LOL: The days of cultivating immortality in Rune Continent

Chapter 246: Boys' Group Creation Plan

In the evening, Rowan came to Piltover and immediately found Jace and Victor.

Rowan told these two people the idea he had already thought of while on the road. In exchange, Rowan got the looks of fools from Jace and Victor.

"Are you sure you are talking about a plan to save the world? Rather than a special wish made by a girl to see a handsome boy?" Jace, who was eating dinner, put down his fork, wiped his mouth and said seriously He looked at Rowan and said.

His face showed distrust of Rowan. Of course, this distrust also stemmed from what Rowan said now.

This is just fucking crazy, okay?

Who would believe such a thing!

Why form a boy band and let a guy named Ezreal debut as an idol, and then our world will be saved.

Jess:? ? ?

Are you sure Rowan didn't hit his head on anything when he flew over? Otherwise, why would you say such a thing?

Not only Jace, but also Victor beside him had his mouth twitching, unable to understand what Rowan meant.

"Jess, just do what I say, why do you have so many questions?" Rowan looked at Jess and said angrily.

"I know Ezreal. I remember he was a very famous explorer in Pi City. His parents were also very famous. If those two people hadn't suddenly disappeared, Ezreal would still be a noble." Victor said Said next to him, but he couldn't help but asked: "But Rowan, are you sure you don't want him to participate in scientific research or conduct combat-related training? Are you sure you want him to debut as an idol?"

Piltover's entertainment is the most prosperous in the entire Runeterra. When Hex technology is pushed to new heights and used in various places, some novel entertainment methods will naturally be born.

For example, the most popular Hex Communicator blogger in Piltover, Seraphine, has shot many singing videos and is deeply loved by people in both cities. Therefore, the word idol is not used in both cities. It’s not unfamiliar, everyone knows what professional idols represent.

Using one's personal image to provide emotional value to others is no different from an actor in a musical, but the threshold is lower because anyone can become another person's idol.

But now, Rowan said that if a man becomes an idol, then the world will be saved.

What the hell?

I'm going to save the world?

Don't say

Victor touched his chin and suddenly felt that this idea could be used as a new novel, because there are many people writing novels in the two cities. Hex Technology provides many new careers, and Hex writers were also born in One of the novel professions.

Their task is to publish their novels on the Hex communicator for those who use the new communicator to read, and of course they can also charge corresponding fees.

Jace has nothing now, even if he has money, he can still make money by doing this. After all, if he buys or sells the Hex Orb, he will have to pay for it. It is not just talk about being rich, but Jace is one A person's wealth is really worth a country now.

"Well, it's just an idol debut."

Rowan looked at Victor and said, Jace next to him was smacking his mouth, but Rowan didn't wait for Jace to ask questions and continued loudly:

"I'm sure, sure, you're right to believe it, but I also know that you won't believe it unless I give you an explanation."

"In short, you should think that there is a god who is crazy about Ezreal and likes him to the point of going crazy. As long as Ezreal agrees to be with her, then she can give up her godhead."

"You're talking about gods, are you sure you're not a crazy fan?" Jace whispered.

Rowan clenched his fists and looked at Jace expressionlessly, "Do you want to compete with me? It's the new Hex armor that has given you confidence, right?"

"Ahem, I am a scientific researcher and a cultural person. I am not as barbaric as you." Seeing Rowan raise his fist, Jace immediately coughed and said.

Victor couldn't help laughing as he watched, and said softly: "Anyway, just let Ezreal come back and tell him about this, right?"

"But why is a boy band debuting?" Victor asked curiously.

Rowan smiled crookedly and said, "This is just my little selfishness. Anyway, I have to debut in a boy band. Although the god likes Ezreal, he might also be interested in other handsome guys. Woolen cloth?"

A boy band.

Are there any problems with forming a boy band in Runeterra? Of course there is nothing wrong with it. After all, the official has released so many series of skins. Although the boy group series will definitely not have domain planes, unlike the Dragon Master and Soul Lotus, which are "real", but Luo Wen That could make it come true, couldn't it?

