The rest of the camels could no longer bear it, and finally broke free from the reins and ran wildly in all directions, although the speed was not fast, but they no longer listened to the command and could not control it.

The guards were also wounded, and under the strong pressure of the sand thieves, most of them did not bother to shoot, except for the most fierce ones, who scattered in all directions screaming.

The sand thieves did not pursue, but only killed a few people who were still resisting, leaving a few sand sleds to carry things, and the rest regrouped, and then led by Rasha, rushed to Hicks' side.

Saba was overjoyed to see that his companion had succeeded, and blew the conch, and his team of sand thieves responded excitedly, and the circle around was a little closer.

La Sha led the team to gradually converge, and seeing that the other party was still holding still, he couldn't help but be suspicious of this caravan.

In the skirmish just now, although there were almost no losses on his side, the other party was so patient that not only did he not come to the rescue, but he could also hold his position and not fire a single shot, and the elite army of the Kingdom of Alabastan was nothing more than that.

Hicks saw that the encirclement of the sand thieves had reached a range of fifty meters, and it was still shrinking, and finally gave the order, "Fire!"

Several camel pens rang out at the same time, hundreds of muskets fired together, and thick white smoke filled the entire area in an instant.

The sand thieves had expected this to happen, and the speed of the sand sled increased again, and countless bullets whizzed by.

Several sand skids were hit, making a dull bang, but it did not affect the movement, and it was clear that the protective layer was of good quality.

However, with such a dense shooting, the sand thieves were also hit by several people.

At this distance, lead bullets can easily break through the armor, not to mention that these sand thieves are wearing leather armor at most, and some are even just cloth clothes, coupled with their own impact speed, the sand thieves who were shot were taken away fiercely, and the people were in mid-air, and the blood shot out along the holes, turning into blood arrows.

Jessica saw this kind of cavalry-like impact for the first time, and saw several sand thieves screaming and being thrown into the air, blood columns kept shooting, and subconsciously muttered: "Okay, it hurts!"

Harvey, as a doctor, did not forget to popularize science to several people: "Those guards should shoot special lead bullets, which will quickly deform and disintegrate in the body after hitting the human body, and instantly form a cavity effect, so there is this effect..."

The battle continued, and there were only a few wounded sand thieves, and the others, relying on their speed, quickly chiseled through several small camel circles, and then made an arc not far away, and rushed back in turn.

After a few rounds of impact, several camel pens had been broken in the caravan, and the rest were also in danger, especially the many camels, which were already restless, and they couldn't bear it at this time, and if it hadn't been for special training, I am afraid that they would have collapsed long ago.

Although Hicks has the advantage in numbers, it is also helpless in the face of this repeated back and forth attack, and has been passively beaten, and there are many casualties, and it is obvious that it will collapse in a few times.

Yu Nan focused all his attention on Hicks, seeing that he had been hiding in the formation, only in charge of command, and not doing it himself. Krabatel was watching beside him, glancing at Yunan from time to time, and he didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

Yu Nan frowned, and secretly thought to himself: "Could it be that he is just an ordinary businessman?"

Charlie saw that the situation of the caravan was not good, and he was worried that he would not be able to go to Catlea without losing his guide, so he hurriedly asked Yu Nan: "Captain, aren't we going to help them?" "Let's

take a look first, that old fox Hicks is definitely not simple, and besides, with Krabatel by his side, his life should be worry-free." "Yu Nan doesn't believe in evil, and plans to observe for a while.

In fact, the sand thieves are not comfortable here, it is very laborious to control the sand sleigh, under several impacts, most of them have signs of physical exhaustion, fortunately, the casualties are not large, only three people died and six people were seriously injured, and the other wounded were also brought back in time, although they lost their combat ability, but their lives should be worry-free.

The sound of conch cinches sounded again, and the sand thieves immediately distanced themselves and regrouped about five hundred meters away, all the sand stools gathered together, no longer divided into two teams.

The caravan was relieved to see that the enemy had temporarily stopped attacking, and Hicks ordered again and again, and several nearby guards hurriedly approached to form a larger defensive position, and the small camel caravan that was a little farther away was also integrated nearby.

Hicks learned his lesson and ordered the sacks on the camel's back to be removed and piled up in a circle outside the crowd to form a simple fortification.

After some busyness, the caravan formed several horns on each other's side, and kept a certain distance from each other.

At the same time, after the sand skidding stopped, the sand thieves jumped down to rest and seize the time to recover their strength.

They are worthy of the most famous gang of sand thieves in Alabastan, all of them are strong and strong, and although they have lost several companions, they all look like life and death.

Some people are busy replenishing water, some people are taking care of the wounded, saying that they are taking care, but in fact, they are bandaging the wound indiscriminately, and the wounded are also very hard, enduring the pain and talking to the people next to them.

They have the same ornament, each of them wears a small umbrella on the top of their heads, like a sunhat, and when the umbrella hat is opened, it just covers the top of the head, blocking the sun from shining on their faces, which is very befitting of their unique logo.

Saba walked up to Rasha with a gloomy face, and said: "It's not okay to go on like this, this group of caravans has a lot of firepower, and the will to fight is not weak, there are already three brothers gone, and the few who are seriously injured are probably more than lucky." Strictly

speaking, she is the young leader of this group of sand thieves, her father's name is Balu Balu Sa, it can be seen from the name that Sa is the leader of the 'Balu Baru' sand thieves and the founder of the sand thieves.

In his early years, he was a well-known sea thief, but he was seriously wounded when he was chased by the navy, and fled to an oasis in the desert of the Kingdom of Alabastan, where he was rescued by a woman in a local village, and his life was saved.

Because of the high bounty, there are still bounty hunters looking for his whereabouts everywhere, and when his injuries are healed, he is left with a hidden illness, as long as he is on the sea, his legs and feet will be unbearable, and as a last resort, Sa has to give up his life as a pirate, stay incognito in the village, and then fall in love with the woman who saved him, that is, Lasha's mother, and marry and have children.

After a few years of peaceful life, the oasis where the village is located, but it was eroded by the desert, there was no water source, everyone had to move, and on the way they were attacked by sand bandits, Sa stepped forward, repelled the sand bandits, saved the lives of the villagers, and since then it has been loved and respected by everyone.

After a lot of hardships, they finally moved to a new oasis, but the aborigines refused to accept it, and the king's decree was useless, and there were clashes for this, many villagers were killed and injured, and unfortunately, Rasha's mother was killed by a stray bullet.

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