After a short position change, the lineup of both sides will be finally determined, red side (Ig) vs blue side (SKT):

First Order: Sword demon vs ORN

field: Lucian vs Prince

Second Order: Ritz vs garrio

ad: ash vs Yasuo

auxiliary: SAIN vs wine barrel.

"The lineup of both sides in this game is a little interesting. SKT is taking out what they prepared in advance, that is, Thain's order. Wunder, who used to watch the last single of G2, is very good at playing this hero, but he has never chosen, and now he has no chance to choose. "

Guan Zeyuan said: "it's really surprising that Khan chose this hero first. How to say about the hero of Thain? This version has been strengthened, but I haven't seen it in the competition. I don't know what the effect will be

Wang remembers: "I remember when we chatted in private a few days ago, we said that this version of Thain can play. But this hero has been relatively unpopular for a long time, so everyone plays less. "

"And after strengthening, we don't have much time to practice him. Even if someone practices it, I'm afraid they don't have the courage to take it out casually. Everyone may be waiting to see the effect of others taking it out. "

"It's a pity that no one has ever used Thain in this s race. Khan is the first one to eat crabs. Of course, he may also be forced by the situation, because SKT must win this game now, so he can only make a big move. "

Wang Duoduo continued: "yes, the situation is forcing SKT to take some risks. And the output core of SKT is Yasuo, and their lineup is all built around Yasuo

"Of course, faker's garrio is definitely going to be an export outfit, otherwise SKT may suffer from insufficient injury. But one thing is that they are inferior in terms of combat effectiveness and rhythm in the early stage. "

"As long as Ig can make a breakthrough in the early stage, it's easy for them to win. SKT this lineup is not inferior, once inferior, they even can't clear the line

"On the contrary, if the SKT team is in the starting stage, it will not be easy. Because SKT this lineup is a bit similar to Ig's lineup, they are able to play a series of combo

Guan Zeyuan frowned and said: "yes, the five people on the SKT field, the core output must be Yasuo, and the other four people can create conditions for Yasuo to enter."

"If you go down the road, you need not say more about the cask. The routine initiated by Kamen is now widely used by others. Keg's E and R can help Yasuo to play big moves, and it's still a brainless one

"In addition, Lu Aoen's big move can also cause the strike to fly. And ORN can also give Yasuo play equipment, just imagine the late game, ORN to Yasuo play a big endless blade, that Yasuo's damage is simply unimaginable

"And the prince, the prince's EQ company can also help Yasuo enlarge. And the prince forced to open the group, Gallio big move follow-up, this is a very common combo, Gallio's R is also able to create entry conditions for Yasuo skills

"Even Gallio can enlarge his backhand, wait for other team-mates to create conditions for Yasuo to open up, and then use his own moves to protect Yasuo

"In this way, SKT's lineup is really solid. They can guarantee that Yasuo can make a beautiful move!"

Wang remembers: "to tell the truth, only from the lineup, I'm really optimistic about SKT. Because Ig's lineup is a little fragile, it is controlled by Yasuo. Once Yasuo is in the later stage, it is likely to be directly controlled

"As for the line, the sword devil of brother ashy on the road vs. OHN of Khan should be very attractive. But the hero of Thain is not easy to be crushed, and the damage of this version of ORN is very high. Theshy needs to be vigilant. "

"In the field, this group of counterpoint is very important. Because we have just said that if Ig can open up the situation in the early stage and prevent SKT from dragging the game to the later stage of group war, then their chances of winning are very high. "

"It's not the first time that Kamen's Lucian played wild. The last time I remember it was against RNG, Kamen played wild with Lucian and finally got five kills, leading the team to win."

"And Kamen just used the prince to beat CLID, and CLID grabbed the prince. They wanted to teach. When it comes to fighting later, there must be some. "

Wang Duoduo continued: "when Ueno is finished, let's talk about the middle and lower. In the middle of the line, who also can not suppress who, but they are able to drive the rhythm of the hero

"So there may not be any fierce collision on the middle road. The key is to see who can better drive the rhythm. As for the next road To be honest, I don't quite understand why Ig chose ash. ""At that time, SKT had already shown Yasuo and the wine barrel. At this time, Ig chose a no displacement AI Xi and really wanted to give them a question mark. What's more, Yasuo's windwall is able to block ash's big move, which can be described as an all-round restraint. "

"But we all know that Ig's routine is always elusive. Just like now, when ashgarten goes down, there is definitely something unexpected. "

"So, before we see the real routine of Ig's next combination, it's really not easy to judge who is better or worse on the next line."

Guan Zeyuan said: "it doesn't matter, we don't have to rush to make a conclusion for them. Now the game has started, let's see the real chapter through the game!"

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