Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 203: Finish The Mole!

A shockwave left Earl's body, knocking the clone away. Another clone appeared. Earl creased his brows and shot another shockwave. The clone was sent pitching away, spinnning in the air then rolling from the impact. His shockwaves were much stronger than Jin's. He then quickly teleported to his feet again. His body slowly decreased in opacity. He became invisible. 

Jin reappeared in the house. He saw an ongoing trail of dripping blood. He smirked, spun, and hurled the dagger at the invisible figure. The dagger got him. He was no longer invisible. He groaned. Then, he spun around, and shot thousands of giant ice spikes at Jin.

He screamed atop his lungs as his ice demolished that part of the house. Breaking the wood as if it were nothing. Crushing, cracking. Cracking, crushing. Then he heard a warping—one juxtaposed from the noices he heard before—and saw Jin at the corner of his now widened eyes.

Jin wore a smirk on his face. He quickly thrust the glowing dagger at Earl. There a masssive explosion as soon as the blade had touched a bit of Earl's body. Earl was knocked away, wailing as he pitched through a wall.

He went skating outside on the road, then he touched the ground, a trail of ice swiftly began to carry his body away as if it had a mind of its own. 

When suddenly Jin crashed down from the air, and plunged his blade into Earl's chest, missing his heart. The ice stopped carrying Earl's body immediately. 

[Opponent's HP: 39/153]

Earl gasped and then coughed up blood. His eyes bulged. 

Jin stood straight, yanking out his blade. 

Earl groaned in agony, wheezing loudly upon every single breath that escaped his mouth. 

[Opponent's HP: 31/153]

Blood dripped from the dagger, and fell to the floor. Jin whipped it out, freeing it from most of the dripping blood. His mask vanished from his face, revealing a wide, callous smirk and apathetic eyes. 

"You've lost, Earl," Jin said, "you fight like shit."

Earl coughed. "W-who said I lost?"

[Opponent's HP: 27/153]

Jin didn't answer. He simply raised his blade in the air. "Isn't it obvious. Gotta admit, you have one cool arse ability. Too bad it's gonna be gone forever."

"Fuck you, Jin," Earl snapped, "fuck you!"

Suddenly, veins appeared all about Earl's face. Jin felt a heat, rising temperature. But there was an increasing cold at his feet. Then, came a throbbing on the surface upon which he stood. Vibrations came. Jin glimpsed up at the sky. It sparked of lightning. 

"FUCK ALL OF YOU!" Earl snapped. 


"As a matter of fact ... this is HELLL!!!!"

His eyes widened to great extent. Then, they started to glow white.

Jin furrowed his brows, and quickly slashed at—

Suddenly, a red area surrounded Jin's arm. His blade moved at the speed of a snail, slowly swooping down at Earl who's breaths hadn't slowed. 

Jin slowly opened the hand that was in the red translucent ball. The dagger appeared in his other hand. He was about to raise this other hand, when suddenly a read ball appeared around it. Both his hands moved at an extremely sluggish pace.

He furrowed his brows. ' Could this be ...' he looked around—his head moved just normal. 'No ... it's not Kai. I saw Kai. He left supposedly after realizing that I didn' need his help.'

Earl teleported to his feet, doubled over, panting loudly. 

The ground started to rumble. Earl's breaths sped up. More sparks of light littered the skies. The floor grew colder. The air Jin breathed grew hotter.

"This isn't over yet, Jin," Earl said, "you thought it was, didn't you?" He coughed and wheezed.

Jin growled while glaring at him.

But then Jin's entire body froze. The world became golden. Everything froze in time ... everything except Earl.

"It isn't ...." Earl's voice trailed off, "OVVVVVVVVVVVVVEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!"

Slowly, the Earth started to shift, and bend and fault. Then it cracked, and shifted more. Vibrations. Then ice spikes began to shoot up from the floor. The ice spikes rose and increased in size as they spanned accross the ground and reached for the skies. From the skies, lightning began to struck at the surface at a rather slow pace than normal. 

Earl's eyes rolled up in head as he continued to scream. But then, he doubled over and started to cough up blood. He grunted after each cough.

Suddenly, there was no longer a golden hue to the world. Everything played at normal speed. Everything happened so fast.

Spikes penetrated buildings and people. The Earth swallowed buildings and people. The lighting struck houses and structures. Then, there was an explosion of fire that even knocked Earl away.

Jin crashed into a building. 

Earl crashed into an Earth wall he himself created. Trees rose from the floor. The Earth continued to crack.

