Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 205: Meeting

Jin entered the Inn alongside Kai and the Wizard. The Inn was quite empty today, there were barely any customers sitting on the chairs and so there were quite empty. However, there was a strange group of people sitting at the table nearest to the Innkeeper. Strange because Jin hadn't seen them around before despite having many eyes in the village. 

Jin and Kai took an empty seat near the back of the Inn where as the Wizard had gone to the busy table nearest to the Innkeeper. The Wizard was greeted, and praised by the group of quiet people. Then, he had praised them. 

The Innkeeper teleported to Jin and Kai's table. 

"Good evening, boys," the Innkeeper said, "how may I help you today?"

"Two cheese sandwiches," Kai said, "and gimme something to drink it down with."

"I'm afraid we're out of bread here," The Innkeeper said, "the mass destruction ... robbed us of our wheat and grains. Earth swallowed up the whole storage room."

"Then I'd like to have anything with cheese," Kai said. 

"Anything thing with cheese," The Innkeeper echoed, "alright, jot that down in mind ... moving on," he turned his head to Jin, "great to have you back, good sir. Heard what you did for our people."

"Your welcome," Jin said, smiling, "I'd like meat, thank you."

The Innkeeper raised a brow. "Come again?"

"I'd like meat," Jin repeated.

"What kind?"


"Well, we've got plenty," The Innkeeper chortled, "too much to choose from. Cow, chicken, duck, pig ..."

"Give me some steak," Jin said.

"Ahh, okay," The Innkeeper bowed, "will have that served in a minute. Haven't cooked much beforehand today. The villagers ain't got much time on their hands to even eat. They're working pretty hard. I'm lucky the damage done here mostly affected the storage room. Still suffered shortage though..."

"Steak," Jin said, narrowing his eyes.

"Understood," The Innkeeper smiled, "Anything else?"

"No, the steak's fine. Put extra on the plate if you can."

"Least I can do for the man who saved us."

The Innkeeper nodded and vanished.

Jin looked at Kai. "He's real talkative today, isn't he?"

"Yeah," Kai smiled, "the old OG hunters are alive. He must be glad for them. They spent the most time here in his Inn anyway."

Jin looked over at the group.

There were only smiles and laughter over at that table. 

"What can you tell me about them?" Jin asked. 

Kai folded his arms, leaned back, and looked over at the table ahead. "Ahhh ... not much except that they were the greatest Hunters here before they disappeared."

"Hmmm, I see."

"They were here before me and my sister. I never got to work with them because I was always stuck with guard duty. God, I hated guard duty."

"Where is your sister though?"

"I have no idea," Kai shrugged, "but I know she's alright."

Jin raised a brow. "Not like you. What makes you so sure?"

"I ... I just know," Kai said, "It's a feeling. After she saved my life, there's a connection betweeen us two. I sometimes feel what she feels and sees what she sees. She's helping the villagers right now."

Jin smirked. "Sounds familiar, doesn't it, Cliff?" 

"Who's Cliff?"

"Don't mind me ..."

Kai looked away. It took him a while to look at Jin again, but he did. "Hey, Jin? What do you think is the future for us ... not just the colony ... us ... ?" There was a certain look on his face, one that showed his fear. 

"Bad Omen is in the air," Jin said, "God successors, Demons, Voids, systems .... it doesn't look like it's gonna be a bright future at all to me, Kai—being honest. To be even more honest," Jin leaned in, "I'm pumped for the action that's about to come."

Kai scoffed and looked away.

Suddenly, everyone left their tables and chairs at the front. The chairs dragged behind them and then stopped. Two even moved and stopped in unison. The group, including the Wizard, turned and started toward Kai and Jin.

Coincedently, the innkeeper returned. He teleported, stemming a loud warping sound that was sonorous but high-pitched and ineffable as it disappeared. He held a tray in his hands. He placed the tray upon the table, disappeared, reappeared with another tray and then placed this said tray on the table. 

"Cheese pies," The Innkeeper said, "and a whole lot of steak. Burned the steak quite frankly, and I had to recook it. Sorry for the delay. I hate late servings."

"No problem," Jin said.

The Wizard stopped in front the table. "Ah, I see you boys were just about to dig in. Carry on, pretend we're not here. Actually, pretend we are, since I'd like you ... especially you Jin ... to meet our old Hunters."

