LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 457 Crossing the border again!

After watching Dota2 lose to Mongolia, they actually defeated Japan again, and countless viewers were delighted.

[Okay, okay, I will be submissive when fighting Mongolia, but I will punch hard when fighting Japanese, right? 】

[Maybe this is something engraved in our DNA. No one can lose to the Japanese]

[OKOK, it’s a rare defeat. We don’t blame you for losing to Mongolia, but don’t lose again next time]

It is true that I will never lose again.

After this wave, AME seemed to have an idea, and showed great courage in the next four games, completing four super games in a row, crushing them all the way with invincibility, and also qualifying in first place!

At this point, the qualifiers for e-sports events have officially ended.

In this qualifier, except for the Hearthstone event, which did not even enter the official competition, the Chinese team ranked first in the qualifiers and qualified!

Counting the Royal Clash, the Chinese team achieved four first-place results in the qualifiers.

Perhaps because this wave of play was so good, the news was even specially reported by CCTV News, which completely displayed the official list of players for the e-sports events of this Asian Games.

Clash Royale Team: Huang Chenghui

StarCraft 2 Team: Chen Dongqing

League of Legends team: Chen Dongqing, Liu Shiyu, Li Yuanhao, Jian Pride, Shi Senming, Tian Ye

Honor of Kings (international version) team: Peng Yunfei, Xie Tao, Liu Jieming, Pan Jiadong, Wang Tianlong, Zhang Yuchen

DOTA2 team: Wang Chunyu, Lu Yao, Zhang Ruida, Xu Linsen, Lu Chao, Yang Chenyi

I have to say that being reported by CCTV is really a big step for the development of domestic e-sports.

After all, domestic parents' concepts are lagging behind. In their view, games are a scourge that will only delay children's academic performance. They will change their color when they hear "games" and will just reject them blindly.

But now, they also know that games can also be elevated to competition, and they can also win glory for the country!

And this is just the first step. I believe that after the gold medal is obtained, the image of "e-sports" in the eyes of parents will further change!

And in the list of these athletes, there is a club that has made a great contribution!

There are three people from Honor of Kings, five from LOL, four from DOTA2, and one from StarCraft. The QG club alone directly accounts for 13 of the places!

With this terrifying overall strength, the number one e-sports club deserves the title!

At the same time, Chen Dongqing is also impressive as the only athlete who spans two events.

Chen Dongqing made it known that e-sports, like track and field and swimming, can actually cross borders!

That night, Chen Dongqing's parents looked at their son's name and opened their mouths with excitement.

Although Chen Dongqing was famous in these ten miles and eight towns in the past, in the eyes of some stubborn parents, he was just "the one who was good at playing games."

But now, when Chen Dongqing appeared on Xinwen Network, everything changed.

The kid who "played games well" suddenly became an athlete who "brought glory to the country"!

Then everything would be different.

Fu has distant relatives in the mountains. At this time, countless relatives and friends have even sent messages to the parents of the Chen family, and are considering when to meet Chen Dongqing and let Chen Dongqing take his son to play games.

Although the Chen family's parents knew that this e-sports was not something that cats and dogs could play, they still responded enthusiastically and chatted happily.

Nothing else, just show off!

At the same time, our precious athlete had already taken a flight back to Shanghai the next morning.

After MSI, he has to prepare for the qualifiers. After being busy for so long, Chen Dongqing can finally enjoy his vacation seriously.

But what is sad is that it is already June 6th, and the summer split will start directly on June 11th.

Although Banbazi was merciful this time and allowed the players to rest until the day before the game before returning to the team and use the regular season time to slowly adjust, but even so, they could not rest for long.

Chen Dongqing packed his luggage in the room, and when he was considering whether he should take a leave, someone suddenly came over.

It's Ame

Chen Dongqing raised his eyebrows and followed Ame out of the room: "Is something wrong?"

"That." Ame hesitated for a second, and then said, "That night, I asked you if you wanted to come and play the No. 1 position for me. Do you still remember?"

"Remember." Chen Dongqing said with a smile: "Isn't that what you said when you were drunk? I didn't even take it seriously."

"I'm actually serious." Ame took a deep breath and said, "I want you to play the No. 1 position."


Chen Dongqing was a little surprised now.

Chen Dongqing attributed the words Ame said when he was drunk a few days ago to alcohol and guilt after losing the game, and did not take them seriously at all.

After all, who would take the initiative to give up a promising future and choose to be a substitute? Especially Ame is one of the top No. 1 players in the country!

