LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 476 Are you quite fickle?

"Nice!" Seeing the OG base explode, Lu Wei clenched his fists in the Douyu live broadcast room and shouted loudly: "QG's performance is great, invincible!"

In another live broadcast room, DOTA2's head anchor YYF and several friends in the DOTA2 circle were also marveling at this game.

After YYF started live broadcasting, it created an entertainment team called OB with some retired players, including many world champions.

Although these retired players are already old and can no longer compete with young players in terms of operations, their vision and understanding of the game are still online.

Even ZSMJ, who earned 3800 in seven minutes and created the myth of China’s No. 1 position, is also in this team.

"I have to say that Brother Shu's money-spending is really a bit exaggerated." YYF couldn't help but praise: "This is too exaggerated! The economy is crushed, so I just cut five of them at once!"

But at this time, even ZSMJ was filled with incomprehension when he looked at Swain's economy.

After experiencing three waves of large groups, Sven's economy continued to rise one by one. At the end of the game, the game was fixed at 26 minutes, but Sven's economy was already close to 22,000!

In twenty-six minutes, the average economy exceeded 800!

What a scary number.

Isn't this much better than when he earned 3,800 in seven minutes?

Originally, he thought that Ame's money-making ability was unmatched in the world, but he didn't expect that there was someone braver than him!

At this time, the viewers in the live broadcast room were relieved after watching the game.

Turtle, before the game started, I was worried about Brother Shu's failure.

Now it seems that there is no need to worry at all!

With this ability to earn money, Brother Shu’s No. 1 position designation is not much different!

At this time, the barrage flooded the screen.

[Brother Shu, God among gods! 】

[This is the gold content of the first person in LOL, and he is just as cruel when he comes to DOTA2. It doesn’t matter what game he plays in front of him]

[Okay, okay, I will download the video and analyze it frame by frame. I really have to see how he brushes it]

[Don’t worry, you can’t learn it. If you just make up the Midas touch in six minutes of laning with this hand, you will never be able to do it in your lifetime]

YYF looked at the barrage and said with a smile: "Is this Swain going to be in the OGban?"

"He must be banned!" Xie Bin said from the side: "This Sven is too restrained in OG's play style, so he won't be able to do it without being banned."

What Xie Bin said makes sense.

OG's fourth position, JarAx, is notoriously strong. His early rhythm is great, and his performance in team battles is even more impressive.

This kind of fourth position will inevitably suck the blood of the third position.

But the third position is often responsible for suppressing the opponent's first position. How to suppress the blood-sucked No. 3 position?

In fact, QG and OG are somewhat similar in this regard. Their No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 positions are all quite eye-catching. As for the other two positions, it can only be said that they all have some tool attributes. .

This kind of composition of personnel on both sides means that it is difficult for them to put too much pressure on the opponent's No. 1 position. They can only play mutual enrichment at the C position. The victory or defeat depends on their own abilities.

In this case, Swain seems to be holding OG by the throat. As soon as the unstoppable Swain comes out of the mountain, all OG's arrangements will collapse instantly.

So it is inevitable that Sven will be banned.

Everyone in QG is certainly aware of this situation.

"If Sven is banned, he will be banned. It doesn't matter." Chen Dongqing shrugged and said with a smile, "I don't really like playing Sven."

After all, the hero Sven is still a bit clumsy and does not fit Chen Dongqing's game style.

He keeps playing, mainly because he wants this hero to earn money quickly and avoid the shortcomings of his lack of coordination with his teammates.

If Swain is gone, there are still many alternatives.

Even more, Swain was never their ultimate trick.

Sure enough, when Chen Dongqing came on stage in the second game, he saw that Swain had been sent to the ban position.

Chen Dongqing didn't panic at all and locked a TB with his backhand.

It doesn’t matter, just brush it.

TB's name is Terror Blade. He is similar to the Wandering Swordsman. He is also a hero who can earn money quickly, build equipment quickly, and can win games.

It's just that it's different from Swain's basic attack-splitting method of farming money. TB's method of farming money is to create a stronger clone with a duration of 34 seconds. .

