Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 202: ***Skip this Chapter***

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"Everyone knows," William said.

Earl raised a brow. "What?"

"There is no need to worry about no one knowing because," William shrugged, "they all already know."

Jin's clone smirk, a corner of his lips perking up. "You couldn't find William because another clone distracted you with a special attack so that I could teleport William away safely. I took care of him atop the walls because I knew you would search the village."

"Then we went to the Wizard," William said. "He's very upset."

[Defeat your opponent]

[Reward: 125 Exp, 20 UP] 

The real Jin stomped his foot. A shockwave made everyone step back. "Everyone stay away!" Jin closed his hand, and started passing his dagger between fingers. Hand to hand. Then, he whipped it out. "The mole's mine to kill!"

Earl smirked. "Kill?" He scoffed. "You honestly think you'll be able to kill me?"

Jin kept his eyes to slits. 

"My ability," Earl said, "allows me to create a radius of one mile. I'm able to use the strength and power of everyone in this dome. The Wizard perhaps has a protection spell. I'm unable to use his power. I was always skeptical of especially you, Jin. Because when you came here, I received a whole lot of abilities from Shapeshifting to Teleportation. I'm very curious about you. You wouldn't happen to be one of them, would you?"

Jin kept his apathetic eyes fixed on Earl.

Earl's eyes started to glow. "So you just wanna fight, huh?"

Jin smirked. "Now you're speaking my language!" 

The clone teleported away with William, taking him to safety. It returned for Kai, looking at him in the face. But Kai shook his head. "Leave without me. Jin will need my help."

The clone vanished. 

Earl dashed toward Jin. Jin teleported, and slashed at Earl. Earl was gashed to his back. Groaning, he quickly spun around, and swooped his arm at Jin, a contrail of sputtering flames followed. Jin ducked. When suddenly, Earl stomped. Ice specks shot up from the floor. Jin quickly vanished. 

Earl looked up only to see two clones crashing down at him. One slashed at his shoulder, missing his head by a few inches. He quickly teleported away, reappearing midair as well. He spun, and kicked a clone to its back. The clone was broken in half. Veins appeared all about Earl's body. He landed on the floor at the same time as the other clone. He quickly raised his hand and fired an earth spike from it.

The clone's chest was impaled. It shriveled and died, turning into steam.

When suddenly, Earl's back was penetrated. The penetration went straight through, the blade sticking out from his stomach. Jin yanked the dagger out. Earl teleported three metres away, facing Jin. 

[Opponent's HP: 138/153] 

He placed his hand on the wound. The wound suddenly began to close. He looked up at Jin again, only to see a dagger hurling at him. The dagger penetrated his chest. He groaned. He was about to reach for it, when suddenly it vanished.

[Opponent's HP: 142/153] 

The dagger reappeared in Jin's hand. Jin spun and hurled the dagger at Jin again. The dagger went straight for Earl's head. Earl's eyes widened. He quickly swept a hand in an upward motion. There was suddenly a wall of ice in front of him. The dagger hit the wall of ice. 

Earl placed his hand on the wound on his chest. When suddenly, he saw Jin from the corner of his ice. He quickly dashed backward just in time as Jin slashed his dagger. Jin swiftly spun, and slashed at him again. He raised an arm, the arm turned solid ice just before Jin's dagger hit it.

Earl then grabbed Jin's hand. Jin looked at him and creased his brows. A shockwave left his body. Earl was knocked to the floor, his back slammed into the ground hard. He then saw Jin crashing down on him. He teleported away just in time. Jin's dagger went right through the wooden ground, and then vanished.

Earl reappeared. Another Jin was in his new location. The clone slashed the green dagger. A dagger strike of energy hit Earl to his body. He jolted back.

[Opponent's HP: 131/153]

The dagger disappeared from the clone's hand. Earl quickly stomped since he knew Jin would sneak up from behind behind. Ice specks shot up from

the ground. Earl spun around. Jin wasn't there.

Suddenly, Jin came crashing down on Earl. Earl raised a hand in front of his head. The dagger went right through his hand. Then, a shockwave hit him. The dagger ended up ripping his hand. Earl groaned aloud, as his body hit the floor.

