LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 475 next level player

The economy is 14,000 in twenty minutes, and the average economy is as high as 700!

What level of economic figure is this?

Let's put it this way, if this average economy is placed in a ranking of more than 40 minutes, then everyone will praise you for how fast you make money, and how good you are at pocketing money.

But if you put it in a 20-minute ranking, I can only say that everyone will only transform into Prime Minister Cao, and it is absolutely impossible to say it!

It's only been twenty minutes. If you switch to a slow-paced hero, such as Ghost, then Hui Yao may have just been suppressed! The game has just begun!

In the background, VP No. 1 RAMZES666 looked at this economic number and pondered for a long time.

Not only the audience couldn't understand it, but even he, the top No. 1 player, couldn't understand it either.

How did you achieve an average economy of 700? You're really just paying for it from your crotch, right?

The chicken behind him brought the Black Emperor Staff Scroll and the Mist of Deception, and Sven synthesized the Black Emperor Staff. At this time, he had Power Shoes, Crazy Face, Midas Hand, BKB, and A Staff in his hands.

This set of equipment can be understood as a youth version of the four-piece set.

Twenty minutes of Swain in a four-piece suit, slashing a street with a machete without even blinking!

This time, Chen Dongqing did not go back to the bottom lane to farm money. Instead, he activated the fog of trickery alone and entered the invisible state.

The fog of trickery is a special prop of DOTA. After being released, the surrounding heroes will enter a special invisibility state. This invisibility is similar to the invisibility in LOL. It will not be seen by the field of view and minions, but will be visible when there are heroes at close range. Break the hidden.

Chen Dongqing, who was in the upper half of the area, saw the conjoined airplane elf not far away and shouted directly: "Brothers, rush!"

I heard that you are invincible with the elf on your plane, right?

Are you going shopping in my jungle area?

His grandma's, you just haven't been chopped before!

With a command, he turned on [War Cry] to accelerate, closed the distance and then turned on [Power of God]. The two BUFFs were already stacked on him.

Immediately afterwards, he hit the plane with [Storm Fist]!

With the blessing of the A Staff, Storm Fist has evolved. Sven will rush to the face of the aircraft simultaneously with the skill trajectory, and the Q skill will add a normal attack damage!

On the other side, the OG people were shocked by this Swain.

They had seen Sven's equipment before, and knew that Sven's equipment consisted of Midas Hand + Crazy Face + A Staff.

These pieces of equipment are very slow and will delay Swain's BKB strong period indefinitely!

Without BKB, are you still so aggressive? Send it, right?

The next second, Swain punched the plane in the face and knocked him unconscious. His figure suddenly grew larger, and he was surrounded by golden light!

This is the power of the Black King's Staff!

Black Emperor Staff, nicknamed BKB, can be simply understood as [Indestructible Magic Skill]. After being released, the whole body will bloom with golden light in the next few seconds, and 99% of the skills will be directly immune to you!

ah? WTF!

The OG people were shocked again.

Where did you get the BKB?

So much equipment in twenty minutes?

Only then did I realize that it was obviously too late.

In fact, the ultimate move of Disaster can ignore BKB's strong control of the opponent, but the ultimate move of Disaster was used when the plane on the wave circled back, and it has not yet turned around.

Without the threat of the disaster ultimate move, the Wandering Swordsman is now awesome. Sven, who is blessed with three BUFFs, is holding on to the five OGs. Without any fear, he chases the plane and slashes at it!

With BKB's magic immunity, how could the OG people dare to fight back? The five of them were stunned by this Sven and they were so scared that they ran away!

The real man Sven stabbed into the flesh. Every time he slashed, the plane would lose a lot of health. Ana was so badly beaten that she could only retreat under the protection of her teammates!

But the next second, a board from FY Mavericks came over, directly destroying his hope of escape.

Killing the plane with two knives, Chen Dongqing kept moving. Taking advantage of the few seconds left in BKB, he struck another [Storm Fist] at the chaos on the side!

JarAx reacted quickly and fell asleep directly. Sleeping would make the target disappear from the field for an instant. He successfully dodged the blow by relying on the moment of disappearance!

But it's of no use.

Si Wen had already made a face, and Chen Dongqing slashed at him twice with his backhand and sent him away.

Immediately afterwards, Maybe the blue cat flew into the field, directly grabbed the opponent Carl, and cooperated with the team to kill again.

Kill the two eldest brothers + No. 4 in one wave!

At this time, OG only had a poor stunted little one left on the field, and an elf with no fighting ability at all.

"Let's go, use the shield!" Chen Dongqing called to his teammates to take down the meat mountain and put the [Immortal Guardian] in his pocket.

With the protection of Roshan Shield, Sven will have a chance to be resurrected with full health in the next five minutes.

This is even more powerful for Swain, who is developing ahead of schedule!

At this time, the five members of OG had not yet recovered from Sven's equipment.

Ana looked at her 6-2-3 record in twenty minutes and 180 CS, and fell into deep thought.

His development is already top-notch, right? Ranked first in kills in the game, and not lagging behind in last-ditch kills. It can be said to be a model of combining brushing and fighting. It is already difficult to achieve the best.

But why is Swain so far ahead of him?

Ana briefly calculated the value of the equipment and easily calculated that the opponent was ahead of him by a full 3,000 gold!

Is this the unsolvable development of the legendary Chinese No. 1 position?

China's No. 1 position has always been a myth in the international arena.

As early as 2009, ZSMJ, LGD's No. 1 position at the time, achieved world-famous status by earning 3,800 gold coins in seven minutes with one hand.

Players at that time racked their brains and even calculated the economy of minions and monsters one by one, but they still couldn't figure out how to get the 3800.

