There are always strange things happening in Runeterra. Different opinions, different beliefs, and different customs make many interesting and surprising things happen in every region every day. With the Twin Cities getting involved in every corner of Runeterra, information Delivery is no longer a difficult task. Every morning at the newspaper offices in the Twin Cities, there will be a postman carrying newspapers printed the day before, which record various events that happened around the world recorded by modern professionals called reporters. Because of this, even if you are in a backward place like Freljord, you can still know some new things happening in the world every day.

Just now, Ashe is sitting at the dining table, sharing the food on the table with her husband Tryndamere, a deer leg, and some vegetables shipped from Demacia. They are not fresh, but in Freljor In this place, it is a wonder to be able to eat green vegetables.

Next to Ashe, a mature woman was holding a newspaper. Although Ashe didn't understand the alliance's lingua franca, Valoran, she couldn't resist the fact that there was someone around Ashe who did.

The Freljord is indeed a restricted area for humans in the eyes of outsiders, but there are still many merchants who come to the Freljord with goods to trade items. Therefore, over time, some people in the Freljord have learned how to deal with war. Rolandic and passed it down.

“On August 24th, Piltover Shine Institute released recruitment information. The conditions required fresh graduates from Piltover University. Salary can be discussed in detail in person. Six days off per month. Good working environment and benefits. "

"The latest weapon developed by the Twin Cities, the Hex Cannon, has been successfully tested and is incredibly powerful. However, the first-generation Hex Cannon is not sold to the outside world. Mr. Tallis said that this is the Twin Cities' own weapon."

"Female star Seraphine is about to hold her fourth concert. This concert will be held in the dance corridor and on a floating stage. Tickets are cheap. Visitors from all walks of life are welcome to come and enjoy Seraphine's concert."

Ai Xi listened to the news silently and cooked with the news.

Beside her, Tryndamere did the same.

Who would have thought that sitting at home, one could know things all over the world?

And Ashe is naturally a loyal user of the Hex Communicator. However, because she does not understand Valoran, Ashe has not been able to play with the Hex Communicator so far. Most of the time, it is used to watch videos and make phone calls. Objects of communication.

I don’t know when the Twin Cities will develop their own communicator for the Freljordians. Will it be difficult to use the Freljordian language?

Thinking about it, Ai Xi shook his head.

The person in charge of reading the newspaper is still reading: "In order to promote related industries on Hex Communicator, Piltover and Zaun decided to cooperate to launch National Idol. The first idol will be a boy band, and they have been privately invited Men who are in line with public aesthetics, please stay tuned.”

"What is the idol boy band?" Ai Xi wiped his mouth and asked.

"Tell Zhan Mu, I don't know," the woman said, shaking her head.

"What weird things are the Twin Cities doing again?" A trace of suspicion flashed in Ai Xi's eyes.

Ai Xi had never heard of the boy band this time.

Is it a group organized by men? But what is the use of organizing this?

Ai Xi thought about it. After a while, she remembered the word idol she just heard. The corners of her mouth twitched slightly and she said, "It won't be like Seraphine, but it will be a group of men, right?"

Tryndamere took a sip of the soup and said in a deep voice, "I think so."

"What's the use of this, Nerve Bar?" Ai Xi frowned, really unable to understand the purpose of Shuangcheng's latest action.


I think there must be a reason.

Summer has passed and autumn has come, and Runeterra has ushered in a new winter.

As the year 992 approaches, many things have completely escaped Rowan's control, but Rowan knows that this is actually a good thing, because if the official timeline is followed, then only a lot of bad things will happen.

Of course, Rowan can't guarantee that everything will develop in a good direction, but Rowan can at least say with a clear conscience - he has at least filled the stomachs of many people.

Take Noxus as an example. Noxus is no longer so poor. The technology of the Twin Cities has improved the barren land of Noxus, and the technology of scientific food cultivation has also made Noxus no longer so poor. food.

This Noxian carriage, which can only move forward without stopping, has been stopped by the hands of manpower. It may be said that the Noxians will lose something because of this, but compared to being able to eat enough Rice, if some things are lost, just throw them away.