"Why." Chen Dongqing said, "I think this is unfair to you."

"It's nothing fair or unfair. This is something I did voluntarily." Ame said, "I think my current strength is not enough for me to win in the end, but I think you can definitely do it."

Although Chen Dongqing has not shown much strength in the DOTA2 industry, Ame, as a member of the same club, has personal experience. He knows how strong the person in front of him is.

OG's No. 1 Ana is already very strong, but compared to Chen Dongqing's almost monster-like operation and reaction, he is still not worth mentioning.

Ame added: "As long as you are willing, I can submit an application now and give you the quota for TI and Asian Games. I am willing to take the initiative to serve as a substitute."

Chen Dongqing took one last look at Ame in front of him.

I have to say that Ame really surprised Chen Dongqing.

He can even sacrifice himself for the team's victory.

However, there is a saying that Chen Dongqing is actually quite interested in the TI championship. After all, this is a super e-sports event that can be tied with the S competition.

Chen Dongqing smiled and said, "Okay, just stand behind me and watch how I win the championship."

After the two communicated, they quickly found the manager Linko.

"What? Are you serious?" Linko looked at the core players of the two different divisions in front of him, his tone full of surprise.

Let Chen Dongqing play DOTA2?

Linko thought about it carefully. Hiss, it doesn't seem impossible.

Chen Dongqing played in StarCraft and LOL last year. After winning the championship in StarCraft, he felt that there was no challenge. He stopped playing after winning the championship. This year, he just replaced StarCraft with DOTA2?

"But DOTA2 is a five-player game after all?" Linko frowned and said, "If Chen Dongqing is allowed to play, will it be difficult to coordinate?"

Ame replied: "If it is a player in other positions, there will be this problem, but if it is the No. 1 position, it will not be a big problem."

Of course Ame has also considered the issue of coordination.

In the game DOTA2, position one is the position that is least involved in tactics.

Twenty minutes before the game, even if four teammates are fighting all over the map and their brains are showing, you in position 1 are still qualified to be invisible and farm money, and you will be beautiful alone.

As long as you can put your economy first in the game, no one will blame you.

This position is more like a thug. All you need to do is to play well in the lane and don't worry about your father, then fatten yourself up in the mid-term, and finally come out to end the game!

Although coordination problems also exist, they are not major problems. With Chen Dongqing's ability, he can adapt quickly.

"Then I have another question." Linko asked again: "What about the Asian Games? Should you go or Chen Dongqing?"

"That goes without saying." Ame replied without hesitation: "Of course Brother Shu! I can wait until the next session to get this gold medal!"

Ame believes that he is far from reaching the peak of his growth, and he also believes that the e-sports events of the Asian Games will not only be held this time.

It is even very likely that the next Asian Games will no longer be an exhibition match, but the main event.

Then he can wait until the next main competition and win the gold medal again!

After the three people communicated, they quickly called Mr. Huo.

"What, are you serious?" Mr. Huo's reaction was no different from Linko's just now, and his tone was full of surprise.

"This is difficult to handle." Mr. Huo replied: "A few days ago, I might have arranged for you to join the DOTA2 qualifier team to try and see if it works. But now the official competition list has come out. , the results of the qualifiers prove that our current roster of players is fine, and I have no reason to make substitutions."

What Mr. Huo said makes sense.

After all, the DOTA2 team is very dominant in Asia. When the roster has been confirmed, substitutions are unnecessary.

No one knows what will happen if the players are replaced, and no one knows what Chen Dongqing’s DOTA2 level is.

"Then, what if I win the TI championship?" Chen Dongqing asked: "If I win the TI championship, can I enter the official competition of the Asian Games?"

Both TI and the Asian Games are in August this year, but TI is at the beginning of the month and the Asian Games is at the end of the month, so there is room for maneuver.

Of course Mr. Huo knew the value of the TI championship, so he was a little silent for a while.

"It seems you are really confident."

After a few seconds, he said: "If you can win the TI championship, it means that your strength is no problem. Then I can make a decision and let you enter the official competition of the Asian Games."

Chen Dongqing raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "OK, no problem."

It's quite interesting to say.

Winning the TI championship, the supreme game of DOTA2, just to enter the Asian Games, is this a bit putting the cart before the horse?

In fact, you can’t say that. It can only be said that it is a smooth process and kills two birds with one stone. After all, the TI championship itself is a goal that we must strive for.

The simple chat ended here. After Mr. Huo hung up the phone, he stared at the phone in deep thought for a long time.

It has to be said that the appearance of Chen Dongqing was indeed beyond his expectation.

