When thunder and flames poured down from the sky. The whole ghost island is silent.

Whether it was the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates or the samurai of Wano Country, they were all shocked and shocked!

Under this momentum, nothing could be done!

It's not even possible to escape!

I had to watch the terrifying thunder and fire descend. Waiting for death to come.


The imaginary pain of thunder and fire did not appear.

Everywhere on Oni Island, people opened their eyes blankly and looked at the center of the island. What greeted them was a shocking scene that will never be forgotten.

It was a man dressed in thunder and lightning armor, like a god!!Natural

calamity thunder and flames caused by the Four Emperors Bigmom.

At this moment, it was blocked

by Yu Nan who was covered with thunder and lightning armor alone!!The thunder and flames that made countless people desperate disappeared, and they were all shattered by Yu Nan's thunder and lightning fist!!!

"Goo-la-la-la, it's worthy of you, Yunan boy, what a little monster." Whitebeard

was the first to come back to his senses and laughed heartily.

"Oh my God, is this still a fucking human!!"

"It's amazing!".

"He, he, he..... His Excellency Yunan single-handedly blocked Bigmom's devastating blow!!".

"This kind of thing..... How can I do it!".

"It's unbelievable!".

The captains of the white group all widened their shocked eyes and had ghost-like expressions on their faces. Only Marco is calmer.

Because long before this, he had already experienced how perverted Yunan's strength was.

At this moment, compared to the excitement and excitement of the white group and the samurai.

The faces of the Four Emperors Bigmom and the Hundred Beasts Kaido were extremely difficult to see.

That's not how they gave the gift!


"Mom, I'm not going to do it"

The weak cries of Thundercloud Zeus and Little Sun Prometheus woke Bigmom from shock.

"Hey, hey, what the hell was going on before, how could this bastard be able to withstand this trick!" At this

moment, Charlotte Lingling finally couldn't laugh at all.

--There was only a hell-like shock and disbelief on the ugly old face.

"I told you a long time ago, that little ghost is a freak, not an ordinary person at all!" said

the Beast Kaido through gritted teeth.

"Kaido, isn't it time to continue the last duel!" When

Kaido's gaze came, Hanan's eyes shining with blue electric light locked directly on Kaido, the beast. Only--eye, the always strong and domineering beast Kaido shivered in horror.

"Kaido, Bigmom, if you don't come, I'll go over by myself. "

Yunan is wild - laughs.

--Step down.

The land of Oni Island cracked.

"Damn bastard!!" the

Beast Kaido's face changed, and he directly turned into a human form.

"Lingling, you can't continue like this anymore, let's concentrate on killing one person first. "The beast Kaido stopped drinking.

"Well, well, that's what I mean, since that kid came alone, let's take him down first. "


The Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling stopped drinking.

"Here, Mom. The

pirate captain's hat on his head turned into a broadsword.


Kaido of the Hundred Beasts also drew a mace with a backhand.

"Daddy, it doesn't seem good, these two monsters are ready to join forces!"

Marko's face changed.

"Yunan-sama won't have an accident, right?"

Hiyori's pretty face was full of worry.

Whitebeard, who saw Kaido and Bigmom's intentions, also changed slightly. Holding the supreme fast knife in his hand, he was about to come forward to help.

And yet at this moment.

In the case of knowing that Kaido and Bigmom are going to make a big move. Yunan suddenly picked up speed.

The figure suddenly shot out towards the two big four emperors.

"Stinky boy, don't mess around!!"

Whitebeard was shocked and wanted to help. However, for a while, it was not able to catch up.

"Well, what a complete idiot, he even wants to deal with the two of us alone

!" "Hmm, since you insist on sending you to death, then I will unceremoniously accept your head!" The Four Emperors bigmom Charlotte Lingling and the Hundred Beasts Kaido shouted in unison.

The mighty country wielded by Napoleon and the thunderous gossip wielded by the mace were fused and sublimated. Turned into a terrifying blow to this dominating world.

A blow from two of the sea's top Four Emperor powerhouses. This is exactly the !! of the Four Emperors Joint Technical ---- Dominating the Sea

"Ho, ah, ah, ah!!"

The combined attack skills of the Hundred Beast Kaido and Charlotte Lingling exploded. Heaven and earth tremble at this moment.

The space is here - shattered in an instant.

The blastwave that was enough to shatter the ghost island exploded. Face Kaido and Bigmom's combo moves.

Yu Nan still didn't dodge, but a look of excitement appeared on his face.

In the next moment, Hanan's two eyes instantly turned into a kaleidoscope

! The dark purple Susano covered his whole body in an instant! The

giant Susano, who was dozens of meters high, appeared leisurely, like a god who had been born into the world!

There seemed to be a phoenix crying in the heavens and the earth.

Compared with the combined attack technique of the Four Emperors, the momentum of Yu Nan's move was even more terrifying!

The light that was even more dazzling than the sun in the sky bloomed, occupying people's field of vision. The shockwave of endless terror caused the entire island of Oni to tremble and crack. A long stalemate.

Susan, who has accumulated strength, can be domineering with a punch and the continuous hegemony of the two and four emperors has come to an end. Blooming like a galaxy crumbling.


After a moment - cut back to calm.

The combined attack technique of the Four Emperors Bigmom and the Four Emperors Hundred Beasts Kaido can dissipate into nothingness.

Above the sky, Yu Nan was in the midst of Susanoo, standing proudly between heaven and earth

! Like a god who saved the world

! With only one person, he blocked the joint attack of the two great and four emperors! The strongest !! dominated the sea


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