LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 458 A clever plan!

How strong ilex is is actually a question that QG needs to continue to evaluate.

Although the DOTA2 branch has a general understanding of Chen Dongqing's strength from Chen Dongqing's occasional training visits, we know that this person is definitely exaggeratedly strong.

But when it came time to go into battle, they were really unsure.

Of course, only people on the DOTA2 side are panicking.

In fact, LOL is not panicking at all.

Chen Dongqing's level is obvious to all LOL teammates, so he can play however he wants.

Soon, Chen Dongqing's chance to prove himself came.

On June 15th, after a week of home vacation, Chen Dongqing returned to the club.

Needless to say, as soon as Chen Dongqing came back, DOTA2 arranged a formal training match.

Whether it is a donkey or a horse, you have to pull it out and run around to find out.

QG club base, DOTA2 branch training room.

Several people were standing behind Chen Dongqing at the moment, all staring at Chen Dongqing's screen.

This is like the feeling Chen Dongqing had when he was surfing the Internet in an Internet cafe. After logging in to the first area code, the Internet cafe's loudspeaker shouted "The person sitting in the XX position is the strongest king of Ionia", and then a bunch of people gathered around him immediately. Same.

There is no way, because the anti-mage operation in the picture is too dazzling.

At twenty minutes, the head count of the team was 10:21, falling behind by a wide margin.

But at this time, it can be seen that the 2-0-1 Anti-Mage has already violently slashed 291 knives, and has equipment such as a prosthetic leg, crazy fighting clone, and a small halo hammer that far exceeds the timeline.

This speed of transferring money made everyone present feel dizzy.

You know, Ame is already a player with unparalleled money-making ability, and many viewers are talking about how he can make money from his crotch.

But it seems difficult for Ame to achieve such violent development in a huge disadvantageous situation.

At this time, Ame, the coach, the manager and others standing behind Chen Dongqing couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

Once this enemy magic comes out, this disadvantage must be quickly reversed, right?

Chen Dongqing indeed thought so.

He has enough equipment and it's time to go out.

The skill set of the hero Anti-Mage is actually very simple.

The first skill is a passive one, and the basic attack will reduce the mana of the opposing hero in the form of a percentage + a fixed value, which is in line with his character setting as a mage nemesis.

The second skill is a flash with a CD of 6 seconds after reaching full level and a distance of 1200 yards. It is simple and crude.

This skill is the core of the Anti-Mage. It is very useful in saving lives, cutting in, and accelerating the speed of earning money and traveling.

The third skill is spell counterattack. The skill mechanism is similar to Nightmare's W. It has both active and passive effects, and the passive one directly increases magic resistance. The active effect is to create a shield with a very short duration, which will reflect the next directional skills directly to the enemy, without being affected in any way!

As long as this skill is released well, it will often have miraculous effects.

The ultimate move is as simple as clicking someone to release it and directly detonating the target, causing area damage based on the opponent's lost mana. Combined with the passive mana-cutting effect of a skill, you can target the sky blue mage and deal a huge nuclear bomb damage!

It is no exaggeration to say that this hero's skill set is not strong, or even weak. After all, as a melee hero, he must get close and cut mana to do damage. This naturally makes this hero extremely demanding on equipment.

But fortunately, with this short CD and long-distance flash, this hero's money-growing speed is the first echelon in the entire game.

At 23 minutes, xNova opened the fog at position 5, and the QG team took the initiative to start a wave of team battles.

Chen Dongqing, the enemy mage who leads the field by 4,000 gold, is able to control the wind and rain as soon as he comes out and is invincible!

Chen Dongqing set his target on Karl on the opposite side, seized the opportunity when Karl on the opposite side released super-shock sound waves, and directly flashed and cut in with his face!

At the moment of cut-in, Chen Dongqing sprinkled powder in advance to prevent the opponent Karl from turning invisible and running away!

Seeing that their second position was cut off, the two assists on the opposite side were naturally extremely anxious and immediately provided skill protection!

But Chen Dongqing didn't panic at all and saw the actions of the opposite number 4 and 5.

He first used [Spell Counter] to bounce back the opponent's point control of Rubick, counter-controlling him, then quickly pressed the clone axe, and used the moment when the hero disappeared briefly when the clone ax was released to escape. Opposite position 4 vs. Hammer.

