Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 204: Rebuild

The colony had suffered many different types of losses. This was the aftermath of the Mole's attack on the settlement. The people had decided to rebuild their destroyed houses and stalls and other structures they've worked so hard to build before. 

The scouts went searching for wood outside of the walls. The farmers had started to plant new crops on the larger piece of land given to them by the Wizard. And the citizens were rebuilding their homes.

Jin was amidst the Wizard's house. 

He hadn't done anything for two days but sleep. He woke up today and moved to the couch. There, he found the Wizard, drinking his mundane cup of coffee.

"Good morning," the Wizard said, "how was your sleep last night?"

"Your matress was too soft," Jin said, "slept like shit."

"Since when is comfort ..." The Wizard trailed off, "discomfort ... ?"

"For me, it is," Jin said. He then spreaded out on the couch, sitting opposite the Wizard. He kept his eyes to slits. "Anyways ... how's your colony?"

"It's alright," The Wizard said, "the people are quite busy. We don't even need Hunters at the moment. Scouts are the most important these days."

"That's good," Jin said. "So ... no enemies, right?"

"Actually," The Wizard placed his cup of tea on his lap, "we still have problems with another smaller village. They don't have the walls of protection we have. They're partially vulnerable. And as such, they want what we have."

"Ahh," Jin uttered, "When they attack, tell me."

The Wizard smiled. "Thank you."

"Save it," Jin said, "you're the one who's giving me free opponents. Sure, I can just walk around and start killing everyone within these walls ... but what good is that going to do me when they're all so weak?"

The Wizard stood. "Have a good day, Jin."

Jin shrugged as the Wizard walked away. 

[Strength: 40]

[Health: 72]

[Speed: 18]

[Skill: 61]

[UP: 55]

[Exp: 38/85 | Level 12]

"I sure did get a lot of points from that ..." Jin said. 

He placed a hand upon his chin. "Hmmm ... my speed is suffering right now. My weakest area."

"But skill is hands down the most important thing for me right now."

Cliff manifested right next to Jin on the couch. "What's up?" He sighed. "Actually, never mind. I see what you see, go where you go. Of course I know what's up."

"Precisely," Jin said. 

Suddenly, Benjiman appeared in the room as well. A four-legged creature, pitch black skin, golden bands around its front and hind legs, pointy ears that remained aloft and looked as though they were horns, and green raging eyes.

"Look who it is," Jin said, "the trouble maker."

Benjiman whined, its ears slowly lowered. 

"He finds a way to rebel," Cliff said, "like the disciples do." 

Benjiman sat.

Cliff jammed his hands in his pockets and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. 

Jin scoffed. "Don't you ever run out of that?" 

Cliff upended the box, trying to make a cigarettes fall upon his left hand. Nothing came out. "Fuck. You called bad luck on me. I'm dry."

"Smoking makes you drier," Jin said. 

Cliff pressed his lips into a line. "I'll be back." He vanished. 

Jin looked at his system screen again.

[Strength: 40]

[Health: 72]

[Speed: 18]

[Skill: 61]

[UP: 55]

[Exp: 38/85 | Level 12]

"Okay," he said, "what do I do? I don't wanna spend on anything but skill right now. All of my skills come in handy."

He sighed. "I'll just allocate the points to speed and strength this team ... my weakest areas. Decreasing vulnerability in all areas is the goal right now. Next time I'll spend such a lot of points on Skill again."

[Strength: 40]

[Health: 72]

[Speed: 18]

[Skill: 61]

[UP: 55]

[Exp: 38/85 | Level 12]

He sighed.

[Strength: 65]

[Health: 72]

[Speed: 48]

[Skill: 61]

[UP: 0]

[Exp: 38/85 | Level 12]

Jin's body glowed green for a bit and then the glow slowly faded. 

He smirked. "Feel stronger and faster already ..."

[New Daily Task]

[500 push-ups, 500 squats] 

[Reward: 10 Exp, 3 UP]

[New Task]

[Reach level 13 before sundown]

[Reward: 15 Exp, 5 UP]

[New Task]

"Damn! They're loading me up with the tasks today!"

[Defeat 10 ability users]

[Reward: 40 Exp, 20 UP]

Jin smirked. "4 Exp per head. Looks like I'm going to visiting that other village a lot sooner than I'd thought."

