Finding Xia Qi's bar with ease, Yu Nan pushed the door directly in.

"Xiao Yunan, why are you back?" Xia

Qi was obviously surprised, but he didn't expect to see Yu Nan's news in the newspaper the day before yesterday, and he arrived today.

"There are some things I want to do Aunt Xia a favor with.

Yu Nan smiled and sat down at the bar.

"You're so good, can you still ask me for help?

Xia Qi chuckled lightly and handed Yu Nan a glass of freshly mixed red wine.

"In that case, you're welcome. "

I don't know if Aunt Xia knows the whereabouts of the Golden Lion Shiji?" Yu

Nan raised his head and poured a sip of wine, and said straight to the point.

"Golden Lion!"

Xia Qi's face changed slightly, obviously shocked by Yu Nan's words for a moment.

"That's right.

"What are you looking for that old guy for?" Xia

Qi couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course, there are some things that I want to ask for advice in person, does Aunt Xia have any news?"

Yu Nan smiled.

"Your strength goes to him, and I'm not worried.

"Then I'll give you this, it's useless for me to keep it." After

that, Xia Qi rummaged through the cabinet and found a small box, and when she opened it, it was the life card of the golden lion!

" I know that Aunt Xia has a lot of news.

When Yu Nan saw the life card, his eyes lit up.

"Take it, be careful when you go to him.

"Although he is not at the peak, his strength is still not to be underestimated.

Xia Qi couldn't help but say a few words.

"Don't worry, Aunt Xia, then I won't bother much. "

Say hello to Uncle Reilly for me. With

that, Yu Nan took the life card and left the bar directly.




Thousands of miles away in the sky.

A golden lion ship defies gravity and soars through the air. Lion bow.

An old man with long blond hair as lush as a lion's mane frowned. There was a little panic in my heart for no reason.

Could it be that his plan to destroy the East China Sea is going to have an accident? This thought suddenly came to the Golden Lion Shiji's mind. "How could it be!".

"Lao Tzu is the golden lion Shiji!" Hahahaha

Great passage, somewhere in the sky. The sudden change of wind and clouds without warning. Under the blowing of the wind. The white clouds under the clear sky are gone. The front suddenly opened up.

--A group of magnificent floating islands appeared in Yunan's sight. --Islands, floating in the clear sky without a support. The heights are staggered, and they form this magnificent group of floating islands. There are mountains, water, and rivers on it.

There are beautiful red maple forests. There are also remnants of old houses.

There are also a variety of strange and strange beast creatures.

staged - the scene of the bloody fight. The natural law of the jungle is fully explained here. The world of pirates is full of strange things.

There is an empty island above 10,000 meters, and there is also a magnificent fish-man island under the sea.

But a group of floating islands like this one can no longer be simply described as a miracle of nature. Completely defying gravity and not affected by gravity.

It makes no sense to let Newton know that he can overturn the coffin board with energy.

Because it's not a natural creation, it's because of a special Devil Fruit ability that creates the wonder here. Superman is a fluttering fruit ability.

can be at the same level as Whitebeard, Karp and others, and the ability of the captain of the Flying Pirates ---- the Flying Pirates Golden Lion Shiki !!

Only his fluttering fruit ability can create such a magnificent floating island.


looked at the magnificent floating islands in front of him. Even Yunan couldn't help but be amazed.

At the same time, I can't help but think of the past of the owner of this place, the Golden Lion Shiji. Throughout his life, it is simply a tragic history.

Throughout the life of the flying pirate Golden Lion Shiji, it is a tragic history!! A capital 'miserable' word runs through his life.

Even Yu Nan couldn't help but want to sigh for him and mourn for three minutes. Forty or fifty years ago.

As a super newcomer on the sea, Golden Lion Shiki was invited by the Rocks Pirates, the overlord of the sea. Shi Ji, the golden lion who has the ability to think he is invincible, is arrogant and naturally reluctant to join.

Then the Golden Lion Shiji received the first beating in his life.

In the end, they had to succumb to the terrifying abilities of the overlord Locks. Then came the Battle of the Isle of the Gods thirty-six years ago.

--Cut subverted.

Island of the Gods after the war.