Just think of it as a little selfishness. Besides, if Ezreal is really allowed to make his debut by himself and use "handsome" and "charming" to seduce Zoe, maybe Ezreal won't agree? But it’s not necessarily the case when a boy band debuts. Judging from Luo Wen’s evaluation of Ezreal, that guy is a sunny, handsome, and narcissistic big boy.

This makes Ezreal feel more competitive. Maybe this guy will take the initiative to join? After all, this is a guy who can say: "In other games, handsome guys like me are usually the protagonists!"

For a guy like this, if he is really competitive, he will say: "A guy as handsome as me must be in the C position in the team!"

Ha, thinking of this scene, Rowan found it a little funny.

He really felt that the Runeland he was in was really changing more and more.

"What about the candidate?" Jayce asked a key question.

He gathered his sleeves with a serious expression, showing a resolute expression: "I won't participate. Although it's a pity, I still have a lot of scientific research to do."

"I didn't ask you to participate." Rowan looked at Jayce speechlessly.


"Is it okay if I don't participate!" Jayce's face changed, and he said loudly: "I am the most popular man in Piltover now. Those who are more handsome than me are not as strong as me, and those who are stronger than me are not as rich as me. Those who are richer than me... Ha, there is no one richer than me in this city-state!"


"Anyway, it's up to you. Find Ezreal and send me a message." Rowan rolled his eyes at Jayce, then looked at Viktor and said, and then, without waiting for Jayce to attack, Rowan disappeared directly.

This Jayce,

is also a narcissist.

After all, he is a guy with the Rose Gentleman skin, so it is normal for him to be narcissistic. But to be honest, Jayce is actually quite handsome. His handsomeness is different from that of Ezreal. He is handsome in a manly way, although those temperaments will completely disappear when Jayce is stupid.

Flying back to Demacia, Rowan hugged Ahri who pounced on him.

Reaching out and rubbing the little fox's head, Rowan looked at Ahri, and an idea was born.

But then, Rowan gave up the idea.

Forget it, the purpose of the whole boy group is to seduce Zoe, but who can be lured out by the whole girl group?

No need~

Three days later, Rowan received a message from Jayce.

After saying goodbye to Lux, Rowan flew to Piltover.

And when he arrived at Jayce's office, Rowan also met Ezreal, who was officially designated by Riot as the most handsome man in Runeland.

A head of bright and beautiful golden hair, extremely handsome facial features, eyebrows and eyes like paintings, narrow eyes with fox eyes, and a pair of gentle and charming eyes under a pair of heroic eyebrows. This adjective is very strange, but Ezreal gave Rowan this feeling.

The lines of his face are softer than those of women. On his small face, his facial features are a combination of heroic and delicate.

If generals are divided into levels, then Ezreal is definitely the first level. Rowan even thinks that if Ezreal is given a wig and puts on makeup, his appearance can be higher than Lux and Kai'Sa.

No wonder Zoe is so attractive.

You know, Zoe has lived for hundreds of years and has absorbed the knowledge of many Twilight Astral Spirits. The number of people she has seen is more than the total number of humans in the entire Rune Land. Even so, Zoe is attracted by Ezreal's appearance and can't extricate herself from Ezreal.

"Um, is it me you're looking for?"

Seeing Rowan, Ezreal greeted him. He was wearing a special blue glove inlaid with strange gems. The shape was also very wild, which was somewhat inconsistent with Ezreal's temperament.

And the glove also caught Rowan's attention.

Opening the Sky Exploration, Rowan nodded.

[Gauntlets of the Ascended Horok]

[Quality: Domain Level]

[Effect: Can release magic light bullets. After accumulating energy, it can be transformed into Horok's longbow, which has terrifying power. ]

Look at Ezreal again.


[Friendliness: One Star]

[Age: 21]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: No Danger]

[Skills: Charisma (Superb Level 6) Arcane Magic (9) Arcane Warp (7) Adventurous Spirit (6).]

[Fortune: Handsome Man (S) Explorer (A)]

Rowan: "?"

Being pretty is also considered as luck? !

Why don't Ahri, Kai'Sa, Lux, and Sona have such luck?

No, and Ezreal, isn't your charm skill a little too high?

Remember that Lux and Sona's charms have not passed the extraordinary level.

