After the start of BP in the second game, SKT didn't play empty. The first ban directly knocked out Chiana. Ig, who is in the red side, doesn't play with fire either. His first-hand ban is directly given to panson.

Then SKT chooses ban Xiaxia, and Ig chooses ban kasha. The last third hand, SKT, unexpectedly chose ban to lose Wayne, while Ig chose ban to lose the wing of demacia.

"Eh SKT's ban Wein feels a little confused Is it because Kamen took out Wayne to play wild when he played G2 in the last round, so they feel scared? "

Wang remembers puzzled and said: "but to tell you the truth, although Ig won in the game of G2, Kamen also played an adverse performance, but the Ig win in that game was actually quite dangerous."

"In the early stage, because of the weakness of Wayne, Ig felt a lot of pressure. Even the upper and lower roads were on the verge of collapse for a time. No, the lower road of Ig has actually collapsed. "

"But in the mid-term, G2 made several mistakes, and Ig caught the opportunity accurately. At the same time, Kamen's Wayne really played very well, so in the end, Kamen's Wayne developed and led Ig to win the game. "

"Wayne of Kamen has a good time, but she's not so good as ban. Does it mean that SKT wants to play any routine, so it bans Wayne, who may be a threat to them? "

Wang Ji had a guess, which made us feel the taste of conspiracy. But BP is going on, and they don't have time to think about it.

"Blue square SKT took the lead in grabbing the bucket. Although the bucket on CLID was badly treated by Kamen, the bucket is really the T1 level field in this version. It's no problem to grab it."

Wang Duoduo said: "in fact, CLID is very good at using the bucket as a hero and plays very well. Now we can only hope that Kamen can limit CLID again! "

"And Ig side We've got Ritz and Lucian first! Ruiz is also the favorite of the competition, especially in this s competition, the middle road must be able to swim, and Ruiz is undoubtedly a more suitable hero to swim

"So it's not a big problem for Ig to take rez, but this Lucian How can I smell the routine? I have a strong intuition that Lucian may not have stepped down. "

Guan Zeyuan said: "indeed, Lu Xi'an is a hero who can play in all three positions. Considering that this is Ig, we may need to add a field position

"On SKT's side, the latter two hands got ORN and Yasuo! Wow, Khan chose Aoen to go on the list. It seems that these days, Khan has hidden things in private! "

Wang remembers saying: "and SKT took out Yasuo, so it seems that the wine barrel is not necessarily a fight wild! It seems that the defeat in the first game made SKT take out their big plan ahead of time

"Now let's see how Ig is going to deal with the routine that SKT is likely to take out. They have a third hand choice There are a lot of things to consider in this wave of choices. At last, Thain came out! Yes, Ig chose Thain! "

"Wow, if SKT has shown that they want to play tricks, then Ig's three hand choice feels like hiding something. They should have their own routine, but they're still waiting and they don't take it out at the first time. "

Guan Zeyuan continued: "we all know that many teams will choose the blue side when facing Ig, because the red side needs ban panson, which means that there is a ban missing."

"We all know that Ig likes to play routines. If you want to target Ig routines, you need to work harder at BP. At this time, the natural lack of a ban is equivalent to falling into a huge passive situation before the start. "

"But the strength of Ig is that it's hard for you to choose either the blue side or the red side. Because if you put Ig on the red side, they will show their big moves in the last hand

Wang Duoduo said: "now everything is still complicated. Both sides feel that they are hiding. But the second round of ban has already started. On SKT side, ban lost angels and Olaf, while on Ig side, ban lost enchantresses and sindera! "

"This round of ban people from both sides are very targeted. SKT is aimed at theshy and Kamen. Ig is directly aimed at faker. After all, there are not many good Chinese orders left outside. "

"After the last ban, Ig chose the sword demon! This sword demon is Isn't Thain on his way? Or Oh, Ig really started again. You can't figure out their routine until the last moment

Guan Zeyuan said: "in fact, when Ig elected Thain just now, I felt that theshy would not take Thain to the top. Because the game style of theshy is totally different from that of Thain. You have to give him heroes with output. ""But now the sword devil should be on his way, but where is Thain? Can I help you? If it is auxiliary, what kind of ad does it match? It seems that the next combination is the routine of Ig! "

Wang remembers suddenly yelling: "the last two choices of SKT are the prince and garrio! This is Sure! SKT's lineup is confirmed! Indeed, the wine barrel is not fighting wild, but cooperating with Yasuo to go down! "

"Wow This lineup It's a pure team! And the special solid, special meat, such a lineup, is really afraid of Wayne this cut meat very fast hero

"That's why SKT chose ban to lose Wayne. It seems that they have long wanted to take this lineup. Next, let's see Ig's last hand Huh? Ice shooter ash? Ig chose ice shooter

"Ash has to go down anyway, but what does ash say about Thain?"

Guan Zeyuan and Wang Duoduo pondered for a moment, exchanged their eyes and body, then shook their heads together and said: "I don't know, I can't think of any routine, but the game has already started. Let's watch it in the game!"

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