Jin stood, jamming his hands in his pockets. Then, he teleported away. He reappeared atop the wall outside. He had a great view of the village. He was just above it all. He grinned. 

Then, he started the push-ups. He got down in a plank position with his hands on the floor, and his feet together. He remained on his toes, while mainly his arms took all of the weight. Then, he started the push-ups. He descended and then ascended. Over and over again.

Until eventually, he had completed the first set. 

Sweating, he moved on to the squats. He hated all leg exercises so this one took him quite some time to complete. But he did complete it.

[Task Completed!]

[+10 Exp, +3 UP] 

[Strength: 65]

[Health: 72]

[Speed: 48]

[Skill: 61]

[UP: 3]

[Exp: 48/85 | Level 12]

He stood, panting, his hands on his waist. "Okay, that's that."

He smirked. "Next stop, that other village."

Cliff appeared next to him. "Do you even know where it is?"

"Nope," Jin said, "but I'll find out ... somehow. And when I do, I'll start defeating their people one by one. I'll be a whole mole there." Jin cackled.

"Wouldn't that start a war?" Cliff asked.

"Probably," Jin said, "but you know I don't care. More foes!"

Cliff shook his head. "Now look at what you're


Jin looked at him. "Got a problem with that, Cliffy?"

Cliff scoffed, averting his eyes.

A bit later, he turned to Jin again. "The Disciple is near. Not too near. But near enough. I'd say she's probably in the country already."

Jin raised a brow. "Why can't she just teleport to me like you do?"

"Did I teleport to you on our first encounter? No," Cliff said, "doesn't work like that. You have to meet and see and probably even touch your Successor as a Disciple to get familiar with him before you can track and teleport to him when you want."

"Where are you even going with this?" Jin asked.

"I'm trying to warn you," Cliff said, "that we can't stay here. We can't because she's tracking us."

Jin narrowed his eyes. "Thought you said she needs to familiarize herself with me before she can track and teleport to me."

"No, she can track you now."

"You're contradicting yourself and confusing me."

"What is there to be confused about? She's coming for us. Just as how I sense her energy growing stronger the closer she gets, she senses my energy the stronger she gets. She'll find us, Jin. We can't stay in this utopia forever."

"Who said it was a utopia?"

"It is a utopia! And we must leave!"

"Since when you're entitled to give the orders? Aren't you my servant?"

Cliff scoffed. "Ah, forget it, Jin. Can't say I didn't warn you."

"Don't need to," Jin said.

Cliff looked at Jin with a nuance on his face, and then, he disappeared.

The Wizard and Kai came walking along the wall and toward Jin.

Jin turned to them. "Hey."

"We knew you'd be here," Kai said, "What did I tell you, Wiz?"

"Precisely," The Wizard said, "but whose teleportation did we use to get here?"

Kai stopped. "What's up, Jin? What are you doing up here?"

"Feeling the wind," Jin said.


"What are you guys doing up here?"

"We came here in search of you obviously," The Wizard said.


"Well," Kai said, "you're like our big thing now. All powerful and intriguing so ... we were thinking we'd make you higher in rank?"

Jin kept his eyes apathetic. "Ooo ... higher in rank?"

"Yeah," The Wizard said, "our lead Hunter."

"We have even better news," Kai said, perking up. "Our scout team came across our lost group of Hunters! They got lost in apocalypse. We thought they were dead and fled. Turns out they were alive. We can't wait for you to meet them! We needed more Hunters anyway."

"That's great," Jin said.

"Yes," The Wizard said, "but despite finding our old Hunters, I'm still looking to assign new spots to people here at our village. I was thinking apprentices, working alongside Hunters until they get their Hunter's satisfaction and become Hunters themselves."

"That's not too bad of an idea," Jin said, "as long as the apprentice doesn't get in my way."

"You'll be our lead Hunter until further notice," Kai said, "I'm really proud of you. You deserve it."

"If you say so ..."

"Well," The Wizard said, "let's go meet those old Hunters now, shall we?"

"Of course," Jin said, "just make sure it's in a place where I can full my stomach."

Kai laughed. "Sure, we'll arrange a meeting at teh Inn since that's your favorite place."

"Of course it is! Don't be jealous. Your fridge doesn't even have water in it!"

The Wizard, Kai and Jin then withdrew together. 

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