At least Swain feels that the current situation is very good. What has Noxus been fighting for?

glory? status? dignity?

No, not that high.

Fight just to stay alive.

If they can live well, who would be willing to fight with their head in their pants?

When the basic food and clothing are met, people will need spiritual satisfaction, and the Shuangcheng City has just enough to provide this need.

On September 3, at the same time that the Zhan Zhan Academy started its academic season, the Twin Cities also announced the confidence of their first men’s team.

The name of the first men's group is called Hex Men's Group.

The member information of the boy band has also been announced separately——

Ezreal, Mrs. Piltover, 21 years old, is the face of the Hex boy band.

Ike, a 17-year-old native of Zaun, is a RAPPER of the Hex boy band. He has a deep voice and a very fast speaking speed.

Seti, an Ionian, 19-year-old drummer in the Hex boyband.

Tyrone, a 22-year-old Noxian, is the guitarist of the Hex boy band.

The Hex men's team has a total of four members, two of whom are from the Twin Cities, and the other two are from Ionia and Noxus.

And the name Tai Lung.

"How did you pick him?"

Rowan looked at the list on his hand and looked at a councilor.

The congressman thought for a while and said, "He has a good appearance. Apart from his hunchback, he is in line with the public's aesthetics, and he has a completely different image from Ezreal."

"The four men in the Hex men's team represent four different kinds of beauty. Ezreal is absolutely beautiful. His appearance is impeccable. Anyone who sees his face will praise him. In a word, he is thin and a little too feminine."

"Ike has dark skin. Although his appearance is not that of a superior, his temperament is very good. He has the thorny aura of a student, and his singing skills are very good. He is the main singer of the team."

"Seti was chosen by us after careful consideration. Sir Rowan, speaking of him, you are right. If our people had not gone to the academy to look for candidates in private, Seti, a good candidate, would have run away." Pushing up his glasses, the newly appointed congressman said bitterly.

He went on to explain: "Seti's image is masculine and strong, but his face is very handsome. This appearance and figure are loved by many women, and coupled with Vastaya's blood, this It’s a huge selling point.”

"The reason why I chose Tai Lung is because he is very ruthless. Mr. Rowan, don't you think that a boy band must have a handsome man with a mouthless nature?"

The congressman showed his white teeth and said confidently: "Believe me, I understand the pain points of customers better than you. The Hex boy band must have idols with different personalities. Only in this way can customers with different preferences like the members of the boy band. people."

"Beauty is not unique. It must satisfy everyone. Otherwise, what will we do as a team?"

After listening to the congressman's words, Luo Wen was speechless for a long time, and finally put down the paper.

He was not an experienced user of X-books and X-blogs in his previous life, so how could he understand the entertainment industry?

But what the congressman said was quite right, because after thinking about it, Rowan found that it was exactly what the congressman said.

In the previous boy and girl groups, the members of the team did have different personalities and different selling points. Some were cute, some were intellectual, some were gentle, and some were indifferent.

Because of this, Rowan stopped asking.

But he was still very curious as to why Tai Lung agreed!

It didn't feel strange that Sett would agree to Rowan, because Sett's character was no longer a weird kid. He grew up by Rowan's side for a while, and then came to live in Demacia with Yu. In the academy, Sett lived He is very happy, and therefore, he is now full of kindness towards the outside world, and he is willing to try various things.

The Twin Cities launched their first men's team, regardless of whether it would be successful or not, but Seti was chosen, so he would definitely join in the fun.

As for Ike, it was Rowan who recommended it. If they formed a boy band without Ike, could they still be called a boy band?

You must know that Ike is present in several skins of LOL.

Although not as good as Akali.

Do you understand the value of Akali in two groups? !

The True Damage series and the KDA series all have Akali's shadow.

Hmm. I digress. Talking about Tai Lung, Rowan is really confused as to whether Tai Lung can join the boy band.

That’s very strange!

A killer, a top assassin, became a boy band guitarist or something!

Rowan also asked this question, specifically Swain, because the MPs in Piltover didn't know the reason why Tyrone came. They only knew that they sent out an invitation letter, and then three days later, The other side agreed to the request and asked Tai Lung to come over.

After the interview, Tailong passed the assessment quickly.

