LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 477 Using QG as the imaginary enemy!

Chen Dongqing packed up his peripherals, and then happily walked backstage with his teammates.

At the entrance of the backstage, just like the LOL branch, the manager, coach and substitute Ame of the DOTA2 branch had been waiting at the entrance of the lounge for a long time.

This game not only excited the audience, but also made several people in the DOTA2 training department extremely excited!

After all, OG had just double-killed their team. Now that the two sides are facing each other again, several people in the DOTA2 division are still a little frightened.

If they are killed again, everyone in QG will have to doubt themselves.

But fortunately, there is no such if.

"Let's go and eat! Are you hungry?" Coach Xiaoba said with a smile: "After eating, prepare for the afternoon game!"

After the morning game, the next game will be at three o'clock in the afternoon. There is a long interval, and the opponent is not too strong, so there is no pressure.

There was a game in the afternoon, so the meal couldn't be too rich, so everyone simply found a KFC to deal with it.

While the KFC clerk was preparing the food, Chen Dongqing took out his mobile phone and looked at the Tieba forum.

The butterfly session of the forum after the game is essential, even for DOTA2.

Chen Dongqing couldn't wait to click into DOTA2 first.

Sure enough, as soon as I entered the forum, I saw countless carnival posts. All the forum friends were extremely excited about these two hearty victories!

After all, this game is of great significance.

It’s not just winning a BO2 and getting two points.

The most important thing is that QG also defeated OG and their old enemy!

do not know why.

After watching these two games, this QG team looks like a champion inexplicably.

[Ame can’t defeat the enemy, will ilex come and push the two games to a draw? So hard? 】

[No, do you understand the value of the interstellar championship? 】

[Indeed, Brother Shu has his own baggage. If he is not sure, will he switch to DOTA2? 】

[Hahaha, there is baggage, right? It’s true]

Chen Dongqing couldn't help but grin when he saw these posts.

The word "baggage" is actually quite correct!

I am the first person in LOL history. If I am not sure, will I come to DOTA2 to play?

I want to be the first person in history in DOTA2, and that will be worthy of my status!

Chen Dongqing walked around the DOTA2 bar twice, but he always felt that it was boring. He thought about it and simply clicked on the anti bar to take a look.

Today is the match day of the regular season of LOL, but at this time, there are not a few posts about the regular season in the anti-bar. They are all discussions about DOTA2.

When outsiders saw it, they thought it was a resistance bar that was occupied by DOTA2 players. How scary is that?

[Report! Brother Shu hit C with two hands and penetrated OG! 】

[Brother Shu, you will always be a god! 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask, what’s the value of Brother Shu’s two weapons? 】

[Just wait for the Uzi three-piece set and win the gold content of the game]

In the recent QGLOL division game, Uzi can be regarded as the backbone of the team alone. He leads the team to push when he has the advantage, and waits for Uzi's three-piece set when he is weak, and then pushes again.

Recently, the meme "Waiting for a puppy three-piece suit" has even spawned.

Under Uzi's perfect performance, QG has never lost a big game so far, which makes fans quite relieved.

It can only be said that QG's two fathers each shine in different fields.

[Will Brother Shu really win the championship? 】

[You said the same thing in last year’s StarCraft competition, but he really won the championship! 】

[The gringo is going to be so angry now]

Chen Dongqing brushed and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He suddenly remembered something and quickly opened the post bar.

He has also learned recently that there seems to be serious opposition to him abroad.

When he thought of this, he quickly started Twitter!

Just click in and you will see that countless discussions are pouring in on the trending search " # ilex"!

As soon as Chen Dongqing entered, he saw countless foreign players playing tricks.

【You know, I have always been a fan of ilex.】

【ilex is such a crazy player! Maybe starting from today, I will also support QG]

[Yes, now it seems that QG’s substitution is a real reinforcement! 】

Among these tweets, there are also some LOL professional players participating.

The most abstract one is G2's Perkz. Ah P said: "I didn't watch QG's game because I was playing in the regular season. But there is really no need to watch it, because I know it must be a victory. .Yes, I am a loyal believer of ilex!"

In addition, the senior brother's speech was also extremely arrogant: "Did you know that the hero played by ilex in the first game only had one active skill, but he only needed to develop well and find the right time to enter the field, and he would be able to do it all at once. Use the key to kill all enemies. Facts have proved that DOTA2 is indeed a game with no operational difficulty."

These two people are considered to be top-notch groups. Although Chen Dongqing has conquered many European and American audiences with his own skills, there are still many who are stubborn and do not approve.