The operation of farming money will be more cumbersome, but the speed is also not slow, and the carry ability after farming is stronger than Sven.

Because the Terror Blade has the top output skill [Demonization], it becomes a long-range weapon directly after it is turned on. It has a melee body and long-range output capabilities, making it a veritable turret.

This hero only needs to come out of the mountain, then clone and demonize to create a few large forts, and keep pushing forward under the protection of teammates. After pushing a tower, wait for the next demon, and win by pushing the rhythm.

Compared to Swain, TB is a hero that appears more frequently in professional arenas because it is more stable.

After the BP was completed, Chen Dongqing lay on the chair and said with a smile: "Brothers, please try to hold still, wait for me to come to C!"

After thinking for a while, Chen Dongqing said again: "If you can do it, that's even better. I'll give it a try."

The other four players of QG are also championship-level. There is no doubt that Chen Dongqing does not want to dampen their competitive spirit because he is too strong.

As soon as these words came out, several teammates around him started grinning.

In fact, they think so too.

It’s not like they just wait for position 1 to come out of the mountain before they can win the game.

In addition to making money quickly, Ame also has another feature, that is, it likes to get free money when you make money.

Waterman's reverse wave is his pinnacle.

During those days when Ame was giving away gifts, weren't they the teammates struggling to support the situation?

In this game, Maybe played the captain against Karl. Although he was short-handed and long-handed, Maybe relied on the captain's line dominance attribute to perfectly handle the matchup and scored a terrifying 30-10 in five minutes. knife.

Looking at this CS data, countless viewers couldn't help but open their mouths.

Ten denials and thirty positives? The one that was recharged was changed from Ceb to Topson, right?

Of course, such excellent positive and negative compensation is not solely the result of Maybe.

FY also made great contributions.

FY's spiritual wandering is like a dark cloud that has been hanging over Topson's head, making his already difficult situation even worse.

Because OG had to prioritize dealing with Swain's problem this time, the Mavericks, who also performed well last time, was not targeted and was selected by FY again.

In just five minutes, FY has already lost three times in the middle.

The first time he was beaten to low health, the second time he directly killed Topson, and the third time he helped Maybe control the magic rune in the middle.

The rhythm is full!

The advantage accumulated now is huge enough. Of course, Maybe can play as he wants in the middle. The captain is hoarding wild + positive, negative, and suppressive, and then takes away the small wilds hoarded on the left and right of the middle, and the economy takes off!

In the subsequent group confrontation in the mid-term, although the QG side lacked the participation of Chen Dongqing, relying on the huge advantage of the captain, the QG team still perfectly resisted the situation.

Even when Chen Dongqing came out, the team was still Xiaoyou!

After winning all the previous disadvantages, there is no need to say more about this advantage and the result of the game.

Soon, TB came out and joined the rhythm.

The economy of this TB is not as explosive as that of Sven, and it cannot be far ahead, but it is at the same economic level as Captain Wu Jiefei.

QG has these two big cores, so it is natural that every fight will be unfavorable, and the situation will quickly turn from a small advantage to a big advantage!

In the end, everyone in OG faced a wave of shield push from TB. Like the leader, they decided to fight to the death and fight to the death!

But the final result was that they didn't even revive TB.

The captain used a big move to control the team and at the same time add fuel to his teammates.

With the blessing of ship oil, 45% of the damage received by the hero will be settled in a delayed manner.

TB's bathing oil is extremely hard, so he summoned several clones and stood there to masturbate!

In many cases, DOTA2 is so plain and unpretentious, without any operation.

In LOL, your divine equipment ADC also needs to be used, calculate the opponent's skill CD, and use dodge to dodge key skills.

But in DOTA2, if it is a balance of power situation, both sides may still work hard to calculate each other. But if it's the big-core No. 1 position with a big advantage and a big advantage, then you really don't need any operations, you just need to stand.

After a wave of crushing, TB relied on the blessing of the [blood exchange] of the ultimate move to perfectly maintain a safe blood volume. In the end, he pushed all the way and won the team battle!

Same process, same ending.

