In the early morning, there was a commotion from the outside world.

Rakshasa Street, the flower capital occupied by the rebel army, welcomed an uninvited guest with a bad look.

Dressed in a wide kimono with a token tied around his waist and a strange mask, he is tall and tall. A head of blue-green white hair with a bright silver sheen.

"What the hell are you, Tamad!".

Dozens of samurai with weapons in their hands shouted and killed the mysterious man

The void gave birth to a violent ripple of impact.

The intruder was armed with a mace, wielding a tiger and a tiger that was blowing up wildly!

Pieces of ferocious shockwaves rushed out in all directions, blowing out all the warriors who had killed in front of them.

Although it looked ferocious, the force was well controlled, and although the samurai were blown around, it did not hurt them.

"I've said it many times, I don't mean to fight!".

"I've already said about my identity!".

"My name is Mitsuki Mita!

The invading mysticist pretended to speak hoarsely.

"Shut up Lao Tzu when you step on a horse!"

"Even if it's a joke, there must be a limit!".

"Mita-sama, how can you be impersonated by a piece of garbage like you!".

"It's unforgivable to ask us for such a play, you will die here for Lao Tzu today!".

Hearing the other party repeatedly call himself Mitsuki Mita, pretending to be the head of their family that has been dead for many years, the samurai are already out of anger!

But the strength of the intruder in front of him was too strong, and no matter how strong they were, they couldn't hurt it in the slightest!

He was knocked away again and again, but he still had no intention of killing.


knock...", the sound of hurried footsteps sounded.

Yunan and his party, who received the news from his subordinates, finally arrived.

"You're here, Yunan-sama!" "And Boss Denjiro!"


Seeing Yunan

and the others appear, the samurai were instantly overjoyed.

"What's going on, what the hell is going on.

Flower Soldier Goro anxiously stepped forward to ask.

"Boss Hyogoro, that inexplicable dog thing that invaded has always claimed to be Mita-sama! This is an insult to Mita-sama, and he must not be forgiven!" one

of the samurai yelled angrily.

"What? Mitsuki Mita!" Hanan

, Hiyori and the others all locked on to the mysterious comer!

"Wow Titicaca!" Kappa

Kawamatsu suddenly looked up and laughed, laughing with anger in his laughter.

"Just because you are worthy of being called Mita-sama!This is your last chance, who are you?".

Kawamatsu shouted angrily, and his right hand touched the saber on his waist!

, "I told you, I'm Mitsuki Mita!!

." The mystic replied without hesitation.

"Bastard thing! obsessed, then let me personally uncover your true face of Lushan.

A hint of fierceness flashed in Kawamatsu's eyes.

He didn't say more, he didn't ask more.

The saber on his waist was unsheathed in an instant, bringing a cold light.

"Take me!"

His body suddenly moved,

like a tornado, and rushed towards the Mystic.

Faced with the sudden onslaught of the kappa, the mystic finally could no longer take it calmly.

The hand holding the mace suddenly tightened, and suddenly it was raised!

"Thundering gossip !!

." "Boom Click!!"

Kappa suddenly swung a knife violently collided and impacted with the thundering gossip, instantly stirring up a violent storm of shock.

The surrounding onlookers all flew upside down in shock!

Hanan instantly stood up and blocked in front of Mitsuki Hiyori, blocking out all the terrifying shockwaves.

"Thank you, Hanan-sama!" Guangyue

Rihe's face was slightly red, and he whispered thanks.

"Say something to me, thank you.

Yu Nan smiled faintly.

"Yunan-sama is right..."

Guangyue Ri and his pretty face couldn't help but show a faint hint of joy.


On the battlefield at this time.

The conflict between Kawamatsu and the Mystic comes to an end.

"Bang !!"

A loud bang came out.

Kawamatsu took seven steps back.

On the other hand, the other party only took three steps back.

The victory or defeat of this power.

Obviously, the river pine has fallen behind.

As a result, the samurai on the street couldn't help but gasp.

"It's possible to repel Kawamatsu head-on, wouldn't it!!".

"This bastard guy has such a strong strength!".

Hana no Binggorou's expression was solemn.

"It's not just a very strong problem, this weapon, this trick, imitating Mita-sama's outfit, and actually calling yourself Mita-sama, are you...."

A flash of hatred flashed in the mad death man's eyes, and he had almost guessed the true identity of the person who came.

Everyone else is speculating about the identity of the person who came, but some of them already know it.


a traverser, he naturally knows best about this fanatical fan of Mitsuki Mita.

The daughter of the Four Emperors Kaido, Yamato!!

Only she would do such a thing.

Although this girl who was poisoned by the spirit of Guangyue Yutian was a little stupid, her strength and appearance were definitely nothing to say.

"This battle, that's the end of it!'

" Before Kawamatsu and the warriors regroup and fight again, Yu decisively rushes into the battlefield, ready to put an end to this pointless battle.

The samurai, who knew that Yunan was the real core position, naturally would not disobey his orders in the slightest.

Ten minutes later...

Yu Nan and his party took the mysterious man to a quiet room in the base camp.

On top of the seat, Yamato, who called himself Mitsuki Mita, sat quietly.

Hanan and Hitsuki sat across from her.

The two guards of Kawamatsu and Mad Death Lang were protected on the side.

Quietly block its escape route.

Outside the room, there was also Hyogoro with a large number of Mutu defenses.

"Are you the mysterious powerhouse who defeated the six sons of the volley yesterday?"

After a while, Yamato took the lead in asking lightly.

"Now we should ask.

Yu Nan said lightly.

"No problem, you ask. "

Yamato doesn't care about the way.

"Who the hell are you, why do you call yourself Mitsuki Mita!" Mitsuki

Hiyori looked angry.

Mitsuki Mita was her father, and he had been killed eighteen years ago! This was a pain in her heart

! But now someone had jumped out claiming to be her father!

This made her furious.

"Believe me, I'm really a royal ..."Yamato

said sincerely.

However, before the words were finished, they came to an abrupt end under the angry glares of Kawamatsu, Mad Death Lang, Hiyori and others.

"Okay okay, I'll be honest, my real name is Yamato. The

mysterious man calmly took off the mask on his face, revealing the beautiful face below.

Then he spoke again.

"The Four Emperors Kaido is my father. "

What did you say!!".

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