The words of the two people were once again frantically attacked by countless DOTA2 die-hard fans!

Chen Dongqing didn't know until now that the discussion about him on the Internet had reached this level.

Okay, okay, bigger is better, bigger is better.

The greater the discussion, the more shocked you will be when I win the championship!

At this time, the food was finally served. Everyone stuffed chicken nuggets into their mouths while chatting about all the problems in the competition just now.

If you are at a disadvantage in the early stages of the first game, it means that you are not doing a good job of resisting pressure, and there are still some problems.

The main reason why there was such a big disadvantage in the first round was that Maybe was a little negligent in the middle and was caught to death twice by the opponent. Also, Charles's laning wasn't good enough, allowing the plane to seize two waves of opportunities.

QG's DOTA2 division is not as invincible and lofty as LOL, and they still need to move forward.

After talking about yesterday, let’s talk about tomorrow.

Everyone in QG started talking about the confrontation ideas for the afternoon game again.

This afternoon’s opponent is VGJT, which is China’s own team. They are also one of the top eight directly invited teams in terms of points, so they can be called a strong team.

However, their direct invitation quota is very limited, and they are on the verge of entering the team in eighth place, so their reputation as a strong team is not stable.

As a Chinese team, they often play training matches with QG, so Chen Dongqing has a certain understanding of this team's style.

Like other teams, the performance of their number one Sylar is the core of this team. As a werewolf with unique skills, he can guarantee to lead the team to a victory as long as he brings out the werewolf.

But this is a game after all, and the werewolf can be banned. Without the werewolf, he will no longer have this dominance.

At the same time, their off-lane positions 3 and 4, Yang and Fade, are a bit weak and often disappear during games.

Positions 3 and 4 are considered to be the key rhythm points in the early and mid-term. Once they become invisible, the rhythm of the entire VGJT team will naturally not be much better.

QG can take advantage of this weakness.

Xiaoba asked: "This kind of opportunity to compete in the main competition is rare. Should we practice our shortcomings in the competition?"

A team that wants to win the championship must not have any obvious shortcomings. After all, in the later stages of the game, every shortcoming is fatal and will be exploited by the opponent.

The shortcomings of QG are also obvious, that is, as a new player in the team, Chen Dongqing's coordination with the team is obviously not enough, and he cannot bring out early fighting cores such as the Airplane Elf or the Puppy Juggernaut, which require coordination.

Taking advantage of VGJT's weak disadvantage lane, QG can try to choose a fighting core to break through and practice coordination.

Chen Dongqing raised his eyebrows and acknowledged this.

The training effect of the main race is indeed valuable and obvious, and it is much more useful than training matches or qualifying matches. Chen Dongqing deeply agrees with this, and he also thinks this is a good practice opportunity.

In the afternoon game, Chen Dongqing selected the Airplane Elf in the first game, focusing on one push.

The Plane Elf is the most popular first-five combination today. It has enough explosive power in the early stage and fierce fighting. It has anti-aircraft artillery in the later stage and has sufficient output in team battles.

Watching QG select the aircraft, countless people were looking forward to it again.

In the morning game, Chen Dongqing has proven to the audience his laning and development abilities, but he has always chosen to throw the blame to his teammates and then work hard after he comes out. This is actually not very healthy. After all, if your teammates collapse to the end, then you may not be able to use them no matter how fat you are.

Take the first wave of games as an example. If OG's advantage is greater and they don't even need the ultimate move of Chaos to win the team, then it won't be easy for Swain no matter how fat he is. After all, he will be hit by Chaos as soon as he enters the field. Come on, BKB can't protect him.

In the current version, a combination of grinding and playing is the answer!

Giving all the ball to the development and carry ability of the first position would be a bit all-or-nothing.

Then it depends on Brother Shu's performance in advancing the fighting core.

As for the result of this game, it was not a big deal.

Chen Dongqing's laning ability is undoubted. With the strength of his hero combination, he still produced very good positive and negative supplementary data. He was one level ahead of the opponent after supplementary supplements, and his economy ranked first in the game.

The game has been a prosperous scene up until this point.

But soon, as the game entered the middle stage, FY also switched lanes, and when the three of them started to team up, a small problem appeared.

The shortcomings of lack of tacit understanding began to show up. FY had just gained an advantage and found a wave of good opportunities. The giant tooth seamen decisively activated the snowball, hoping to lead their teammates to the tower.

However, due to insufficient communication, the speed of action was slightly slower, and there was also a slight error in the sequence of skill linkage. In the end, the support from the opposite side fell into place, and QG's wave completely destroyed the tower.

