When Yamato took off the strange mask on his face, revealing a face that was comparable to that of Guangyue Riwa.

Kawa Song, Crazy Death Lang, Guangyue Rihe, the faces of the three of them flashed with surprise in an instant.

How could they have imagined that this person who called himself Mitsuki Mita, and who also had great strength, would be such a young woman?

"I am the daughter of Kaido, the Four Emperors and Beasts.

Yamato Furui revealed his identity without waves.

There was a moment of silence in the secret room.


In the next second, the

metal sword exploded as it unsheathed.

The long knives on the waists of Kawamatsu and Madly Death Lang were unsheathed in unison.

"I see, I've heard for a long time that there is a son of Kaido who behaves differently on Onijima, but I didn't expect it to be a woman. The

Mad Death Man's eyes shone with a cold light.

"Are you really that Kaido's daughter?'

Kawamatsu was furious.

"Yes, I am indeed Kaido's daughter, Yamato.

"But the person I really look up to is Mitsuki Mita.

Yamato's face was still calm.

"Since you are really Kaido's daughter, then there is nothing to say, just take it!!"

Kawamatsu was murderous.

The mad dead man got up without saying a word.

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

"Alright, all right, sit down.

Yu Nan waved his hand like he was fine.

"Yunan-sama!" Madness

and Kawamatsu looked puzzled.

"Kawamatsu, Crazy Dead Lang, listen to Yunan-sama, sit down.

"She didn't hide her identity, and that's the sincerity she showed us.

"Well, let's listen to her and see what she's here for."

Guangyue Rihe said lightly.

She was also a little curious about the woman who pretended to be her father.

Hearing this, even though Kawamatsu and Crazy Death Lang were unwilling, they had to temporarily suppress their anger.

"Thank you. Yamato

nodded and thanked him

, "No need, I said it in advance, I haven't forgiven you for pretending to be my father, you have to give me a reasonable explanation." Guangyue

Rihe said solemnly.

Yamato nodded, pulling out a notebook from his bosom.


Hiyori recognized at a glance that this was Mita's diary of going to sea.

"That's right, eighteen years ago, I was touched by Mr. Mita's gesture before he died, and I have always regarded him as a benchmark in my heart ever since.

"On that day, I rushed to Ota Castle as soon as possible to save Mr. Mita's children, that is, you and your brother.

"But it was too late to arrive, and in the midst of the fire, I only found this logbook, which is my most precious thing!!".

Yamato said with a fanatical expression.

"How can Kaido's daughter worship Mita-sama!".

"You must know that Mita-sama was killed by Kaido!"

Kawamatsu shouted angrily.

"Wait for Kawamatsu, don't get excited, what she said is not true. "

Hiyori Road.


Ha Song was stunned.

"She shouldn't be lying.

Hiyori nodded, trusting her instincts as a woman.

"Thank you. Yamato

thanked him again.

"So, what the hell is going on with you here today?".

Yu Nan finally spoke, mentioning the most critical issue.

"Over the past eighteen years, with my admiration for Mr. Mita, I have repeatedly persuaded my father Kaido to leave this country..."

Yamato even told Yunan and others of his efforts over the years and his desire to fulfill Mita's last wish and the lofty ideal of the founding of Reiwa Province.

The chamber fell silent again.

"Do you think we'll believe such ridiculous words?

"You're Kaido's daughter!'

Mad Death Lang and Kawamatsu break off and drink.

"The founding of Reiwa no Kuni is also my ideal now, and in order to realize this ideal, even if it is to fight my father, I will not hesitate!!"

"Besides, my relationship with my father is not as good as you think, I have been locked up on Onijima all these years, and I have always been wearing explosive shackles on my hands. As soon as I stepped out of Onishima, the handcuffs would blow off my hands, and this time it was thanks to His Excellency Yunan that I was able to regain my freedom and come here to find you.

Yamato said with a wry smile.

"Is it really something a father can do to put explosive shackles on his daughter?".

Guangyue Rihe's eyes widened in shock, and his slender hand covered his small mouth.

"No matter what you say, the fact that you're Kaido's daughter won't change, and I'll never be able to treat someone like you as a partner!"

Kawamatsu said without hesitation.

"I'm the same, how can the daughter of the enemy

believe it!" "Whether you want to believe her or not, please let the Lord Hiyori decide!"

No matter what they think, the final one who makes up their minds should be Guangyue Rihe.

.“ I..."

Rihe was stunned for a moment, and he was out of thought for a while.

Finally, he looked at Yu Nan beside him as if asking for help.

"Yunan-sama, what are we going to do?"

Yunan raised his hand and gently touched Hiwa's hair, smiling slightly.

"What does it matter, just believe her.

"It's also quite interesting for Kaido's daughter to join our camp, and with me here, can she make any waves?"

Yu Nan smiled faintly.

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency Hanan. For

Yunan's trust, Yamato was immediately grateful.

"Yamato, don't be too happy too soon, since you have chosen to join our side to fight against your father Kaido, then naturally you have to do something to show your sincerity.

Yu Nan said unquestioningly.

"That's nature!" Yamato


"Let's start the show. "

The third city-wide livestream begins.

This time, the speaker was naturally Yamato.

As Kaido's daughter, she broadcast live to persuade the Hundred Beast Pirates to give up resistance, and the impact on the military morale of the Hundred Beast Pirates is naturally unimaginably huge! .


"Damn!!Yamato, that bastard!".

"I shouldn't have believed her if I had known!" "

Ghost Island, the last big board of the Hundred Beast Pirates, one of the three calamities, Flame Disaster Ember suddenly became furious, and in a fit of rage, he smashed the live broadcast video in front of him with a palm.

Under Yamato's speech lobbying.

It was only a day.

The chaos in Wano Country has gradually calmed down! Wano Country has gradually

stabilized the overall situation.


It's time for a new day.

A huge whale pirate ship suddenly appears off the coast of Wano Country.

One of the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates, has arrived!

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