Avoid all the key controls, and the next step is to kill indiscriminately!

Using the small stun hammer in his hand to hit A to stun him, Chen Dongqing took advantage of the situation and knocked the opponent Carl to empty blue, and then launched a full-level ultimate move!

The max-level ultimate move can directly cause horrific range damage to the opponent's lost mana*1.1!

As an intellectual hero, Karl's thick mana seemed to be a scourge for the opponent at this moment. The 1,500 points of mana helped the anti-mage to create a super-wide AOE of 1,600 points!


As if an atomic bomb exploded, Karl was instantly taken away by this ultimate move. Also taken away was the poor Rubick next to him who didn't even have 1,600 HP.

One big move, killing two people in an instant!

From behind, Ame looked at this wave of cuts and was amazed!

To be honest, when the water man reversed the wave, he was thinking of a similar scene, but he died suddenly in the end.

Chen Dongqing became more and more courageous as he fought. After taking down the opponent's 2 and 5, he took advantage of the trend to eliminate the VS next to him with two swords, and then followed the trend with a flickering movement to harvest the opponent's sneaking 3.

In an instant, there was only one No. 1 position left on the opposite side, which was obviously in the bag.

"Five kills, five kills!" Chen Dongqing shouted in the training room. The anti-mage pursued him for two steps, then moved over with another flicker, and slashed the opponent's big brother, Void Mask, to death with two swords!


Complete rampage!

Facing the huge disadvantage of being eleven heads behind, Chen Dongqing only needed a wave of team battles to completely reverse the situation!

In this kind of game that emphasizes personal abilities, Chen Dongqing is at home like a duck in water.

The next step of the game will be simple. Anti-Mage is an absolutely invincible hero in map running ability. Chen Dongqing only needs to rely on flashing to quickly move and appear at various points on the map, clearing the wild monsters in circles. , and also tightly controlled the opposing military line.

The head-to-head ratio on the opposite side is still small, but they are suppressed by this anti-mage and can't leave the base at all!

In the end, QG adjusted its state and first helped the anti-mage with a meat shield, then pushed forward in a wave and won the game!

Finally, Ame couldn't help but glance at the team name on the opposite side.


Although IG.V is not a top team, it is definitely a professional team! The one who refuses position 1 is currently the number one in the national server.

No resistance at all?

"Wuhu!" Chen Dongqing also stood up comfortably and ended today's DOTA2 training match.

Chen Dongqing turned around, smiled and said to Linko and DOTA2 coach xiao8: "How can I put it, is it okay?"

"Needless to say, this is great!" Linko said bluntly: "Qiangqiangqiang!"

DOTA2 coach xiao8's mouth was harder to press than AK at the moment, but he still smiled and said: "Watch for a few more days, watch for a few more days."

In the next two days, because LOL had not officially closed down the team, Chen Dongqing simply played several training games as a DOTA2 player.

As the training match progressed slowly, reassurances were fed into the mouths of each member of the DOTA2 division.

Everyone felt relieved.

ilex is really exaggeratedly powerful. Although Ame's operation is puzzling, it is indeed a reinforcement for the team!

This person really cannot be measured by common sense!

Next, let’s wait for TI in early August!

Next, time continued to fly.

On June 18th, the first game of the QG Summer Split is about to begin.

The night before the game, the QG official blog posted a message stating that top laner Chen Dongqing would rest for more than half a month and wait until the intercontinental competition to return.

Countless fans couldn't help but lament, but they quickly accepted the result.

Brother Shu is indeed too tired. It is reasonable to take a rest.

The remaining four of QG are also at the top level. As long as they stay in the bottom lane, there should be no problem in the regular season.

At the same time, QG finally officially closed down the team and started a meeting about the new version.

The LPL summer regular season uses version 8.11, and there are a lot of changes in this version.

The main change is in the AD equipment. A new equipment named Lanqi is added. This equipment is a critical strike equipment, but it does not increase the critical strike rate. Its basic attributes are only 70 attack power and 30% attack speed.