Seeing this scene, the faces of countless domestic viewers changed.

Isn't it? Don't do it FY!

Fortunately, although the losses in this wave were huge, QG's advantage still existed.

Seeing this scene, Chen Dongqing, whose attack was blocked, decided to start the old trick - go back to the jungle first, and develop for a few minutes to adjust.

The speed of earning money for the airplane elf is not slow, because the elf has a passive skill mechanism similar to that of the Dragon King, and coupled with the ability of the aircraft [anti-aircraft artillery] to clear the field, the speed of clearing the field is quite fast.

Chen Dongqing collected several waves of large mines in the wild area, and when he came out of the mountain again, his economy was still ahead of the game.

After adjusting, the aircraft once again summoned teammates to launch an attack. This time, there was no problem. FY and Charles won consecutive victories under the successive waves of team fights, and finally won the first game without any danger!

Seeing that QG finally won, the domestic audience breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is said that there is a civil war between two Chinese teams on the field, the audience always hopes that QG can win. After all, they are the most talked about, and their paper strength is also the strongest in the country.

After winning the game, everyone in QG looked at each other and gave VGJT a thumbs up, and then summarized the reasons for the problem in the backstage lounge.

The reason is actually very obvious, it is still a communication problem.

Chen Dongqing didn't expect FY to take action, and wanted to clear the line first, but FY thought it was best to take action directly. The opponent was not prepared, and their burst damage was enough.

There was no communication between the two parties, and problems suddenly occurred.

It’s hard to say whose fault it is, after all, both sides have reasons.

"In this case, all I can say is to communicate more." Chen Dongqing said with a smile: "You have a better understanding of the game than me. I will still listen to you at critical times."

As soon as these words came out, several players nearby were shocked and said quickly: "It's nothing."

Chen Dongqing shook his head and said, "No, I'm serious."

Chen Dongqing has a very clear positioning of himself. He is just a pure mercenary thug. He is so quick in making decisions in the game that it is really not his turn.

Even in LOL, Chen Dongqing rarely participates in decision-making. He is responsible for carrying.

When everyone in the DOTA2 branch heard this, they were all moved.

Great, needless to say!

Behind him, coach Xiaoba was also quite pleased when he heard this.

Originally, he planned to make a summary so that the players could communicate more.

In the end, Chen Dongqing finished everything for him.

And she even told him things that were inconvenient for him to say.

Having such a player in the team is really a worry-free experience.

Although there are still some hidden dangers in the team, I believe that as long as these five people go in the right direction, these hidden dangers will be solved soon!

Taking the stage for the second game, this time Chen Dongqing was ingenious and chose a master.

Juggernaut is the Juggernaut in DOTA2. His skills are simple and crude. The first skill is Blade Storm, which is similar to Galen's E. But the advantage is that Blade Storm does very high damage in the early stage and comes with magic immunity. It is very rogue in the early stage.

The second skill puts down a movable totem that lasts for 25 seconds, which can continuously heal surrounding friendly heroes. After reaching full level, it will heal 5% per second.

The amount of milk is extremely high, and if you eat enough, you can gain more than one life!

Because the amount of milk is so high, many people joke that the Juggernaut's body is actually a milk stick, and he is nicknamed the Milk Stick Man.

The third skill is a passive one, with a 35% probability of causing a 1.9 times critical hit when attacking.

The ultimate move is simple, called [Invincible Slash]. The skill effect is similar to the old version of Sword Queen's Blade Waltz. It enters an invincible state, and then automatically chases people and slashes!

But this is obviously much better than Blade Waltz, because this skill will increase the attack speed and attack power. If no one shares the attack, at level six, you can easily kill with one big move and full health.

Play like a supermodel.

But this thing is only great in the early stage. After all, DOTA2 is a battle of supermodel skills, with all kinds of outrageous mechanisms emerging one after another. It is very likely that you will kill them with a big move, and others will use a small skill or use a certain piece of equipment to hide from you. , without taking away a drop of blood.

These skill groups are all strong in the early stage, which establishes the strong fighting position of the Nippleman in the early stage.

In this game, there were no more problems between the two sides.

Chen Dongqing is equipped with Ryan's support. This hero has two relatively stable controls, and a ultimate move that can be released directly on people with a very high kill line.

Ryan's ultimate move is called [Finger of Death]. Speaking of which, this skill has some connections with LOL.