Locks, the overlord of the seas, is dead. The Rocks Pirates fall apart. The commanders of the major legions fled and died.

The most powerful whitebeard is alone - the man is gone.

John, the commander of the First Legion whom Locks trusted most, absconded with the money, and lost his heart. Bigmom Charlotte Lingling and the Beast Kaido climate is not successful.

As a result, Golden Lion Shiki became the biggest beneficiary after the war.

After the death of the overlord Locks, the golden lion Shiji relied on his heroic means to win the hearts of the people. Inherited most of Locks' 'legacy'.

His Flying Legion rose to prominence and transformed into his own Flying Pirate Fleet. Golden Lion Shiki's life also ushered in the second highlight moment.

Even the Roger Pirates were steadily suppressed by him for a while.

This state of affairs lasted until twenty-five years ago.

The Battle of Atward changed everything again. The battle that caught the world's attention.

The Golden Lion took all the advantages and surrounded the Roger Pirates with an invincible fleet.

In the end, it turned out to be a sudden storm that caused his pirate fleet to be almost wiped out. And he himself was thrust into the middle of his head by the flying rudder in the midst of the chaos.

Although he survived by luck, he became a funny 'rooster'.

Later, after learning that One Piece Roger was arrested, the golden lion with a funny head turned out to be beyond everyone's expectations, attacking the Navy Headquarters alone. In the end, he was defeated by the two legends of the navy, Karp and Sengoku, and was imprisoned in the deep sea prison to advance the city.

In the following two years, the Golden Lion became the first pirate in the history of Advance City to successfully escape from prison at the cost of his feet. Since then, it has become a legend and disappeared.

At the same time, Roger achieved the name of One Piece that no one had ever seen.

Whitebeard is also now the Emperor of the Sea in the New World, supporting the era after Roger's death.

However, twenty years later, almost no one on the sea has passed the name of the Flying Pirate Golden Lion Shiji anymore. --The king of the generation of heroes has 'fallen'.

Life has always had its ups and downs.

It's just that the rise and fall of the golden lion is slightly larger than that of ordinary people. According to the original plot line.

His legend is a stepping stone for a fledgling rookie.

was defeated by the straw hat Luffy, who didn't even know what domineering was, and relied on the 'theatrical version of the invincible aura' to defeat him in humiliation. But now in the mountains of Yunan.

The ending of Golden Lion Shiki is destined to be rewritten. Even if it's still going to end.

Ended at the hands of Hanan, the new emperor of the sea.

It can be regarded as worthy of the name of his legend!!

"Come on, let's go!".

Yunan grinned - grin.

Feet slam into the air.

The sky rippled - ripples in circles. Golden lightning shines.

The powerful aura was overwhelming,

and Yu Nan rushed straight into the luxurious palace of the central winter island. However, it wasn't until the strong and high-profile breakthrough into Shiki's base camp that Yu Nan was embarrassed to find that Shiji was not there. --Ask.

Only then did Yu Nan know that the Golden Lion Shiji had gone out to recruit troops for the East China Sea Destruction Plan.

"That's a coincidence.

Yu Nan shook his head with a smile. If he's expecting it right.

I'm afraid that next time Shiki comes back, I'll bring the Straw Hats back with me. "In that case, I'll just walk around for the time being.

Yunan made a decision.

He left the Central Winter Island and went straight to the other beast islands.

Before Shiki returns, he plans to study the forbidden ninjutsu ability he has just acquired.

In the blink of an eye, it was another two days.

The mutant beast that the Golden Lion Shiji had worked hard for twenty years suffered heavy losses under Hanan's cultivation. More than half of the strongest mutated beast kings on each island were killed or wounded.

The remaining half had also been scared into Muggles.

Hiding in the corner shivering.

For changes on the island.

It is impossible for the Golden Lion's subordinates who stayed on Central Winter Island not to notice. However, even if you know, you can't do anything about it.

Because more than a dozen exploration teams have been sent out without exception. They have nothing to do!

--I can only wait for the return of the Golden Lion Shiki!

And so for another two days.


The unruly hero's laughter resounded throughout the floating island.


" "Everyone~~~\"

At the same time, there was a helpless and panicked cry of the girl.

The flying pirates, the golden lion Shiji and the Straw Hats, are finally back!

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