After all, it was the era of DOTA1, and the per capita economy was low. This economy was unheard of at the time!

What kind of details can achieve this level of development speed.

Just like Chen Dongqing today.

No one knows how this Swain managed to lead the economy by 3,000 yuan.

What everyone only knows is that once Sven's BKB and ultimate skills improve, and then he advances with a shield, OG will never be able to withstand it.

Regarding this situation, OG had a clear idea and decisively launched a wave of arrests, hoping to see if they could avoid Swain and find some opportunities.

But no matter what, there is really no one to catch.

The target they chose was Charles's big butt, but the hero of Big Butt was really thick-skinned. After eating the first wave of Carl and the plane elf, he was stunned to withstand the damage and survive!

The next second, FY's Mavericks came to the rescue again. A [Gully] shot, and a stone pillar board was in the center of the OG camp. This board directly stunned four people!

FY looked at this board and couldn't help but sigh.

It's a pity that his economy is so poor that he hasn't made the jumping knife yet.

If I could jump in and press a big move at this time, it would be a sure kill, but it's a pity that I can't.

But this board is also critical enough.

Charles regained his composure, turned around, released the group confinement and fire rain, and hit a perfect backhand!

Next, the team battle is simple.

Because Chen Dongqing’s TP has landed.

At this time, Swain's ultimate move BKB has not yet turned well, so Chen Dongqing just released [Battle Cry], then rushed into the field with a hammer, once again hit a wave of perfect AOE stun, and then turned on [Crazy Mask] to increase attack speed, AOE Attack with two knives and chop randomly, and solve OG again!

At this time, we can see that after two waves of team battles, Sven's economy has reached close to 20,000, leading the game by 5,000+!

Chen Dongqing, who was carrying a huge sum of money, split the crazy mask in his hand into a short stick and a blood-sucking mask, and then directly combined the mask into a large piece of [Satan's Evil Power], making his already invincible even more powerful!

Satan is a traditional life-saving equipment in the C position. It provides strength, attack power and 25% blood-stealing. It also comes with a powerful initiative that increases the blood-stealing to 200% in the next 4.5 seconds!

(It suddenly occurred to me that I can introduce DOTA2 equipment through stickers, so I will not introduce it in words in the future. I will always use stickers. If you have turned off the sticker function but don’t know DOTA2 equipment, please remember to turn it on~)

With the power of Satan, Chen Dongqing stopped pretending and led his teammates to push down the second tower in the middle, and then rushed straight to the high ground!

The OG people launched a counterattack again, starting with Karl's blowing magnetic storm. They will cooperate with their teammates to pour all the output on Swain!

Before dying, Chen Dongqing hit the plane with a hammer, but Ana's operation was not bad. She relied on the invincible effect of the clone ax to dodge the hammer and kill Sven.

But this is obviously meaningless, because Sven has [Immortal Guardian] and can be resurrected with full health!

Instead, FY, who made a jumping knife, seized the opportunity of the opponent to focus fire on Sven, and jumped directly into the field to release his ultimate move [Echo Strike]!

Although this skill has the same name as LOL's Echo Strike, the skill mechanism is completely different.

The effect of this skill is to directly cause the first magic damage to enemies within 600 yards, and then each damaged enemy will [Echo], causing AOE damage to the surroundings again, and the hero will [Echo] twice!

To put it simply and crudely, the more enemy units are around, the more terrifying the AOE damage will be.

If five of them stand together on the opposite side, they can directly deal horrific damage at the level of a nuclear bomb!

And this skill is instant.

So for the Mavericks, you don’t actually need to do anything in team battles. You only need to throw the board remotely to control, and then find a good opportunity to jump in and throw the big move!

But this time, FY found the opportunity perfectly!

The main body of the plane + its clones count as three heroes, and then the surrounding elves, Xiaoxiao and Chaos are also added.

After this big move, all the fragile clones were directly wiped out, and the crispy chaos was instantly eliminated. As for the thick-skinned aircraft and Xiaoxiao, they didn't have much health left!

This is DOTA2, everyone is a mechanical monster. Even an auxiliary Maverick without any output equipment can deal nuclear damage as long as he finds a good enough opportunity!

After playing the perfect ultimate move, FY took advantage of the situation and stunned Xiaoxiao and the plane again!

This wave of team battles is purely FY on C!

After a few seconds, Chen Dongqing came back to life and directly activated his ultimate move and BKB, once again perfectly interpreting what "gods from heaven come down to earth" means!

Swain slashed wildly in the field, killing the opponent's C position with two swords, and once again completed a wave of group destruction!

In fact, at this time, everyone in OG can still buy their lives and continue to defend.

QG's key skills have all been handed over, and they can buy it now. It won't be a big problem to hold on to this wave.

But the OG person no longer wanted to struggle at this time, and directly typed GG on the public screen.

Like Star, GG means surrender.

You can surrender in the LOL game, but you cannot surrender in the game. The opposite is true in DOTA2. There is no surrender function in the game, but you can surrender in the game.

From advantage to disadvantage, to great disadvantage, and finally to surrender, OG only experienced three waves of team battles in five minutes.

The moment Sven came out of the mountain, their failure seemed to be doomed.

Seeing GG appear in the chat box, Chen Dongqing looked calm, grinned, and tapped quickly on the keyboard with his hands.

A message appears in the chat bar.

[QG.ilex: who is next level player? 】

This was followed by a reward message.

"QG.ilex has rewarded OG.N0tail. Beautiful!"

This time the OG people did not give any response and swallowed the bitter pill of failure in silence.

Seconds later, the OG base exploded.

This is updated earlier, the next update will be at 6pm, but the word count won’t be too many. (End of chapter)

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