Heaven and earth gradually calmed down.

Whether it is Susa Nenghu, who is like a god descending into the world, or the combined attack of the two and four emperors to dominate the sea.

At this moment, the double offset annihilation disappears into the invisible.

A miracle is born!

Hanan single-handedly blocked the combined attack of two of the world's top powerhouses.

At this moment, the audience was silent.

I don't know how long it has been.

"How can such a thing !!".

The shouts of the Four Emperors bigmom Charlotte Lingling broke the dead silence of Oni Island.

Immediately afterward, the mountains were filled with people's screams of extreme shock.

"What a terrible stinky boy!!

The Four Emperors Whitebeard laughed loudly.

Even he, who is known as the strongest in the world, is not completely confident that he can take the joint attack of Kaido and Big Mom. However, Yunan did it.

"One person can block the combined attack of two Four Emperors!".

"One against two!".

"It's a miracle!

"No one in this sea can compete with the two Four Emperors joining forces, is this iron rule also going to be broken?" The white pirates led by Marco had an almost dull expression on their faces, and they were unconsciously shocked and murmured.

"Hanan! The young people these days are even more terrifying than I imagined.

In the depths of the clouds, there are people sitting high in the clouds, whispering obscenely.

"Roar, hahahaha, the new emperor of the sea! The new world is the strongest! This trip is really not in vain!".

"This is big news that shakes the world!!

". On the other side, there are big birds spitting out words and laughing wantonly.

"How is that possible!What kind of monster is this bastard!"

On the battlefield of Onishima Island, the Hundred Beasts Kaido woke up from shock.

My head shook like a rattle, and I couldn't accept this reality.

"Kaido, the situation is different from what you said, you clearly said that this kid is limited, how can this be limited. The Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling, glared at Kaido.


" "How can this kid be able to block our combo attack!

". "There's got to be a problem, yes, I know, it's your sake!'

" The Beast Kaido glared at Bigmom without giving in

"For my sake?".

"What stupid are you talking about?" "Do you mean I'm deliberately putting water out!"

"Do you want to fight?"

Charlotte Lingling was furious.

"I'm using all my strength, there's no reason why you can't beat him if you attack with all your might!" "

But anyway, he just said that he didn't have much physical strength left in his next combined attack just now, and he definitely won't be able to take it again!"

And that's exactly what happened.

Although Yu Nan is strong, it is not much higher than the combat power of the Four Emperors.

Stronger than Kaido, but also limited.

At the same time, against the two Four Emperors, Yu Nan may also be defeated.

Blocking the combined attack of the two major and four emperors before did consume most of Yu Nan's physical strength.

If he did it again, he might not be able to take it.

Even if he could block it, it would be absolutely impossible for him to come out unscathed.

However, Yunan will not give Kaido and the two a chance to perform their combined striking skills again.

"Lingling, get ready to do it again!"

Kaido's last word hadn't fallen yet.

In the next second

, there was a loud sound of wind and thunder in the heavens and the earth.

In an instant, Yunan was already in front of Kaido.

。 "You...

Kaido, who noticed that Yu Nan was coming, couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"You guessed right, but there was no chance.

Yu Nan teased.

A large hand reached out, pressed against the door in front of him, and suddenly shot out with his figure, slamming straight into the mountain.

"Bastard, ignore me?".

Charlotte Lingling was furious, and with a large sword, Napoleon was about to slash down on Yunan's back.

However, the broadsword has not yet fallen.

Charlotte Lingling's body instinctively reacted to the crisis and hurriedly turned.

"Bang !!"

The sound of gold and iron clashing exploded.

The earth exploded in a radius of 100 meters.

This is the collision of the big knife Napoleon and the supreme fast knife Cong Yunche!

"Goo-la-la-la, Lingling, I haven't seen you for decades, let me see how much you have grown."

Whitebeard laughed deeply.

The Supreme Great Quick Knife Cong Yun Cutter lit up with a layer of dazzling white shock waves.

The superhuman Shock Fruit ability exploded.


the Four Emperors bigmom Charlotte Lingling flew upside down.

Yunan vs. Four Emperors Kaido

Whitebeard vs. Bigmom


The unprecedented battle between the two emperors began.

The sky fell apart.

The huge ghost bird was crumbling at this moment, and it could tip at any moment!

"Marko, shall we go up and help?".

Bista asked tentatively.

"What are you kidding, is this a war that we can get into!"

"Let's just watch it honestly, and don't make a mess."

Mamalko's face was solemn.

"This island can't hold anymore, hurry up and take everyone back to the ship!".

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