Wait, it seems that the case has been solved!

Is it because it is difficult for humans to break through the extraordinary level of charm skills, so Ezreal can attract the attention of the Protoss with just his face?

As for strength, Rowan has not seen the numerical skill level with Tiantian for a long time.

Since Rowan became a transcendent existence, Rowan has rarely encountered such guys. After becoming a rule-level, he has been dealing with demigods all the time. Therefore, looking at Ezreal's panel, Rowan couldn't help but touch his nose and felt a little nostalgic.

Once upon a time, he was so weak.

However, Ezreal's strength cannot be judged only by his skill level. After all, he has the weapon of Horok in his hand.

That is a domain-level weapon.

How should I put it? The things made by Horok are naturally far inferior to those made by Ornn, because the things made by Ornn also come with attribute bonuses, that is, they bring physical bonuses to the user.

This is a special skill that belongs to the only godcrafter in Runeland, and Horok's is obviously not good enough. The weapons he made may have domain-level effects, but they have no additional attributes.

However, the power should not be underestimated. I don't know which one is more powerful compared to the power of the latest Hex Cannon of the Twin Cities.

And this glove also made Rowan think of someone, that is, Kassadin's relatives who are now living a life of idleness and waiting to die at home.

Kassadin, his weapons are also made by Horok, a sword and a bow, these two weapons are a pair.

Well, but it doesn't matter. After reaching the domain level, ordinary weapons can't withstand Rowan's spiritual power unless they are made by craftsmen of the same level as Ornn.

This is also the reason why Rowan can only use spiritual energy to transform swords after using the spirit fairy.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you, Ezreal, my name is Rowan, I think you must know me." Rowan stretched out his hand and said to Ezreal.

Ezreal's face changed, and after a while he sighed, "Of course I know you, Mr. Rowan, you are a well-known big man known to everyone in the world."

And the person I secretly love likes.

Of course, Ezreal swallowed this sentence.

Ezreal had a complicated feeling about Rowan. When he went to Demacia, he fell in love with a girl from Demacia at first sight, but the girl didn't talk to him at all and was not interested in his adventure stories at all.

This made Ezreal feel very distressed, and after several twists and turns to inquire, Ezreal learned that the girl already had someone she liked and had promised to be with her for life.

This also made Ezreal heartbroken. He was handsome and charming. He knew that his face was popular with women, but Ezreal never abused his face, and he would not be a person who destroyed other people's feelings.

What's more, after learning who the girl liked, Ezreal would not dare to do it even if he had ten courage.

Demacia Black Lion, the president of the War Academy, the investor of the Twin Cities, the leader of the Alliance. Each of these big identities is something that Ezreal can touch.

If Rowan knew what Ezreal was thinking at this moment, he would probably smile.

In the official setting, Lux was afraid of Demacia and the Crown Guard family because she mastered magic in her childhood. She was afraid that her magic would be discovered, so she was full of yearning for the outside world. Because of this, Lux liked to read adventure stories and picture books, and an author named Jarlo Light Feather became Lux's idol.

But that was the official setting.

No, your official setting has nothing to do with me, Rowan?

Lux in this world still likes adventure and is keen on traveling around, but she will not spend all her time reading books, because... She has someone to go on adventures with her, so she doesn't need to place her wishes on her hands.

So, Lux in this world may know Jarlo Light Feather, but she will never be obsessed with Jarlo Light Feather.

After all, she is a woman who has seen big scenes!

She has seen and known gods, and there are at least two hands!

So how could she be obsessed with a guy who writes adventure stories?

"That's good, Ezreal, did Jayce explain the situation to you?"

"." Ezreal's expression became complicated. He reached out and rubbed his golden hair, then looked at Rowan and said in a deep voice: "Yes, but Mr. Rowan, I'm sorry, I really can't understand what Mr. Tallis said to me."

"It doesn't matter, you just need to know that the world needs you to save it."

Rowan put his hand on Ezreal's shoulder, looked at him, and said seriously:

"For world peace, Ezreal, please debut as an idol."


"So why is it!"

In front of Rowan, the handsome Ezreal grabbed his golden hair with both hands and went crazy.

What does saving the world have to do with me being an idol? !

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