After all, to be honest, intellectual competitive sports such as e-sports are completely different from physical competitive sports such as track and field and swimming.

In physical competition, you may also be able to complete some of the same type of crossovers through your physical fitness.

For example, Bolt and Phelps have both won multiple gold medals in one competition.

But intellectual competition is different. This kind of competition is usually extremely involution and cannot be separated from long-term training. Behind every gold medal, there is a huge amount of sweat and effort.

You've probably never heard of a certain Go player winning a gold medal in chess, right?

Even if Ke Jie is already at the level of a chess master, winning a small Doudizhu tournament is the limit, and playing Genting across borders is even worse.

He never expected that under such circumstances, there would be a genius named Chen Dongqing who wanted to hold three positions!

is it possible? Is he still human?

At this time, our Chen Dongqing has not caused too much trouble because of the cross-border DOTA2 incident. He is discussing the matter of asking for leave with Linko.

"Ah? Asking for leave again?" Linko said speechlessly: "You are the traffic leader of the club now. If you ask for leave, then everyone will not watch QG's games."

"Impossible, where is this?" Chen Dongqing said with a smile: "You have to understand me, I will play the qualifiers after MSI, and in a few days it will be the Summer Split, and then I have to prepare for Dota 2 TI , and then we have to prepare for the Asian Games. Even this Iron Man can’t stand it, you have to strengthen your team members!”

Linko knew that Chen Dongqing was indeed working very hard, so he said helplessly: "Okay, you can rest if you want. How long do you plan to rest this time?"

Chen Dongqing thought for a while and said boldly: "One month, how do you say?"

"One month!?" Linko's voice suddenly became louder: "The regular season is only two months in total, and you just take a break? And you can't even take a month off. Do you know that the Intercontinental Horse Racing is about to start? "

Because of the Asian Games in August this year, the intercontinental competition has been advanced and will start directly in early July.

"So early?" Chen Dongqing pouted, "Then I'll come back after the intercontinental competition. During this time, I'll go play with DOTA2 and get used to it."

"." Linko suddenly felt that letting Chen Dongqing go to TI was a wrong decision.

Because of the crossover, I lost a lot of opportunities to play in the main industry. If TI does not win the championship in the end, then maybe there will be rumors?

"It's up to you." Linko said helplessly: "I'll let you know, you should adjust well. You've been really tired recently. You can play directly in the intercontinental competition. Is that okay?"

Chen Dongqing gave a joking salute and said with a smile: "Copy that!"

After the chat, Chen Dongqing had lunch and rushed home with his suitcase.

This month does not necessarily have to be spent at home, and he himself cannot stand it if he is left alone for a month.

But I have to go back home after all.

As soon as Chen Dongqing opened the door, he saw four or five people sitting in the living room. In addition to Chen Dongqing's parents, there were also his aunt and uncle, as well as his aunt's son.

Seeing Chen Dongqing coming back, my aunt immediately stood up with a smile and said, "Hey, our athlete is back!"

There have always been no conflicts between the relatives in Chen Dongqing's family. Chen Dongqing still remembers that this aunt often took him to buy snacks.

"Oh, it's just an exhibition match, not an athlete." Chen Dongqing said with a smile, "There is still a long way to go."

"That's enough for the exhibition game!" My aunt obviously didn't understand anything like exhibition games, she said with a smile: "At least it's on CCTV!"

Chen Dongqing smiled and said hello to the cousin next to him.

He wasn't very familiar with this cousin, because there was a seven or eight-year age difference between them, and his cousin was only fifteen years old now and was about to graduate from junior high school.

"Chen Dongqing is still promising!" The aunt said with a smile: "Look at my son, he plays games every day, and he says he wants to get ahead like his brother. But when I see him getting so angry at home every day, I know he is good at playing games. Not very good, otherwise, how could he be so anxious?"

As soon as he said this, the cousin next to him suddenly became anxious and said: "It's normal to get angry after playing too many games! What's all the fuss about!"

The aunt smiled again and said: "Then tell your brother how you are doing at the game!"

My cousin became shy now: "Of course I can't compare with Brother Dongqing."

Chen Dongqing smiled and said: "It's okay, tell me, I heard from my aunt before that you are pretty good at games?"

"It's only a little over two hundred." My cousin scratched his head and said, "You can't even reach the youth training threshold."

"More than two hundred points?" Chen Dongqing raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, "I remember that you usually have very little time to play games."

"Yeah, I can only play for a few hours on Saturdays and Sundays. There aren't many opportunities to play games when I'm in school."