The critical hit attribute is reflected in the special effect: if you have not attacked in the last 3 seconds (affected by attack speed), your next basic attack will critical hit and cause 160% damage (+1% for every 1.5% critical hit chance) , up to 200%), and gain 10% movement speed for 1.75 seconds.

Every three seconds is a 1.6 times critical hit. This outrageous attribute is simply the moment of ecstasy for heroes like the captain, gunner, and policewoman.

In addition, Infinity Blade has also been significantly changed, with the price increased to 3700 points, the double explosion attribute removed, and a new entry that doubles your critical hit chance, as well as an item that increases critical hit damage by 15%. The only passive that converts into real damage.

This endless wave of changes can only be said to be a comprehensive weakening of the critical strike AD.

Because this version of Endless does not provide a critical hit rate, you have to get the second or even third piece to make up for Endless. Without the attribute bonus of Endless in the early stage, the damage of AD will be much lower.

Even in the later stage, the damage bonus brought by the 15% true damage conversion is far less than the 50% explosive damage.

In the case of full critical hits, 50% of the critical damage will bring a simple and crude 25% damage bonus.

However, if you want to achieve a 25% damage bonus from the 15% real damage conversion, you need the opponent's cooperation to increase the physical damage reduction to more than 62.5%.

[Simple mathematics, set the opponent's damage reduction to (1-X), and then list the calculation formula, (85X+15)/(100X)=1.25, and get X=0.375. 1-X=0.625]

Converted to the game, that's 170 points of armor.

Besides tanks, who can build such a high level of armor?

And don’t forget, AD also needs to make an armor-piercing bow. This version of the armor-piercing bow removes the giant killer attribute, and then changes the armor penetration to total armor penetration.

Many times, when being penetrated by an armor-piercing bow, it is difficult for a tank to maintain 62.5% damage reduction, so endless gains will always be losses.

The only advantage of this version of Endless is that the three-piece set can provide full critical hits, which allows many ADs to free up an equipment grid. In the super late stage, it is still a bit advantageous.

It is not difficult to predict that in this version, half of the critical attack AD has been eliminated. Even if it can appear, it will only be someone like the policewoman who can take the Lanqi bonus, or someone like Xia Luo who is strong enough in the late stage.

For others, like Ice Luxian Kaisha, if you can switch to the special effects stream, switch to the special effects stream. For those like Cannon Jinx who can't switch, just go to sleep.

After introducing the changes in the summer version, Banbazi also served as a review tutor, leading everyone to review the jungle changes in the previous versions.

"Tomorrow's game will be more serious for us." Banbazi said: "After all, we just closed the team today and have not played any training matches. In addition, Chen Dongqing is not here, so everyone should be tighter tomorrow and don't slack off. .”

Everyone in QG present nodded, especially Uzi, who looked stern.

The very next day, QG quickly took the stage and faced LGD at QG's home court.

Chen Dongqing was bored this time, so he followed the team and sat down in the backstage lounge, watching the contestants on both sides take the stage through the screen.

Although he was not here, and although he was not familiar with the version, as long as he saw the name of the opposite team, Chen Dongqing felt that this was a sure thing.

It turns out that this is indeed the case.

When playing against such a bottom-ranked team, there is no need for Chen Dongqing to be there, Uzi is enough to settle the matter.

On the road, you only need to choose an Ornn to knock out equipment, or choose a Thain to drive and create people. In team battles, just push forward and take full damage, then victory will be easy.

For QG in this mode, although the pace of the game has slowed down and the time has become longer, the intensity is not low.

Chen Dongqing looked at the IDs of the five QG people on the screen and felt a little sad for a moment.

To be fair, these five people are indeed not weak in this version at this time.

Just don't encounter G2.

Chen Dongqing felt uncomfortable when he thought of this.

Today's game against LGD ended with QG winning 2-0. Uzi won two MVPs today and came back with a smile on his face. He was not so happy after winning the qualifiers a few days ago.

Of course Uzi has something to say. Who said I can only be the second father forever? I am just the second dad in QG. In any other team, I have the capital to be the eldest dad!

"NiceNice!" Chen Dongqing smiled and gave a thumbs up to his teammates, "Keep up the good work!"

"OK OK." Uzi smiled, quite proud and full of pride, "I said, before you come back, we will not lose a single match!"

