The first two, the fastest, were almost neck-and-neck, with a dark-skinned young man on the left and a beautiful young woman on the right.

The swarthy man had good eyesight, and although he saw that the camel caravan in front of him was flustered, in the midst of a shout, he had quickly shrunk the formation.

The dozens of camels at the front hurried back desperately, while the rest did their best to form a small circle, not far from each other, with the camels kneeling outside, and the guards setting up musketeers inside.

The swarthy man said to the woman: "Pull the yarn, there are a lot of people on the other side, and the formation speed is very fast, it looks like it's hard

stubble!" The beautiful woman who called the yarn sneered, "It doesn't matter if they are hard stubble or not, in front of our 'Balu Balu' sand thief group, they are all local chickens and dogs." The

man frowned: "Pull the yarn, don't underestimate the enemy, you see, those guards seem to know how to fight, and their weapons and equipment are not bad, if you eat hard, I'm afraid of casualties."

Rasha also saw dozens of heavily guarded circles in front of her, hesitated for a moment, and said to the man: "Saba, our family is about to run out of food, and we can't find food anymore, what should we do?" Saba didn't

speak, just stared ahead, at this time about five hundred meters away from the caravan, a few places left behind abandoned back to the large army, and defended in situ, and the brigade behind was already in formation.

In the nearest circle, a dozen or so guards were scrambling to reload their bullets, and Saba could even see the panicked look on their faces.

The voice of pulling the yarn sounded again, "It's too late to retreat now!It's better to try it

!" Saba was ruthless, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, fight!" He shouted at the sand pry group behind him, "Brothers, everyone pay attention to safety, use the pry tactic

!" "Received!"

"No problem!".

The group of sand thieves was apparently well-trained, and after responding loudly, they immediately divided into two teams, outflanking them in columns from the left and right directions, apparently intending to surround the camel caravan.

Seeing the sand thieves gradually approaching, Hicks stayed in the largest circle in the middle, feeling the sand under his feet also tremble slightly, and the scar-faced leader beside him hurriedly said: "Boss, these thieves are about to go a hundred meters, and they still don't give the order to shoot?" Hicks

was sweating a little in his palms, he had already determined the identity of the enemy, and there was a striking pattern printed on the sail opposite, a bearded skull, which was supposed to be crossed bones, but was replaced with two strange umbrella styles.

This is the unique banner of the 'Barubalu' sand pirates.

Hicks knew a lot about the sand thieves, especially the 'Barubaru', the most powerful gang of sand thieves in Alabastan, although not very numerous.

But all of them are bandits, the key is that their skills in handling sand sleds are extremely good, they are targeted, it is difficult to get out, and the speed is too fast, it is difficult to aim at all, and now they shoot and shoot, purely by luck.

"Wait, they're trying to lure us into shooting, wait a little closer, and let everyone steady..."Hicks guessed the other man's intentions.

On the sand thief's side, Rasha and Saba each led a team, quickly approaching the camel team from both sides, and at this time they had entered within 100 meters, but the other party still did not react.

Pulling the yarn's face was a little ugly, but she had to send it when she was ready to fly, and she couldn't afford to retreat.

With one hand, she pulled out something like a conch and blew a few strange scales on Saba's side, and Saba responded with a conch.

All the sail handlers received the signal and began to twist the lever under the pry sail, moving the pry sail from side to side in order to better use the wind, and the sand sled group began to accelerate again, and by this time it was very close to the nearest lap.


tremendous pressure, the nearest guard finally couldn't help but shoot, and in a cloud of white smoke, dozens of projectiles hit both sides.

There was a strange scream from the sand stalk, but none of them hit.

The yarn blew the conch again, and her team accelerated again, and while the guards were sparsely fired, they were already in front of them.

Saba's team, on the other hand, continued to move forward, circling around the caravan in circles, but the distance was not very close, as if to intercept them for rescue.

The guards in the front circle all showed frightened expressions, and hurriedly changed ammunition and opened fire, trying to prevent the other party from approaching, only to see dozens of sand stalks whizzing by, and the rolled up sand instantly blurred their vision.

Yu Nan was far away from the camel caravan, and when he saw that the caravan was suddenly attacked by the enemy, he hurriedly beckoned his partners to stay farther away, so as not to harm the pond fish, and Krabatel was still in the camel caravan, and it was too late to come back now.

"What are they doing here?" Jessica asked Yunan strangely as she saw a large group of sand thieves wandering around the outside of the caravan without attacking.

Yu Nan groaned for a moment and replied: "The tactics of this group of sand thieves are a bit similar to the light cavalry, probably trying to lure the muskets to shoot, and then quickly pounce, the guards have no long-range attacks, and then they are attacked back and forth by the enemy with superior speed, and it is a quick thing to be defeated."

Jessica nodded, shook her head again, and said, "No, even if it's a cavalry, after piercing the formation, you can only make the next impact by pulling away from the formation, and the guards will have time to reshoot."

Yu Nan pointed to the moving sand stalk group and explained: "You see, the sand thieves are not all gathered together, but several ships form a small team, and they also maintain a stable distance from each other, and they must be attacking in batches to form an uninterrupted continuous attack.

Jessica sighed and asked, "Then why didn't they attack yet?" "

It should be delaying time, so that the accomplices can knock down the few places that have fallen behind, and if the brigade goes to the rescue, they can also surround the point to help."

Harvey suddenly said: "Look over there, the group of camels that have fallen behind is besieged!"

Yu Nan turned his head and saw the sand sling group behind him, divided into several teams, and began to attack the small circle of camels.

And those camels, apparently specially trained, were restless in the face of the menacing sand sleds, but they were barely able to maintain their formation under the pull of the guards.

The first few places to fire were not many people, only a few dozen, and at this time the gunfire had become sparse, and there was no time to change the ammunition.

The sand thief in charge of the attack, who is experienced at first glance, stands firmly on the pry board, holding the scimitar in his hand flat and not moving, relying on the speed of the sand pry itself to attack.

"Why don't they use weapons to slash and kill?" Jessica had never seen this kind of duel, and when she saw that the sand thieves didn't exert their strength, she asked with some confusion.

Harvey knew a lot about the human body, and explained in a deep voice: "This is the same as the cavalry charging into battle, the speed of the mount itself has reached the extreme, and if you swing the knife and slash again, the impact force of the arm will be doubled."

Ordinary people don't have a super physique, they will definitely be injured, and if it's serious, their arms will be broken

!" "Those guards can't hold it!" Yu Nan looked at the battle situation and analyzed.

Several people looked over, the besieged circles had been rushed back and forth by the sand thieves, the formation had long been fragmented, many camels died tragically under the knife, and the neighing sound was particularly loud in a patch of red.

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