"That's amazing!" Chen Dongqing couldn't help but praise: "I wasn't as good as you at that age, I'm pretty much the same."

Chen Dongqing added in his heart: Of course, I hadn't died yet.

Chen Dongqing thought for a while and then asked: "So, how are your grades now? You will take the high school entrance examination soon, right?"

At this time, it was my aunt's time to fill the cup. She said with a hint of pride: "It doesn't matter whether he passes the high school entrance examination or not. Last month, he was pre-recorded by Hua Er Zizhu."

When Chen Dongqing heard this, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up again: "Awesome, much better than me."

Hua Er Zizhu is the Zizhu Campus of the Second Affiliated High School of China Normal University. This is the country's top high school with a first-class enrollment rate of 90%+. It is a school that Chen Dongqing can barely get into even if his high school entrance examination score is doubled.

And my cousin was able to pre-record in advance, so he was obviously the best among the students in his class.

Chen Dongqing couldn't help but feel a little sad when he saw that his cousin was able to add 200 points to the pre-recorded Hua Er Zizhu.

It's really awesome.

"So we are also here to ask you." The aunt finally said: "Do you think your cousin has a chance to play professionally with you?"

When Chen Dongqing heard this, he immediately shook his head: "His gaming level can actually reach the professional threshold. But compared to his cultural level, it is not worth mentioning. Studying hard is the right way."

Upon hearing this, the aunt's family had different expressions. The aunt looked happy, while the cousin looked sad.

Apparently, he also wants to walk on his cousin's Walk of Fame.

Chen Dongqing noticed his cousin's expression and felt a little sad in his heart.

Although this road is glamorous, where is it so easy?

You can reach Master 200 points just by playing around every day. You are indeed very talented, but so what.

Chen Dongqing has seen many such talented people in the youth training camp. This group of people practiced tirelessly every day in the youth training camp and struggled to get a spot in the LDL.

But this is obviously far from enough.

You also need to be the most eye-catching one in the LDL, control the thunder and lightning, and stir up the storm, before you can get a chance to play in the LPL.

Then he was crushed by Chen Dongqing with one hand.

Genius is just the threshold for meeting Chen Dongqing.

This feeling is like, you are a super genius from the lower world, pushed all the way, and finally broke the highest level in history unprecedentedly, successfully ascended to the immortal world, and then became a member of the Ten Thousand Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, and was defeated by Sun Wukong with a stick. Beat to death.

The reality is so cruel.

Will my cousin have LPL first-line talent? There may be, but for his current cultural level, there is really no need to take advantage of this possibility.

It’s okay to give it a try.

Chen Dongqing thought for a moment, patted his cousin on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "But it's not like you don't have a chance. You're going to have summer vacation soon, right? There's no summer homework this summer, and there's no need to make up classes, so just give it your last try. !”

"I'll give you a super account with all the heroes in the Korean server. If you can get up to 1,000 points in the Korean server during the summer vacation, then you can come to me and I will personally arrange youth training for you."

"If you can't get it, just study hard. Is that okay?"

With a thousand points in Korean Server King, he can barely reach the level of his cousin’s cultural class.

My cousin's eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly!

To be honest, his account is not even full of heroes yet!

My cousin is generous when he takes action!

In fact, Riot Games has very strict control over super accounts. Each player has one, and even Chen Dongqing cannot make an exception.

But Chen Dongqing doesn't care, because he hasn't logged in to his Korean super account yet.

I gave it to my cousin to play with, and it only lasted for two months anyway.

After exchanging the cousin's questions, the topic returned to Chen Dongqing.

The aunt was chirping, asking Chen Dongqing if he had a girlfriend.

Mom smiled and said: "Yes, we have been talking about it for more than a year."


"That's the girl downstairs, the one who fought with Chen Dongqing that year when it snowed!"


My aunt also has an impression of that girl. On New Year's Eve during the severe snowstorm in 2008, the girl pushed Chen Dongqing into the snow and beat her. She was so fierce.

The aunt asked again: "Isn't that too fierce?"

"You didn't know this, a girl has changed a lot!" My mother said with great satisfaction: "That girl is now gentle, good-looking, tall, and very sensible. I am quite satisfied."

My cousin was watching the game, so of course he knew who he was talking about. He immediately took out his phone and showed his mother Lin Xianhua's photo.

"Hey! This is okay!"

Chen Dongqing didn't want to get involved in this issue, so he simply returned to the room with his bag.

The bed is already made.