When Chen Dongqing heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Other than him, no one else would want to say this.

Anyone who said this ended up getting out.

After everyone took a break, the summer regular season is still going on.

On June 19th, QG went back to back to face SNG.

SNG is a new team that only came to the LPL this year. The star players of this team are Wolf Xing in the top lane and Black Angel in the middle. Their strength is not weak.

In this game, SNG performed well and gained a considerable advantage in the first half.

Letme's Ornn failed to hold on for a while. After being jumped over the tower by two people, he never stood up again on the top lane. Then he was broken through the tower by the speed of light and lost the vanguard.

But fortunately, Uzi is in great form now. When there was a huge hole in the first half, he played more energetically. He first called the incense pot to catch the flash of the opposite duo, and then cooperated with Shi Senmingxia Luozhi. Fly and complete a wave of double kills!

After breaking through the bottom lane, Uzi switched to the middle lane and relied on Xia's powerful troop farming ability to develop quickly. He farmed 340 knives in thirty minutes. Then, relying on the equipment lead and Xia's strong self-protection ability, he used Xia's advantage in a wave of wolves. The wave of attacks was resolved invisibly, and the game was finally won!

Backstage, Banbazi visibly let out a sigh of relief.

There are indeed some hidden dangers on the upper road, but fortunately, the lower road is manageable.

Watching everyone walk back to the lounge, Banbazi did not wait and directly opened the court to judge the top laner.

If you choose a carry-type top laner and go sideways, it would be understandable if the top lane collapses. After all, there will always be mistakes.

But if you play Ornn, how will the top lane be tight?

Letme was so judged by the coach that he couldn't hold his head up. First, he said that he had not played for a long time and was a little unfamiliar with the rhythm. He also said that his teammates did not give him feedback and he played in a panic.

Chen Dongqing was a little helpless about this and said with a smile: "It's okay. Just remember this mistake and don't make it again next time. Come on in the next game."

Letme said a little embarrassedly: "Okay Brother Shu."

In the second game, Letme had no more problems and finally stabilized. The game was of course simple. In a 27-minute draw, QG won the second regular season victory 2-0.

Although he won the game, Banbazi's face didn't look good and he kept thinking in his mind.

SNG is actually not a strong team, but they have already become like this.

If they encounter a team with high strength in the top half, how should they play?

Soon, the teams with higher intensity in the upper half arrived late but arrived.

On June 21st, QG faced JDG at home.

The top, middle and jungle trio composed of Zoom, Clid, and Yagao are considered to be top-notch in the entire LPL, and they can get through two moves against IG.

In this competition, JDG performed perfectly in the first game. Zoom also followed the version and chose the Darkin Sword Demon, which has suddenly become popular in the recent version.

Today's Darkin Sword Demon is still the old version. Without any enhancements or version changes, the Sword Demon suddenly climbed to the top of the version.

The reason for the rise of the sword demon this time is actually found out.

The strength of the sword demon of the giant nine-blooded sword of the Yang Dao is higher than anyone imagined. It has invincible endurance in the lane and is invincible with a single belt. This hero even appeared in the competition for a time and is quite popular in all major competition areas.

Zoom also made good use of the strength of the Sword Demon in the first game. With the help of his teammates, he first surpassed Letme to gain an advantage. Then, when the Yang Dao Jujiu was ready, he rode on Letme's face on the wing. Shit, Thane is no different from a blood pack in front of the sword demon!

This time, the disadvantage on the road was too great. Even Uzi couldn't save him, so he could only lose the game unfortunately!

The camera followed the defeated QG player back to the stage, and countless viewers saw Chen Dongqing standing at the door of the lounge.

The emotion of missing Brother Shu reached its peak at this moment.

【Who is that handsome guy? Will he play LOL? 】

[Can you let Brother Shu come in? 】

[If Brother Shu plays top lane, how can he still get Zoom to show off? 】

[It doesn’t matter, it’s just a regular season, waiting for the return of King Shuge in the intercontinental competition! 】

Cutting along the camera, the discussion about Chen Dongqing in the barrage gradually subsided.

But the discussion in the QG Lounge has just begun.

There is no doubt that it is time for court again.