After all, Tai Lung's hand skills are not limited to playing the instrument. Although he is new to the instrument, he is improving very quickly, and his nimble fingers are particularly suitable for plucking strings.

And Swain also gave Rowan the answer.

"Du Couture, you should know this name, right? It's a famous family in Noxus, and Tyrone is their retainer. Because Noxus is no longer invading, the nobles in the country have developed new businesses, and The same is true for the Du Cucault family. They have developed ironmaking and information collection, and this time they let Talon participate. I think it is to have direct contact with Piltover and start a new business. It may also be possible for Talon to make some extra money. The reason?”

Swain said this with a smile.

It seems that he also thinks that it is abstract that Du Quecao will let Tyrone participate and let a top killer and knife player run to play musical instruments?


After learning the general situation, Rowan was speechless.

Anyway, things have gone off the rails!

On September 7, the Hex boy band officially debuted.

The first video was also posted on the Hex Communicator.

In the picture, Ezreal, wearing the team uniform, has a blond hair with distinct strands, and light makeup on his face. With the eyeliner, he looks more charming and handsome. As the face of the team, Ezreal's singing skills are really not very good. He is responsible for singing a few lines in a song, but the team does not need him to sing, because most of the lyrics are sung by Ekko and Talon.

Even Sett sings more than Ezreal, but even so, as long as Ezreal stands there, people's eyes will unconsciously focus on him.

As soon as the Hex Boys Group came out, it quickly attracted the attention of countless people. This is the first idol group in Runeland, and it is also the first video in Runeland with dance, songs, and instrumental performances.

Rowan, who created the boy group, naturally didn't have a lot of fun. He still remembers why he created the boy group.

It's not just for fun.

The main line is to introduce Zoe!

Therefore, Rowan asked Jayce to get a large Hex screen, and Piltover played videos of the Hex Boys from 9 am to 4 pm.

This boy band is also very productive. Although it has been less than a month since they were formed, they have already released more than a dozen related videos.

"I don't know if Zoe can see it."

"If she sees Ezreal like this, there is no reason not to come, right? She must want to get in touch with Ezreal!"

Rowan, who was in the office of the senior management of Piltover, was drinking black tea and thought calmly.

Well, with Zoe's crazy lines to Ezreal in the game, there is no way she would not come!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a short girl walked out of an alley in Piltover, her star-like hair flowing like water waves, floating without wind, but the next moment, she was hugged by her hands.

Holding her hair, the girl twisted her body and walked to the Star Avenue of Piltover.

In the square, she stood in the dense crowd, looking up at the big screen on the high-rise building with stars in her eyes.


"Ezreal, you are so handsome!"

Zoe screamed in her heart, looking at the dancing man on the screen with obsession.

His dance was a little stiff, and it was completely not on the same level as the people next to him, but even so, Zoe was fascinated by him.

Holding her hair, she looked at the tallest building in Piltover.

Ezreal is in that building!

Zoe narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists seriously.

"Hey, I have to tell Ezreal that he is the best! He didn't lose to those three guys!"

Rowan didn't know that on the first day of the boy group's official debut and the first day of the video release, the first .Toxic fan in Runeland was born!

The next second, Zoe's figure disappeared on the Star Avenue.

She appeared in the sky, her body floating in the clouds, her big eyes staring at every floor, looking for her idol.


At the same time, Luo Wen, who was drinking tea, suddenly looked out the window.

Because just now, Luo Wen suddenly got a system prompt.

In an instant, with a ding, a pop-up window appeared.

[Twilight Astral—Zoe sees you, but she is not interested in your face]

[Twilight Astral’s current favorability is zero]

[Twilight Astral ignores you]



Not my friend?!


The Sky Exploration skill is Rowan’s magic skill!

It is precisely because of the passive effect of this skill that others can increase their initial favorability towards Rowan that Rowan is now thriving in Runeland.

No, even Lissandra, the super ice block, had a good impression of Rowan when she first saw him.

But what’s wrong with Zoe?!

No, is it really only Ezreal in your eyes?!

Are the others not human?


I am not a human, Rowan?!

Am I a human?

Is it true!

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