Wano Country.

Everything is calm and a new chapter begins.

Early morning.

The capital of flowers, the temporary general's palace.

"Yunan-sama, my... Yunan-sama "


A spacious room belonging to Yunan and Hiwa.

The peerless princess Rihe snuggled in Hanan's arms and dreamed softly. Even in a dream, his beautiful face is full of satisfaction and happiness. Hanan gently stroked Hyowa's long silky hair, thoughtful. Life with beautiful women is wonderful.

But it's rare to come to this pirate world. A powerful power is also awakened.

Holding on to a corner, a peaceful and stable life as a smallholder farmer is no longer what Yunan wants.

He wants to be unique in his strong stroke under the imprint of this magnificent era. For this, he also needs to be stronger.

is not satisfied with the current level of the Four Emperors, he wants to surpass it even more.

is so strong that without borrowing external forces, it can block or even defeat the combination of the two Four Emperors.

For him, who practiced ninjutsu, the path to becoming stronger was clear.

The power system of the pirate world, the most important three-color domineering, he can't learn it for a while. All he had to do was concentrate on improving the power of ninjutsu!

There were two ways to improve.

The first is to work hard as I have done in the past ten years.

But now that I've tasted the wonderful taste of mission rewards. Yunan was no longer satisfied with the progress of penance. After this period of observation.

Yue Nan already knew that the reward tasks of the system would not appear out of thin air.

He needs to be in touch with the world and events before it can be triggered. And even if it doesn't trigger.

There are still two tasks to be completed.

It is the capture of the Pirate Empress Boyahan Cook and the mermaid princess Shirahoshi. The second is the task of defeating the four emperor-level powerhouses.

The former is too time-consuming and laborious to be considered for the time being. There is only one option left.

As long as you are defeating a Four Emperors or General-level combat power. What awaits you next is bound to be a generous reward boost.

"So, who are you going to fight next?".

Yu Nanyi's eyes widened, thinking to herself. See all over the sea.

The combat power of the four emperors or generals is also around the dozens. The injury-ridden Whitebeard is not considered.

Kaido and Aunt Kaido didn't look for it as soon as they escaped. Besides, the two of them joined forces.

It's not easy to start.

New World Four Emperors Pass. The rest is that the three major admirals

of the navy, the yellow ape, is too slippery, and if he can't beat it, he will definitely run, and the pheasant has already been defeated, but the red dog has not fought too much.

It's just that the battle between the generals and the four emperors can't end overnight. If you are besieged by naval reinforcements on the way.

That's all the work done.

Wait a minute.

Yu Nan's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

"I don't need to gnaw on those hard bones that are at the top of their game. Yu Nan nodded.

Persimmon should also pick a soft pinch.

Since it's to complete the task and get a reward. Naturally, the easier it is as well.

The combat power of the admiral is not only the navy and the four emperors.

There are still many hidden legends in various parts of this sea.

Like Reilly of Chambord, and that guy.

The expression on Yu Nan's face gradually brightened a little. "Hmm"

in his arms, Hiwa's narrow eyelashes trembled slightly, and he opened his hazy eyes. "Yunan-sama, what's wrong?".

Hiyori asked in a daze. "Hiyori, I'm leaving. Yunan grinned.


"Yunan-sama, this, this, this... Why? Is there something that is not good enough in the day?" As long as you say, I will definitely improve, don't leave Hiyori!".

Hiyori opened his mouth anxiously, with a hint of crying in his voice. Get along with each other day and night these days.

Yu Nan already occupies a large part of her heart. She already sees Yunan as an important pillar to rely on.

As long as she is in Yu Nan's arms, she will not worry about anything, she will not worry. This is the strong sense of security that comes with the strength of Yunan.

So when I heard the news that Yu Nan was leaving.

Rihe's heart is full of endless uneasiness.

"Silly girl, I just have a little bit to prepare, leave for a while, and I'll be back later.

Yu Nan comforted.

"Woo woo, but Yunan-sama is not here, and Hiyori will be lonely. Hiyori whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Haha, don't we still have phone bugs. "

Then don't forget to talk to Hiyori every day. Hiyori said seriously.

"Of course,"

Yunan smiled.

Go to sea and go to sea.

Before going to sea, Yue Nan also needs to eliminate some unstable factors. "Yamato, are the beast guys still obedient?".

Yunan found Yamato, who was in charge of commanding the capture of the beasts

"Your Excellency Hanan, most of you have expressed your cooperation, and only a few..."

Yu Nan, who knew the specific situation, nodded.

Immediately did not hesitate to kill the happiest thorns who danced, and set an example for the monkeys. Immediately afterwards

, Yu Nan found the six sons of the original Hundred Beast Pirates. "Yunan-sama"

witnessed the picture of killing chickens and setting an example for monkeys, and his face was suddenly full of panic. Don't wait for him to say more.

Yu Nan had already walked straight past him and pushed the door in. The "adult"

looked at the arriving Yunan, and the pretty face of the little giant beauty Black Maria showed a panicked look. Not for himself, but for the iron-headed baby Wuludi, who is also the sixth son.

Black Maria has always been the type of strong man.

After knowing that Yunan defeated Kaido twice.

She did not hesitate to switch to Yunan Mo and swore loyalty. It's just that Wulu, who has always been the most iron-headed, is not.

For Yu Nan, who is more iron than her head, she is still extremely hostile. --As it is now.

If it weren't for the ability to be limited by the Hailou Stone handcuffs. She must have transformed again, competing with Yu Nan. "My lord, Lulu-chan she..."

Without waiting for Black Maria to say anything, Yu Nan casually waved her hand back. "Yes,"

Black Maria replied.

"You... What do you want to do? Have the ability to let go of my handcuffs, and we'll touch head to head again. The head iron king Wu Ludi gritted his teeth and said unadmittedly.

"No problem, but if you lose again, you have to be obedient. "

Yunan-do. "Good,"

Uludi gritted his teeth.


"You're still far away!".

Leaving Wulu stunned and falling to the ground, Yu Nan laughed and walked away.

Three days later.

Hanan, who was fully asleep in Hiyori, quietly left Wano Country. Another three days.

Yunan crossed the Red Earth Continent and came to the first half of the Great Voyage.

--Colorful islands in the sunlight came into view.

"I'm back, Chambord. "

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