"What's going on, Yan Junze?" Chen Dongqing frowned and asked, "Why is it the same as the day before yesterday?"

In Chen Dongqing's view, Letme made the same mistake it made against Suning the day before yesterday.

I play too casually on the top lane, without considering the position of the opposite jungler at all, and my vision is not good. It is completely a ranked play style.

This version has the talent of tanking like the Conqueror, as well as the light-armed warrior like Sword Demon Sword Girl who can tank quickly. This is no longer an era when tanks can just hang around.

Letme really had nothing to say this time.

Yesterday he could still say that he hadn't played for too long, or that his teammates didn't give him feedback, but in recent days he has been very intense in training matches, and today he also gave him all the feedback from his teammates.

Nothing else, he just didn't play well.

He held it in for a long time, and finally said: "But I can't help it. Sometimes I know what to do in my heart, but when I move my hands, I just can't do it."

Hearing this, Chen Dongqing frowned slightly.

Some players will only make the same mistake once, and some players will realize the mistake after they make it, but when they face this situation again next time, they will make it again by accident.

This is a matter of talent. After all, everyone's brain capacity is limited. Some people's CPU is already full just by laning on the field.

Chen Dongqing thought for a while and said: "Well, let me teach you a few tricks. You must remember to follow my instructions and you should have no problem winning the game."

When Letme said this, her eyes lit up and she immediately listened.

Everyone knows that Brother Shu is not only powerful in operation, but his game ideas are also unique.

Soon, the second game started.

Seeing that QG still has Ornn in the top lane, plus Kai'Sa Titan in the bottom lane, the baby said helplessly: "Did QG not change the lineup at all after losing the game? Doesn't this feel good?"

To put it more bluntly, Wawa is a fool!

But in their impression, QG doesn’t seem to be a strong team?

On the other side, JDG saw such a situation. Of course, they did not change their formation at all, continued to lock the Darkin Sword Demon, and continued to fight in the upper half.

But in this case, he fell into Chen Dongqing's trap.

At the beginning of the game, the junglers of both sides still started in a mirror image. Xiangguo avoided the upper half of the opposite side and chose to brush from top to bottom.

While brushing, Xiangguo was still thinking about what Chen Dongqing had just said in his mind: "If we choose Kai'Sa Titan and then ban EZ, the opponent will definitely take Xia Luo. Liu Shiyu, you can go to the bottom lane at level 3 to grab the opponent. Catch the flashes from the bottom lane."

Catch the fragrant pot at level 3. This is one of QG's regular ways, but it's nothing to talk about.

Xiangguo grinned, and the prince came to the bottom lane, but the opponent had set his eyes early and turned around to retreat.

Seeing that Xiangguo couldn't keep anyone, he just flashed EQ and took action!

JDG's bottom lane LokeN had no choice but to cross-dodge and run back to the tower.

On the road, Letme couldn't help but shudder when she saw Xiang Guo catching the opponent's AD flash.

Next, it’s up to him.

"Yan Junze, you still play Ornn this time, but your task is not to exchange the blood of Sword Demon, and it doesn't require you to have good development. There is only one thing you need to do, and that is to mix the lanes and don't die. The health bar is better than The troop line is important, as long as you can gain experience, it doesn’t matter. Once you reach level 6 on the top lane, go directly to the bottom lane!"

The path that Chen Dongqing pointed out to him was just one word - confusion.

And it turns out that it makes sense.

On the other side, selected Xin Zhao and has made up his mind to advance to the third level.

But when Clid came to the top lane and looked at the full-health Ornn under the tower, it felt a little tricky for a while.

"The opponent is still full of health? How can we get past it?" Clid shook his head helplessly and said: "Forget it, I'll withdraw."

Zoom was also helpless: "The opponent doesn't do last-hitting and hasn't given me a chance to exchange blood. There's nothing I can do about it."

As he spoke, he pressed TAB and glanced at Ornn's last hit.

In just over three minutes, Ornn had already been crushed by him eight times.

If this fight lasts for thirty minutes, the opponent will be crushed by him for eighty times?

Four hundred dollars for five games, right?

But there is a saying that goes well.

Some actions and decisions are successful and correct as long as they make the opponent feel uncomfortable.