Seeing that the Highland Group failed, OG once again knocked out GG and surrendered.

"Let us congratulate QG!" At the scene, the European and American bearded host shouted loudly: "They ended this BO2 game with a record of 2-0!"

Chen Dongqing took off his headphones at this time, and several teammates beside him smiled and gave a fist bump, and then led the team to the OG player bench.

In fact, BO2 also requires a handshake, which is quite strange.

After all, there will inevitably be a question: If the two sides fight one to one, who wants to shake hands with whom?

The rules given by Valve are to let the team that wins the second round initiate a handshake.

This will obviously make the other team unhappy.

It's obviously a one-on-one battle, why do you treat yourself like a winner?

Of course, in this game there is no such problem.

QG had two draw games, and there was no suspense.

When I walked to OG's player bench, I saw that the five OG players had gloomy faces at this time, wondering what they were thinking about.

Of course OG people have to be gloomy.

After all, at the beginning of the game, the five of them were full of confidence and believed that they would win these two games.

They even won Ame's QG, and now they are facing substitutions and have replaced their strongest brother, so how can they still lose?

This is impossible!

The results are now good, and two defeats are a bloody reality.

The key figure in these two victories is undoubtedly the number one position, ilex.

In the first disadvantageous game, ilex worked hard for 20 minutes to earn money, and then came out and reversed the game instantly.

In the second advantageous round, ilex easily spent 20 minutes to increase his advantage and ended the game.

The advantages are accelerated and the disadvantages are eliminated. This is simply a template play for position one!

And the most frightening thing is that last year, ilex clearly reached the top of the Chinese server by operating heroes, but in today's game, ilex showed very few wonderful operations.

ilex easily won the game simply by relying on his solid money farming ability.

Is he really that strong?

At this time, ilex had already walked in front of them

N0tail looked at this handsome Chinese guy and said angrily: "I will definitely win next time."

Chen Dongqing was a little surprised when he heard this.

In the past, the European and American players he met were usually defeated by him after one fight.

Why can't you win? Are the bones so hard?

Of course, Chen Dongqing had heard the words "I will definitely win next time" a lot, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Chen Dongqing's expression did not change, he just said: "OK", and then walked towards the next person without changing his expression, not paying attention to the other person at all.

N0tail looked at Chen Dongqing's contemptuous behavior and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Chen Dongqing shook hands with the other OG players one after another, and then walked up to Ana.

Ana is of Chinese descent, and her mother is from Shanghai. However, growing up in Australia, his Mandarin is not very good and he can only speak Shanghainese.

But coincidentally, Chen Dongqing is also from Shanghai.

He looked at Chen Dongqing approaching and said with a helpless smile: "You are very good at spending money, right?"

Listening to the familiar local accent, Chen Dongqing couldn't help but feel a little more patient. He smiled and said: "For Chinese carry, this should be done with skill, right?"

"Is that so? Why can't I?" Ana joked: "Is it because I am an Australian national?"

"Probably." Chen Dongqing shrugged and made a joke with a smile.

There is no conflict between the two. After all, Ana, who often retires to enjoy life, is also a player who does not do his job properly. He has no objection to Chen Dongqing, but is full of admiration.

As a LOL player, being able to perform such a dominant performance in DOTA2 is enough to awe any player.

After the handshake ended, Chen Dongqing waved with his teammates in the center of the stage.

Different from more than an hour ago, after two games, the audience changed their previous indifference, and their voices became obviously louder than before!

Chen Dongqing could still see a few cold faces in the front row, but when he looked over again, he saw that those cold faces had disappeared.

It seems that you are quite fickle?

It was updated early this morning, and this chapter is slightly less.

For the group stage, I will focus on this one and omit the rest.

The main reason is that many readers of the other teams don’t know each other. If I were to introduce it temporarily, firstly, it would not be enough foreshadowing, and it would be uncomfortable to win. Secondly, there would be too many characters introduced, and readers would be confused and unable to remember them.

So I can only briefly describe it. The following plots in the group stage are mainly used to prepare for the knockout rounds. (End of chapter)

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