Wano Country, the offshore sea where the wind howls.

A huge smiling whale boat came riding the waves.

"Daddy, I've been able to see it, Wano Country!".

Diamond Joz, the captain of the third team, said.

"Wano Country, I'm finally back!".

The captain of the sixteenth team, Izo, clenched his fists.


, be careful not to be thrown off!".

Whitebeard burst out laughing.

Once raw and twice cooked.

I have the experience of landing on the island more than 30 years ago.

The captains skillfully put the rope on the leading carp.

With the help of the power of the carp, you can leap up and go all the way unimpeded.


A blue line of fire crossed the sky.

Marco, who had been waiting here for a long time, immediately turned into an immortal bird form and quickly flew in!"


Captain Marko!"

"Marko, you're coming quickly, tell me how the situation is in Wano Country now?".

Whitebeard asked.

"Well... Daddy, if you come a few days late, I'm afraid there won't be anything to do with us.

Marco scratched his head, not knowing how to speak.

"Hmm?, what does that mean?

The captain of the fifth team, Foil Bista, was puzzled.

"It means that Kaido hasn't returned to Wano Country yet, and the Yunan brothers have almost single-handedly pacified this place..."

Marco spread his hands and smiled.

"Damn, won't

!" "Huh! Yunan, this is terrible!" The

captains of the Whitebeard Pirates all looked shocked.

One by one, they stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

Even the white-bearded mouth that had always seen strong winds and waves, and Gujing Wubo, couldn't help but twitch.

Isn't it just that he was a few days late, and asked Yu Nan to wait for him, to explore the way first, and then to do it together when he arrived, how could he almost finish

it himself? Isn't this the same as picking up ready-made ones for nothing?

What is this called.

Are they here for sightseeing?

"Daddy, there are other large forces of the Hundred Beast Pirates on Ghost Island, and if you go over now, you should still be able to do something.

Marco hurriedly said.

"Then don't rub it off!, little ones, hurry up!!"

"I can't drink any more soup!" Whitebeard

waved his hand and immediately ordered.

Wano Country, Kaido's stronghold of Onishima.

There is a brutal and gloomy atmosphere everywhere.

I don't know how much blood was stained here.


"The intruder's ship is speeding towards us!!"

his men hurriedly rushed in to report.

"According to the plan mentioned before, gather all your forces and sink them! Let the unknown things die in the sea!" said

Ember of Fire coldly, without a trace of emotion.

"But... But Master Yamato, he's also on the boat, can we just do it?"

"What can't you do!Don't you know when

it's now!" "He's a traitor to our Beast Pirates now, and he's betrayed Mr. Kaido!, do you still have to be merciful!"

Ember was furious, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Yes! I understand Mr. Ember, let's go!" his

subordinates received the order and hurriedly began to prepare for the artillery mission!


!!" and "Bang Bang !!

" on the coast of Onishima.

The sound of artillery fire broke out.

Hundreds of cannons fired shells at the same time, and the originally clear blue sky was suddenly covered with dense

shells! They had only one target, and that was the big fleet where Yu Nan and the others belonged!

These hundreds of shells fell, and no matter how large the sea fleet was, it would be burned to the ground.

"Be careful! The cannonballs are coming!!Pay attention to defense!" On

the deck, everyone was shocked and angry when they saw the dense cannonballs in the sky!

At this time, on the bow of the ship, Yu Nan stood with his hands in his hands, and a cold light flashed in his black eyes.

"Carving insect skills!"

With a cold snort, Yu Nan waved his hands

, and suddenly hundreds of wind blades tore through the air and flew towards the sky! "Buzz buzz..."

A piercing buzzing sound suddenly sounded in

the sky! The cannonballs in the sky did not wait to fall, and they were instantly chopped by the wind blades one by one like cutting watermelons!

A brilliant rain of fireworks exploded in midair.

And that's not the end of it.

The sky was dark, dark clouds were thick, and thunder rumbled.

Yu Nan, who was standing on the bow of the ship, suddenly gathered chakra energy in his abdomen! Immediately, his lips opened slightly

, "Wind escape, crush the !!"

In an instant, a terrifying storm shot towards the shore of the ghost road! Like a machine gun fire, the wind instantly engulfed the entire coast of Onishima

! Hundreds of deployed cannons were instantly blown into the air and destroyed by the terrifying wind blade!

Isn't it, what !!kind of skill does this Lord Nan have?"

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, you really can't believe it...",

the people accompanying him were stunned.

"It's just a little tricky, who let them be too unbeaten.

Yu Nan clapped his hands and chuckled.

Without the attack of cannonballs, it didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the shore and begin to land on the island!

Although their number was far less than that of the Hundred Beast Pirates, in terms of momentum, Yu Nan was not weak. Because just one Yunan has more than 1,000 troops.

"Young Master Yamato, what the hell are you doing

!" "Have you forgotten your position!" Seeing

Yamato appear, everyone in the Hundred Beast Pirates suddenly began to ask.

"Yamato, do you still know who you are, what the hell are

you doing!" Ember walked out, his eyes full of murderous intent!

"I don't need you to say, I know exactly what I'm doing.

"Now lay down your arms and leave this country, so that you still have a way to live." Yamato said solemnly.

When everyone in the Hundred Beast Pirates heard this, they suddenly looked at me, and I looked at you, and some people did have the idea of retreating.

Just when the spirit of the Hundred Beast Regiment gradually began to unstable, Ember strode out.

"Can you believe the words of a traitor

!" "Even if you surrender now, you will still be killed by the other party, don't be naïve!" "

There is only one way to live, and that is to kill!!"

Ember raised his arms and shouted.

"That's right, that's exactly what

I want!!" "If you want to fight, then fight! I'll be with you to the end!" "It's

time to settle accounts!!"

"Crazy Death, Kawamatsu and the others led thousands of samurai and swarmed up

! The ultimate battle between the two sides has finally begun!

Ten years of hatred.

Just need a fighting war to vent!

"Yunan-sama, will we win..."

Guangyue Hiyori couldn't help but get closer to Yunan.

"With me, there's no chance of losing. "

Yamato, the day and the day will be handed over to you for protection, so that there will be no mistakes.

Yu Nan said lightly.

"Don't worry, no one will hurt her. Yamato

nodded firmly.

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