In 2011, Ruofeng, who was still a professional DOTA2 player, faced off against Pis, the top mid laner in the country at that time. During the confrontation between the two at that time, Ruofeng controlled the half-health Pis and only needed one big move to complete the solo kill. At that moment, he shook his hand and gave this ultimate move to the soldier next to pis.

At this point, "Ruofeng Wizard's Finger of Death" became famous in the CNDOTA circle.

This may be the reason why Ruofeng chose to switch to LOL.

But judging from the results, there is nothing wrong with this career change.

In four minutes, relying on Ryan's two consecutive controls, Chen Dongqing chased Xiao Xiao and slashed wildly. When the control ended, Chen Dongqing directly activated [Blade Storm] and chased Xiao Xiao around!

The final blow, win the opponent and kill!

Seven minutes later, Chen Dongqing was stuck at level 6. He took the initiative to use Blade Storm to clear the line + consume blood!

At the moment Blade Storm ended, there were no more minions around the two enemy heroes.

This can guarantee that his Invincible Slash will definitely hit the hero. Chen Dongqing slashed Xiaoxiao with a knife, and then instantly used his ultimate move [Invincible Slash].

Because Xiao Xiao’s health was running low, it was useless even if the two of them shared the damage. Xiao Xiao was killed again under the continuous blows from his big move!

The audience burst into applause, and countless people marveled at Chen Dongqing's laning ability.

So far in today's game, it seems that he has never been at a disadvantage in the lane!

However, the audience off the court could not be happy for long.

Soon, VGJT launched a counterattack. Their No. 2 and No. 5 players wandered to the bottom lane and launched a counterattack!

Chen Dongqing reacted quickly. Facing the enemy's fatal control in the dark, he suddenly reacted. With a [Blade Storm] magic immunity to the limit, he ignored the opponent's control and left, then patted his butt and walked away. !

But he could dodge, but Xnova was not so easy. Ryan was directly retained by the opponent Xiaoxiao with a gravel array, and then was killed by the opponent's concentrated fire!

Immediately afterwards, VGJT pretended to catch it again, but actually caught it in conjunction, sending Maybe back to the spring water.

This wave can only be said to be quite fatal. After all, with the successive deaths of Xnova and Maybe, QG was not only tied with the head ratio, but also suppressed in the middle, which had a great impact on the rhythm!

But fortunately, QG also has its own game ideas.

FY looked at the situation in the middle and said, "Ye Jianwei, can you catch the middle code with me?"

Xnova hesitated and said, "Do I have to protect my eldest brother?"

Xnova knows how to win games. As the fifth position, he knows that he can win the game as long as he protects ilex.

But it was obviously overkill.

At this time, Chen Dongqing hurriedly said: "Go, it's okay, I have some who can't be killed. If I fight them hard in the bottom lane, they will definitely not dare to touch me."

At this time, the game came to ten minutes, and Xnova's Ryan reached level six.

It can be said that Chen Dongqing did what he said. Without any assistance, he made crazy remarks on the faces of the two people opposite him, and even took the initiative to make positive and negative comments. He highlighted his arrogance and made the audience in the background tremble with fear!

But you have to say, this wave can really scare people!

The three or four positions on the opposite side saw that the master was so arrogant. Their first reaction was that there was someone, so they quickly retreated!

At this time, Xnova and FY had sneaked into the middle.

Relying on the concealment effect of the Fog of Deception, he then took the initiative with a long-distance attack. Then Ryan poked and then hit the Finger of Death, and combined with Maybe's damage, he successfully killed the opponent's mid laner and regained the victory!

I saw QG’s two assistants in the middle! The three and four people from VGJT were immediately furious!

So you, B, are just pretending?

But their anger is destined to be unable to be vented.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Chen Dongqing immediately turned around and retreated. Relying on the magic immunity effect of [Blade Storm], Chen Dongqing slipped back to the tower safely without any pressure at all.

After this wave, the rhythm of the game returned.

After liberation, Maybe and FY made a surprise attack on the opponent's big brother, and successfully curbed the opponent's big brother's development momentum.

At the same time, Chen Dongqing squatted on the opposite side of the jungle in the bottom lane to assist, and used [Invincible Slash] to complete a one-click single kill!

Next, there was no suspense in the game. After liberation, Maybe began to advance together with Chen Dongqing.

Chen Dongqing fulfilled his duties as a breast stick man very well. He directly ordered the breast stick to fill up the milk supply and cooperated with his teammates to complete multiple waves of advancement.

In the end, the game came to 35 minutes, and the unfathomable Juggernaut started BKB to swim wildly at the VGJT base!