After mass destruction, all of it came to an end. Everything slowly went back to normal. The ice stopped spanning the ground. The Earth stopped cracking. The giant trees stopped growing. The fire slowly disappeared. 

Earl's back slid down the Earth wall until his backside reached the ground. And then his eyes gradually closed. Blood running down his nostrils, and ears. 

The Wizard appeared in the air, floating in front of Earl. He sprayed steaming water at him from nothing but his hands. 

Earl's eyes quickly opened. He gasped. His white hair burnt and turned into nothing, leaving him bald. He accidentally froze himself to the wall behind him. Wood splinters jutted out from his skin.

"Sorry for waking you," The Wizard said, "but I want you to be awake for what's to come." His eyes were glowing violent white. 

The skies roared.

Suddenly, Jin came limping toward Earl. He walked right past the Wizard. Different parts of his skin was burnt. A rock had crushed his left eye. His leg was loosing a lot of blood. He stopped and closed his hand. 

[Opponent's HP: 17/153] 

Earl closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Jin's dagger manifested in his hand. "Get up," he said, "I know you're awake. Your health isn't down to zero yet," his words slurred.

[HP: 21/72] 

Earl opened his eyes, wheezing. 

Suddenly Jin stab Earl to his thigh. Kai groaned. Jin kept the dagger in the flesh, then pulled it upward, tearing Earl's flesh further. Earl groaned again. But as Jin yanked the dagger out it turned into a scream.

Jin started again, but with tiny, small scratches from his dagger. Each of them still counted as blows.

Curious, the Wizard's brought a halt to his flight. He hovered down to his feet and watched as Jin tortured Earl in a rather intriguing way.

[Opponent's HP: 11/153] 

[Weapon special attack (Gamma Explosion) upon next blow] 

Jin opened his hand, and his dagger disappeared. He then stood straight again. He limped closer to Earl. Then, he stick out a thumb. He drew the thumb closer to Earl's face. Then, he rested it upon his eyelid. Finally, he started pressing on the eye until it sunk into the eye socket.

Earl screamed aloud.

[Opponent's HP: 6/153] 

Jin wasn't finished.

The Wizard's eyes widened. He even had to turn his head. The violence too graphic for him to keep watch at Jin's actions.

"Um, Jin?" the Wizard called. "Don't you think he's had—"

Jin then vanished.

Th Wizard closed his mouth.

Earl's head fell atop his chest.

Jin reappeared in the air. The Wizard only able to notice him in the night sky when he summoned his dagger. He came bolting down from the sky with a dagger raised overhead. Finally, he crashed down on Earl, and penetrated the man's head. 

There was shockwave. Then, an explosion had sent Earl through the wall against which he leaned, and Jin pitching toward The Wizard. The Wizard grabbed Jin by the back of his belt while floating midair again. 

After the giant green explosion, the Wizard hovered down to the surface and set Jin on his feet again. Jin was staggering, wobbly, with slit eyes.

[Task Completed!]

[+125 Exp, +20 UP] 

[Strength: 40]

[Health: 72]

[Speed: 18]

[Skill: 61]

[UP: 15]

[You have leveled up!]

[+20 UP] 

[Exp: 118/80| Level 11]

[You have leveled up!]

[+20 UP]

[Exp: 38/85| Level 12] 

[+1 Evolution points] 

[New Skill: Ghost] 

[Ghost (Passive/Active): This allows either you to walk through objects or objects to go through you. The active part of this skill automatically evades head-on attacks at a certain velocity] 

The Wizard smiled at Jin. "Job well done. You should've killed him a bit faster though. And oh ... how are you not dead?"

"His explosion of abilities," Jin said, "healing was one of those abilities. Life. That caused the growing of plants and trees and the increase of health. I would have survived his explosion since my health was nearly full. But I would have bled out afterward, if it weren't for his life ability."

"I see," The Wizard said, "I appreciate your assistance."

"I demand a raise in payment," Jin said.

The Wizard cackled. "No problem. The only problems we do have now are the Voids that will come through the cracks and holes in the walls, and the fact that we must rebuild the damaged village."

"I'm in as long as I have people like Earl to fight," Jin said, smirking. 

Kai appeared in front of him, clapping. "Well done, man. I knew I didn't even need to stay. Definetly didn't get scared when I saw Earl pull out like four Abilities ... definitely didn't."

The Wizard looked at the young men as if they were his children. "Let's get out of here, shall we?" 

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