his foot.

dragged his bloody feet to the bed, and didn't dare to go any further, for fear that he would be calculated like Wang Qiang.

"Say, how, how neat, do you know how difficult it is to get a small bud, you... Uh... Uhhhh

It's really dying.

One last look before death.

He wanted to see how he died

Above their heads, there was a small bud that was poking down, exactly like the one on his feet.

Looking at Wang Qiang, who had just swallowed his breath and was still dead in front of him, he was also poked by a small bud.

"You... Beat... Ghost

!" Su Chen's eyes finally opened, and he pouted: "You are the ghosts, the invading ghosts who steal people's things, and you are innocent of death!"

Sheng Jian originally had a breath of air.

I was angry with this sentence, and I didn't come up in one breath.

Slowly falling to the ground until there was no movement.

He was still holding the pot of green plants in his arms, oh, it wasn't green now, it was dry, and like the plants they had seen outside, there was no life at all!

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