Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 206: Biggest Fan?

[Task Completed!]

[+15 Exp, 5 UP]

[Strength: 65]

[Health: 72]

[Speed: 48]

[Skill: 61]

[UP: 8]

[Exp: 63/85 | Level 12]

Jin stretched, and then perched at the edge of the wall on which he remained. The wall was a bit wet from last night's rain. Jin couldn't care less about such a trivial thing. He didn't even care about the way he looked anymore. 

Cliff appeared next to Jin. 

He looked look at the village as well. "I see you're making some progress. Keep it up."

"Of course," Jin said, "it's the least you'll see from me. I'm in it to win it."

"It's clear that your arrogance is increasing," Cliff said, "day by day. Soon you'll be just like him."

Jin smirked. "Just like who?"

"Him," Cliff said.

"Any word on disciple number two?" Jin asked, glancing at Cliff. 

Cliff looked at Jin. "She's not moving from a particular city. I'd say that's a good thing, but I know her. She probably found something there. So ... keep pushing through. Level up as fast as possible."

"It's quite tiring though," Jin said, looking away, "everything is repetitive, mundane and boring. There is no faster way."

"There are many ways actually," Cliff said, "you're just too noob to unlock them."

Jin pouted. 

"I'm gonna leave now," Cliff said, "That OG Hunter is getting to my nerves down there," he stood, "See what he wants." Then, he vanished. 

Jin scoffed. "Ahh, fine."

A clone of Jin's appeared alongside Franklin, one of the returning Hunters. 

Franklin began to hop on his feet. "Oh my god, you actually teleported me up here!" He stopped and looked over the edge of the wall. He gasped. "That's scary. I feel sick thinking about jumping again."

"What do you want? How'd you know I was up here?" Jin asked.

Franklin smirked. "Marlon and I were watching you. Freak too but he got annoying so we forced him to leave."

Jin's eyes flared green. He peered at Franklin. "Watching me?"

"Yeah," Franklin said, "but it was only to see your location. Apparently, the results were more than one presences. There are like twenty of you all around the village. We sensed the most ominousity from you here so I figured you're the real thing. 

"I had to beg one of your gruff clones to teleport me up here on this wall. It took a long time to convince him. For some reason he did me the favor when I confessed that I'm a hater of children."

"Tell me something I don't know," Jin said.

Franklin raised a brow. "Huh?"

Jin looked down at the village again. "All of my clones and I share the same consciousness. What they know, I know. What they've seen, I've seen

Franklin unbiddenly joined Jin in this perch. "Show-off."

"I'm not showing off," Jin said, "and I don't feel like advocating further."

"Why not?"

"'Cause you just don't shut up ..."

"I'm not usually the talkative one, but I just vibe with you. And you're intriguing so I will speak my mind, and my mind is full of thoughts. Like who are you anyway? How did you get your hands on a system?"

"If you came up here to question me about my system," Jin said, "better turn back now before it's too late."

Franklin scratched his head. "Is that a threat."

"What else could it be?"

Franklin frowned. "Why can't I ask you about it? I'm just curious, is all. I'm also your biggest fan ever."

Jin glanced at him. "Biggest fan ever," he echoed.

"Yeah," Franklin said.

Jin looked away again. "That's gotta be the most cringe thing I've heard all morning. You don't even know me. Said it yourself."

"I actually know more than you think," Franklin smirked.

"Oh yeah? Who told you more?"

"I asked around a bit. The Wizard, some citizens, and Kai. They all told me about the battles you fought. You sound like a legend."

"If you don't stop," Jin said, "Your whole life will be a legend. People will question if you ever existed beyond today."

"Is that a threat?"

"What else could it be?"

Franklin smiled. "Y'see ... I like you already. Maybe I should get the Wizard to substitute me in for your partner instead of Kai."

"Kai is precisely seven hundred and twenty five percent less annoying than you," Jin said.

Franklin scoffed. "Come on," he said, "I'm not that annoying."

"Actually, yeah," Jin said, "if you were a bit more, I'd have had you killed minutes ago."

"You use the word kill with ease," Franklin said, "how many lives are in those hands of yours."

Jin sneered. "Why the fuck would I count?" 

It went quiet for a while. The wind brushed against the faces of both Jin and Franklin. Quiet was better than hearing all that talking, at least it was on Jin's part. 