There were six of them in total. Six Hunters. The tallest man was the weakest of them all. Born with eleven fingers, and a missing left nipple, this one was a freak. His name was ... they never gave him a name. He just went with "Freak". Weirdly, he stomached fondness of the insulting name.

The person standing next to Freak was Jerald. He was the most powerful of the Hunters. He wore a long curly beard, and long hair. Couldn't get a shave when he was trapped for such a long period of time. 

The person in front of Jerald was Amy. Amy believed that she was the most powerful, so she stood in the front to perhaps hint at her superiority. She was quite strong, but had noticeable anger issues. Jerald couldn't care less about her actions.

The fourth one to be mentioned is Marlon. Dark, brown skin, and the eyes of a hawk. He possessed a powerful ability as well. Then, there was Franklin who was quite close to Freak. They were both of the Aquarius horoscope and So Freak became clingy.

Lastly, was Gamp. He was a buff hobgoblin, with stern face. He wasn't the most powerful, but just like Amy, you didn't want to get on his bad side.

"Hey," Amy said, "I'm Amy. Better remember it. The most powerful Hunter in ..." she trailed off, "don't tell me you people still haven't named this place ..."

The Wizard scratched his head. "I was thinking Wiz ... Kai calls me that all the time and I-"

"Wiz? In that case," Jerald said, "nameless is much, much better ..."

"Just name the thing Hope ..." Franklin said.

"I like what Franklin likes," Freak said.

Franklin sneered at Freak. Freak jerked a thumb forward at Franklin.

Gamp growled, forcing the two back to stand straight and look ahead again.

"I'm Marlon," Marlon smirked, "what's your social class?"

Jin started to cut at his Steak with his knife and fork. "Interesting bunch."

The Wizard smirked. "Indeed. Unfortunately, we lost four of them."

"Don't even bring that up," Jerald said. "I did what I could have."

"No one is blaming you," Franklin said. "You tried everything. Nearly lost yourself back there. If it weren't for that man you—"

"Everyone," the Wizard interrupted, "this is Jin. Jin ... this is ... everyone. You'll learn their names on your own. Quite some memorable lads."

"And gals, sexist!" Amy snapped.

"I won't be working with them, right," Jin asked, carrying a piece of meat to his mouth.

"Yes," The Wizard said, "but not too often. Your apprentice is the one you're going to have to spend quite some time with."

"How about no apprentice?" Jin asked. "Isn't a partner enough?"

"Hey, I hope you're not being mean," Kai said.

Jin smirked while chewing. "Aren't I the lead Hunter now? I'm able to make demands, right?"

"Yes, yes, but—" 

"Yes, Wizard?" Jerald took a step forward. "I thought I was the lead Hunter."

"And I thought Earl was ..." said a voice from afar. It was William at the back of the Inn, near the entrance.

"Aren't you that new guy?" Amy looked him over. "There were three of you, right?"

"One now," William said. He was in a horrible condition. He walked with stick, and had a bandage around his head.

"He's been through some ... problems," The Wizard said, looking at Jerald.

Jerald looked at him again, furrowing his brows. "And I'm about to put you through one right now if you don't explain yourself, Wizard." 

"Things have changed, Jerald. We needed a new lead Hunter."

Jerald looked his nose down at Jin.

Jin smirked.

"By the way, Jin," The Wizard said, "Franklin had told me about the successors. I've known frighteningly little when it came to them, but I knew of their existence. After seeing your skill set, it was obvious that you were in fact one of these sacred successor Gods. Franklin and the others had encountered one of you. And he also went on to explain some things to me about it."

"That's great," Jin said, "but I honestly prefer for people to not know about my system ownership. Sure, I want people to attack me ... but still ... it's too—"

"Jeopardizing?" Franklin said. "I've heard something about the Relinquishing. Tell me about it."

"That's something I'm afraid I'm clueless of," Jin said. "Now, if you guys would excuse me. I have twelve pieces of steak to eat, and I can't savor them with all of this talking. Check back later, please."

Kai smiled. 

The Wizard's lips parted.

Jerald frowned. 

Franklin smirked.

This was yet another new beginning for Jin. 

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