Chen Dongqing lay on the bed, scrolling through his phone for a while, and then heard words of farewell coming from the living room.

Chen Dongqing stood up and walked out of the room, sending her aunt out of the room.

"Come on, come on!" My aunt smiled and said, "When the Asian Games starts, we will definitely watch your live broadcast!"

"That's okay!" Chen Dongqing sent away the relatives who were visiting, and then silence returned to the house.

Mom then got up and walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Chen Dongqing was so embarrassed that he lay down on the bed and started enjoying his vacation.

I have to say that after experiencing the Spring Finals, MSI, and the qualifiers, Chen Dongqing really feels peaceful now lying on his bed at home.

With the support of the system, Chen Dongqing can be considered an iron man. As long as he is on the field, his competitive state will always be at the peak level. However, if he plays too many games, he will still feel tired.

In fact, this is one of the important reasons why he agreed to cross-border DOTA2. He wanted to find some freshness from the new game.

Now that things have happened, Chen Dongqing has even thought about taking a break for a while.

Now he is already the number one player in history. If he can win another championship this year, he will be completely separated from the others. It may not make sense for him to continue playing. After all, he must leave some room for others to catch up. Bar?

Moreover, since he came back from rebirth, he seems to have not spent much time with his parents. As soon as he moved back from LGD, he was playing chicken to gain points, and then he became the first king of S6, and finally entered the professional arena, which adds up to one year. They have all lived at home for less than a month.

Chen Dongqing closed his eyes and pondered for a long time. While thinking about everything after traveling back through time, he had already made a decision in his heart.

"Here, dinner is ready!" Mom opened the door to the room, looked at Chen Dongqing who was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and said sternly: "Don't lie on the bed if you haven't taken a shower. It took me a long time to make the bed! Get up and eat quickly. !”

Chen Dongqing rolled his eyes and ran towards the living room with long strides: "Come on!"

The vacation time flies by in the midst of rest.

For the next week, Chen Dongqing stayed at home with his parents, and then took the time to visit his house in Tomson Yipin with Lin Xianhua.

The decoration of the house at Tomson Yipin has almost been completed. It is all simple black and white, nothing fancy, just comfortable to live in.

The only drawback is that no one lives there, so it lacks a bit of popularity.

Chen Dongqing looked at the room, and the idea of ​​​​rest became more and more intense in his heart.

Once a bad idea arises, it will spread quickly like a spark igniting a prairie fire and become out of control.

One week passed quickly.

The time has come to June 14th.

Round B of the TI8 China Qualifiers for DOTA2 has officially begun.

The eight teams that stood out from their respective groups tried their best to get the last two places to enter TI.

This has nothing to do with the QG team, because QG's performance in the first half of the year was good enough, and they were one of the directly invited teams.

But this does not delay the QG team from making some big news today.

On the day the game started, the QG Club official blog officially issued a personnel change notice:

[Under the premise of following the players' wishes and respecting the players' personal development needs, the club announced after full internal communication and consultation:

[QG Esports Club LOL division top laner Chen Dongqing (ID: ilex) has officially established a cooperative relationship with the DOTA2 division!

[From now on, Chen Dongqing will officially compete in the TI8 International Invitational Tournament as the team's No. 1 position!

[Looking towards the future, burning the flame of sincerity, I hope our Shuge can go further and continue to shine in the field of DOTA2! 】

As soon as these words came out, the whole world was shocked!

Fans on LOL are a little surprised, but they think it’s understandable. Because last year when Chen Dongqing reached the top of the third server, they thought that this day would come.

Has this day finally come?

On the DOTA2 side, they were stunned.

Since losing the last game, they have been shouting for ilex to fight.

But this is actually a joke, used to put pressure on Ame.

No one would really expect a LOL player to save CNDOTA.

But in the end, I really called out to ilex!

As soon as this announcement came out, all DOTA2-related e-sports forums exploded. While they were rationally analyzing the change of ilex playing the first position, some Ame fans were complaining about their own players.

Wouldn't this be bullying?

Ame's performance in the qualifiers was obviously so good, with five consecutive outstanding games, why did it need to be changed?

At this moment, Ame suddenly posted a Weibo message alone.

The emotion in this Weibo post was quite sincere. He first thanked QG Club, and then thanked Chen Dongqing individually, saying that he knew Chen Dongqing’s strength and recognized it. This substitution was a decision he made on his own initiative.

At this time, fans felt a little more relieved.

But new problems quickly emerged.

If the current No. 1 CAme in the country can take the initiative to step down and make way for someone better, how strong is ilex?

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