Although Letme lost a lot of money in order to preserve his health, he did not lose experience and also saved TP.

Then Chen Dongqing's plan can also enter the third step.

"When Yan Junze reaches level six, Liu Shiyu, go to the top lane and help Yan Junze untie the line." Chen Dongqing said with a smile: "Xialuo on the opposite side of the road saw Liu Shiyu showing up on the top lane, and he will definitely come out to push the line. Then Yan Junze finished pushing the line and hurriedly Go back to the city and go directly to the bottom lane, do you understand what I mean?"

Of course letme understands.

He just doesn't know how to play the game, but if you give him a set of tactics and ask him to execute them, there's no problem.

When Letme's Ornn walked behind the first tower in his bottom lane, he happened to see LokeN on the opposite side pushing his troops to the middle of the river.

Letme shouted: "Can you move? My ultimate move is far enough away!"

"Come on, move, move!"

Woo woo

A red goat's head passed through Xia's body, slowing it down and putting it in a vulnerable state.

LokenN was immediately shocked.

Why is this Ornn in the bottom lane? Didn't he just come home?

The next second, the goat's head that had gone away was pushed back by Uncle Sheep. Xia, whose flash had not yet recovered, obviously had no possibility of evasion and was directly knocked away!

This control of knocking away was enough to sentence him to death.

Shi Senming's Titan followed up with a flash A hook, sufficient control and Kai'Sa's passive, Uzi opened E to accelerate up, and easily obtained first blood!

At this time, Letme recalled the conversation in the lounge just now. After listening to Chen Dongqing's thoughts, Letme asked, "What next?"

"Then?" Chen Dongqing said with a smile: "Then it will be none of your business. TP will go on the road to capture the troops, and leave the rest to Jane Pride."

LetmeTP went on the road and happened to catch the line of soldiers pushed by Zoom, without even missing a single soldier.

Zoom looked at Ornn, who had TP online in front of him, and couldn't help but frown for a moment.

I don’t know why, but Ornn’s gameplay reminded him of someone

At this time, in the lower half of the area, Uzi, who had received first blood, let out a dragon roar and shouted: "Take off! Hurry up the incense pot, get ready to jump over the tower in the bottom lane!"

In the lounge just now, Uzi asked a question: "Then what? If I only get first blood, I can't guarantee that I can win 100%!"

"Of course it's not just that, there's another wave." Chen Dongqing bared his teeth and said with a smile: "The opponent Xia is dead, so he will definitely lose a wave of experience, right? Shi Senming, don't wander away at this time, eat experience in the bottom lane Upgrade, wait until you are level six, then push the troops into the tower, use a big move, and let this Xia cross over again!"

In fact, this step is very difficult. After all, the time difference between Titan and Xia Shengliu is actually very short, and it requires the team to have strong execution ability.

Therefore, in this step, Chen Dongqing temporarily left the top lane and let the other four teammates perform.

Chen Dongqing can rest assured about the execution ability of these four people.

The time quickly came to eight minutes.

Uzi pushed his troops into the tower, and the incense pot took advantage of the situation to get into position from behind the tower. Xiaohu took the lead with his big move, and a wave of three-for-two leaps over the tower started directly!

JDG mid laner Toothpaste quickly ordered TP for the bottom lane.

"There may be resistance on the other side of this wave, so Xiaohu should be prepared. As long as he can get over this wave, he will win!"

At the same moment, Xiaohu’s TP also lit up simultaneously!

There is no suspense in this wave. If a level 5 Xayah is headlocked by Titan's ultimate move, she will die no matter what.

Everyone in QG defeated Xia in an instant. After Toothpaste TP landed, they cooperated with the support to take down the tower-resistant Shi Senming, but they themselves did not run away and were killed by Kai'Sa.

One for two, Uzi killed the opponent's double C and won a double kill. On the other side, lokeN died twice in a row. The loss was big enough for him to disconnect from the game.

The game is over.

In fact, there are quite a lot of updates for the 18th mid-season version, but it is a bit too watery to describe it all at once, and the protagonist did not play in the game, so what I wrote is not very useful. So I will break down the rest and talk about it next time the protagonist comes on stage. (End of chapter)

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