[Opponent's HP: 127/153]

He quickly teleported to his feet again. 

Three clones of Jin appeared around him, circling him in a deliberate gait. Earl was ready to stomp his foot when suddenly a clone slashed him to his side. He gasped.

The clone opened his hand and another clone closed its hand. The dagger was passed to this other clone. The clone slashed at Earl's neck from behind. Blood splattered. 

[Opponent's HP: 111/153]

Suddenly, a clone slashed at Earl's calf before he could stomp. He fell to a knee. Another clone slashed at his head. He covered his head in ice before the blade hit it. The ice crumbled. Three clones walked out from Earl's body, all of them limped.

They attacked. Jin's clones all dashed backward. 

Earl stood, placing a hand behind his neck. Before the healing could commence, a dagger went straight for his head. 

A clone walked out from Earl's body, and took the dagger to its head. It thudded to floor, shriveled and then turned to steam. 

[Opponent's HP: 103/153]

[Opponent's HP: 105/153]

Suddenly a clone appeared behind Earl. Earl stomped. The clone was penetrated multiple times from ice specks. 

[Opponent's HP: 109/153]

Another clone attacked, slashing at the real Earl. One of Earl's clone grabbed it by its shirt, and tossed it out of the way.

[Opponent's HP: 113/153]

Earl was surrounded by three defensive clones. A dagger came from above. Earl's clone jumped and took the dagger to its chest for the real Earl. It groaned but held its ground.

[Opponent's HP: 119/153]

There were no longer three Earl clones, there were four. Recognition dawned on Earl's face as he looked around. Suddenly, a clone spun around, and slashed at Earl's neck. Blood splattered. Blood dripped. The metallic scent in the air. Earl gagged as he dropped to his knees. The blood began to spray out, gushing to no end. 

[Opponent's HP: 113/153]

[Opponent's HP: 109/153]

Two of clones grabbed Jin's clones by either arm, for another clone to stab it to the heart with an ice spike.

[Opponent's HP: 101/153]

Blood continued to gush out from Earl's neck like a waterfall. He quickly placed a hand on the wound. Ice spanned accross the neck, and froze the wound close.

[Opponent's HP: 97/153]

Suddenly, a floating dagger appeared in front of Earl. 

Earl slammed a hand into the ground. Clusters of Ice spikes shot in an upward motion. Jin flipped in the air, still closing in on Earl. Earl swept his arm in an upward motion. Invisible Jin crashed into an ice wall. 

An Earl attacked the real Earl from behind, swooshing down at him. The blade was going at his head, when suddenly he sprang, and fell to his back, taking the attack to his stomach instead. He screamed in agony.

[Opponent's HP: 88/153]

A shockwave left Earl's body, knocking the clone away. Another clone appeared. Earl creased his brows and shot another shockwave. The clone was sent pitching away. His shockwaves were much stronger than Jin's. He then quickly teleported to his feet again. His body then slowly decreased in opacity. He became invisible. 

Jin reappeared in the house. He saw an ongoing trail of dripping blood. He smirked, spun, and hurled the dagger at the invisible figure. The dagger got him. He was no longer invisible. He groaned. Then, he spun around, and thousands of giant ice spikes at Jin. He screamed atop his lungs as his ice demolished that part of the house. Then he heard a warping, and saw Jin at the corner of his eyes.

Jin wore a smirk on his face. He quickly thrust the glowing dagger at Earl. There a masssive explosion as soon as the blade had hit Earl. Earl was knocked away, wailing as he pitched through a wall.

He went skating outside on the road, then he touched the ground, a trail of ice swiftly began to carry his body away. 

When suddenly Jin crashed down from the air, and plunged his blade into Earl's chest, missing his heart.

[Opponent's HP: 39/153]

Earl gasped and then coughed up blood. His eyes bulged. 

Jin stood straight, yanking out his blade. 

Earl groaned. 

[Opponent's HP: 31/153]

Blood dripped from the dagger. Jin whipped it out. His mask vanished from his face, revealing a smirk and apathetic eyes. 

"You've lost, Earl," Jin said, "you fight like shit."

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