VGJT's people spent the time to dominate BKB with difficulty, and they were about to focus their fire for an instant kill, but in the next second, the dominance directly disappeared from the screen with an invincible slash.

The master with a huge advantage, no one can afford the damage from his ultimate move. The opponent's No. 5 position only split three swords and was sent directly back to the spring!

It was rare for everyone in VGJT to persist until the end of the Overlord's ultimate move, but as a result, the Overlord turned around immediately after landing, relying on the magic immunity effect of [Blade Storm], and walked away unstoppably!

Although the late stage ability of the Nipple Man is worrying, this set of combos not only killed the opponent's No. 5 position, but also attracted a huge amount of firepower and left the field safely. This was enough!

Next, Chen Dongqing's teammates flew into the field and showed off their magical powers, easily wiping out VGJT and ending the game in one wave!

With this joy, everyone in QG stood up with a smile, fist bumped each other and quickly came to VGJT to shake hands.

"See you in the knockout round, okay?"

"No, let's not meet again in the knockout rounds."

"See you in the finals then!"

"That's OK, my level is low."

There was obviously no quarrel between the two Chinese teams. The two teams shook hands with a smile and then returned to the backstage lounge together.

Seeing the backs of the two teams, the Chinese audience jumped with excitement!

The failure of VGJT is certainly depressing, but the success of QG makes them even happier!

After two games of 2-0, QG achieved a proud 4-0 score in the first day of the group stage, ranking first in Group A!

This team is really great!

After the game, everyone in QG finally got a chance to eat.

The competition time of DOTA2 was too tight and too long. From morning to afternoon, everyone did not have much time to eat. Now that the game is over, everyone finally got a chance to eat.

Seeing that today's results were so satisfying, of course they couldn't be careless about eating. Everyone found a famous Chinese restaurant nearby and planned to have a comfortable meal!

At the dinner table, everyone briefly reviewed today's game.

Judging from the two games against VGJT, their rhythm problem still exists. This problem has actually existed since AME was here, but the arrival of Chen Dongqing only amplified it.

After the review, they determined their goals for the next group stage.

Strong teams take it seriously, while weak teams train.

As long as the ranking is always among the top four in the group, that won't change.

Everyone did not waste any time. After eating, they quickly returned to the backstage and entered into the intense practice of the training match.

I have to say that today's two victories really helped QG gain a reputation.

As soon as everyone returned to the lounge, they quickly received countless invitations to training matches.

Those teams that were not interested in playing training games with QG in the past have now all taken the initiative to send in applications!

But it is worth mentioning that there is still no OG among them.

Xiaoba slowly picked with a smile and chose TL as his opponent.

As the largest e-sports club in North America, TL has achieved good results in various game fields and can be considered a good sparring target.

Soon, the training match continued

At the same time, another floor of the hotel.

After today's game, everyone in OG couldn't eat. After a simple meal, they quickly returned to the backstage lounge and entered a serious review state.

N0tail, who was slapped in the face today, was merciless to his teammates and picked out their problems one by one.

As the captain of OG and the founder of the club, N0tail is quite prestigious in the team.

In this review, No. 3 Ceb and No. 2 Topson have become the targets of the trial.

Needless to say, Ceb was the absolute biggest loser. Two of his last hits were blown away, and he was raised two times in a row.

As for Topson, his performance in the first game was acceptable, but in the second game FY caught him as the biggest breakthrough point, which was also a huge problem!

After all, Topson is just a rookie now. He does not have rich game experience, and he does not have the demeanor of the world's number one mid laner in TI9, so he still suffers a bit against Maybe.

The two of them had nothing to say about this and honestly admitted their mistake.

"It can only be said that it's okay. We met QG on the first day of the group stage, which is a good thing. Because it made us aware of the strength of this QG on the first day, which gave us a lot of research time!"

N0tail said seriously: "Fortunately, although this QG team is very strong, they also have fatal flaws!"

Hearing this, the other OG members couldn't help but nod.

From their perspective, QG's shortcomings couldn't be more obvious - they can't play core in the early stage.

In the afternoon game, QG played against VGJT, choosing two cores in a row, but the rhythm was obviously not smooth to the naked eye, and even gave the opponent several opportunities.

It's just that VGJT is not strong enough and let the opportunity slip away!

Everyone in OG believes that if they come, they will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to win with one blow and completely destroy QG!

"There are still three days left before the knockout rounds!" N0tail said seriously: "In these three days, we will use QG as our imaginary enemy! Study every video of their games!"

"When we meet again in the knockout round, we will definitely win!" (End of Chapter)

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