But then Franklin started again. 

"About the system ..."

Jin shook his head. "Here we go again."

"Where'd you get it?"

"None of your business."

"What kind of system is it?"

"Your mother's system."

"Hey, that's rude."

"I'd ask Siri if I give a shit, but the world doesn't have internet anymore."

"Teleportation, shapeshifting, invisibility," Franklin placed his hand on his chin. "Sounds like the system of a trickster, doesn't it?"

"Well no shit," Jin said.

"I heard there are screens in front of your face. When was there last a screen in your face?"

"Right now ..."

[Opponent defeated]

[+10 Exp, +5 UP]

"Oh yeah? There's a screen in front of you right now? What does it show?"

[Strength: 65]

[Health: 72]

[Speed: 48]

[Skill: 61]

[UP: 13]

[Exp: 73/85 | Level 12]

"My health, Experience points and whatnot," Jin answered, "simple stuff."

"Experience points?"

"Yeah, I just collected some..."

"From where?"

"One of my clones," Jin said, "it defeated someone, so I get the Exp—simple stuff again."

Franklin perked up. "You can just sit down as if this is passive income, and gain while you even sleep."

"Probably," Jin said, "probably not. It depends."

"Why so?"

"I don't even know if I should tell you," Jin said, "but you're fucking weak, so I shouldn't fear you at all."

'Even so,' Jin thought, 'a weak person can still possibly get me in a lot of trouble. Trouble is what I want, but ... ' 

"Who said I was weak?" Franklin asked.

"My brain," Jin said, "my eyes, my nose. It's because you seem weak, look weak, and smell weak."

Franklin frowned. "That doesn't mean I'm weak." 

"Whatever you say, biggest fan."

"That I am," Franklin said, "but I have no idea how long I'll stay your biggest fan when you're this mean. You're almost on par with Gamp and Amy. Wait ... nothing is as gruff as Gamp."


It became quiet. Then, the silence was broken by ... Franklin, yet again.

"Hey, I'm hosting a tournament," Franklin said. "The Wizard and I. Almost forgot to tell you." 

Jin glanced at him. "What for?" The word 'tournament' brought enticement to his ussually stoic face. 

"Only the strongest man will win," Franklin said, "in three days. It's purpose is to give us an idea of everyone's strength levels and give them jobs depending on them."

Jin smirked. "Sounds like," his eyes flared, "fun ..."

"Of course it does," Franklin said, "the villagers get a separate tournament which happens three days after the Hunter's tournament. The strongest Hunter will hold the spot as the Lead Hunter."

"Let me guess," Jin narrowed his eyes, "Earl requested for this tournament to be a thing, didn't he?"

"I guess you can say that," Franklin said, "but it's more of a thing to sort out the conflict. Everyone thinks they're stronger than whoever. This tournament will reveal the truth. Additionally, it's for us to recruit even more hunters all while creating entertainment and whatnot."

"It's purpose is still a bit trivial," Jin said, "but I like a good battle."

'Sounds like I'll be getting some Exp.'

"The Wizard is speaking to Kai's sister right now. She revealed that she gained a system today. I'm going to bother her when I'm finished with you," Franklin leaned, "The Wizard realized the value of the system users, and he was told that defeating leads to stronger system users. Plus, Kaylie only has so little time to live. The system wants her to defeat a system user in less than a month. The only one there is other than she herself is actually you. The tournament will help us sort out all issues all while getting our Hunters and especially system users stronger."

"Okay," Jin smirked wider, "now I'm even more pumped for Wednesday!"

"Glad to hear that," Franklin said, "I'm going to bother Kaylie now." He stood. "Can you get me to the surface?"

"Yeah," Jin said, "I need to have a word with the Wizard, and he doesn't like it when I send clones so I need to go myself." Jin stood.

He touched Kai on the shoulder, and teleported. They reappeared in front of the Wizard's place.

"Thanks," Kai said. 

Jin smirked as Kai walked away. 

'Alright, I guess I'm going have quite the busy three days. I only have that little time to reach at least level twenty. I'll have to ask to Wizard to go scouting for opponents outside the wall, or just raiding some other small settlement. I need to make an Exp farm somehow.'

Jin grinned. "I know just how I'm going to do that!"

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