"Hmph..." Koujia turned around and left, "The disposal of these two outsiders is put aside for the time being, Sejuani, talk to me in the hall."

Sejuani gave Ashe a thumbs up, indicating that they were temporarily safe, and followed Kojiya off the dock.

"Should we send out the food now?" Ashe whispered to Lothar, the cold gaze of the three frost priests making her uncomfortable.

"Let's do it." Lothar replied, and then said loudly to the crowd, "We all hunted the food on the boat with Sejuani, and now it's all for Winter's Claw! You can line up and get it! Try your best. Every family has a share!”

As soon as Lothar's words came out, the people of the Winter's Claw tribe who had been staring at the food on the boat for a long time became excited. Now is the time when food is the most scarce, and it would be best to have someone bring food.

The Frost Priests didn't stop the tribesmen from going to get the food, they just stood by, whispering to each other from time to time, as if they were plotting something.


Legend has it that in ancient times, Lissandra, one of the legendary three sisters, had a battle with Volibear, the **** of storms and war. The battle ended with Lissandra being blinded and Volibear seriously wounded. After the war, Lissandra's frost priests and Volibear's losers signed a non-aggression pact.

The specifics of the treaty are unknown, but in general the bearmen occupied the most abundant hunting grounds in the Freljord, and humans were not allowed to enter to hunt, but the bearmen were also not allowed to invade human tribes.

It is very difficult to judge whether this contract is a good thing for humans. Although humans have been saved from war with the mighty bears, they have also lost a lot of food sources.

—Excerpt from Ezreal's Travels of Valoran: The Freljord Chapter Two: Myths and Legends

Chapter 24 Request

Gruffin does have a lot of snake meat, but he can't help but want to eat so many mouths of Winter's Claw, and it will be all over in less than a while.

But also because of the food, Lothar and Ashe were warmly welcomed by the people of Winter's Claw.

"Avarosa and we are allies!"

"Welcome Allies!"

"Have a banquet!"

Unable to resist the enthusiasm of Winter's Claw, although the three Frost Priests strongly opposed it, Ashe and Lothar were assigned to a hut for a while, waiting for the release of the war mother Kojiya.

Once inside the hut, Lothar began to rummage curiously.

Ashe felt a little funny: "Why, I haven't lived in a house before."

Lothar touched his nose, hehe smiled and said, "I haven't lived there before, I've only lived in tents all the time."

Ash was startled.

Seeing Ashe's expression, Lothar touched her head: "Don't have pity on me, I'm lucky, I can live to this age without the care of my parents."

Ashe hugged Lothar and buried her head in his neck: "I will treat you well in the future."

"You've been good enough to me." Lothar whispered, "I'm very grateful."

Ashe hugged Lothar tightly, enjoying the warmth at the moment.

Until Lothar put her hand on her ass.

"Lothar!" Ashe bit Lothar's ear fiercely, then pushed him away, and said angrily, "When can you be serious?"

"I've always been serious." Rosa rubbed her ears innocently, "I want to make out with you."

Looking at Lothar's cheap expression, Ashe felt both angry and funny, and said with a akimbo: "It's not the time yet, we'll talk about it when we settle down."

Lothar lay down on the bed in disappointment, and Ashe began to help him remove the cloth and haemostasis from his broken arm.

"Well, it's recovering well." Lothar glanced at the wound, and there was a little blood oozing, "It should be fully healed after winter is over."

Ashe touched Lothar's wound distressedly: "Does it still hurt?"

"It's okay, it only hurts when the night is the coldest." Lothar said indifferently.

Ashe didn't know whether what Lothar said was true or comforting her: "I'll go to the shaman who sees Winter's Claw and ask for some medicine."

"It's useless." Losara grabbed Ashe's wrist and dragged her back to the bed. "Did you forget what Sejuani said? All the herbs in Winter's Claw are controlled by the Frost Priest, so you can beg me. It is estimated that only the poison can be obtained."

"Then what to do? Your injury..."

"Let's talk when our hair falls." Lothar rested her head on Ashe's lap and said comfortably, "If Warmother Kojiya doesn't let us stay here temporarily, we'll just leave, but survive in the wild. It is indeed a lot harder than staying in the tribe."

Ashe helped Loza manage his messy black hair: "No matter how hard it is, I will accompany you."

"Thank you." Lothar stroked Ashe's clean cheeks, "Do you know the relationship between Sejuani and Kojiya? They are obviously mother and daughter, but they seem to hate each other."

"I only know a rough idea." Ashe looked a little melancholy. "When Sejuani was a child, Koujia abandoned her and eloped with a man. At that time, Koujia had taken over as the mother of war."

"It's interesting that a mother-in-law eloped with a man." Lothar did not expect to hear such a strange thing.

"After Koujia left, Sejuani's grandmother, Sijan, had to continue to serve as the mother-in-law of Winter's Claw."

"I remember that old lady of Xijian, it seems that she was the one who wanted to cut off the ties between Winter's Claw and Avarosa."

"Well... if it wasn't for the conflict between Xijian and my mother, we should have spent these five years with Sejuani."

"When I was a kid..." Lothar recalled the past, "Sejuani surrounded you and Glenna every day, and I didn't even have a chance to play with you."

"Mum said that Sejuani's grandmother was very strict with her, and I heard that she was often given difficult trials when she was a child. My mother was almost against Sheejane's way of raising her granddaughter that made Sheejan feel offended. , and then let Winter's Claw and Avarossa break off."

"No wonder Sejuani is so strong, I dare say that she can easily knock down a Juvasque boar." Lothar said with her legs crossed.

"Don't talk nonsense, that's too exaggerated." Ashe patted Lothar on the forehead, "I didn't expect to see you in a few years, Xijian has passed away... It is probably for this reason that Koujia had to come back to be a war mother. ."

"It can be seen that the woman is not very concerned about the duties of the war mother, and it is estimated that her mind is still on the man who eloped with her." Lothar said playfully, "If I were the war mother, I would definitely not put all three frost priests. Stay in my tribe, there will be ghosts if nothing happens."

"It's really strange..." Ashe pondered for a while, "but this is the internal affairs of the Claw of Winter, and we are not easy to intervene."

"Involved in what?" A creaking sound came, and it was Sejuani who pushed open the door.

"It's nothing!" Ashe said hurriedly, "Have you talked to the war mother Kojiya?"

"Um..." Seeing Lothar lying comfortably on Ashe's lap, Sejuani exclaimed in displeasure, "I had a fight with her, but you can stay for the time being."

"Really" Ashe didn't expect Sejuani to successfully persuade Kojiya, and she was mentally prepared to continue to eat and sleep with Lothar.

"Of course it's true, when did I lie to you." Sejuani closed the door and sat down on the stool carelessly, "There will be a small banquet tonight, I will host it, and the people have a good impression of you. But don't expect anything delicious, there is a shortage of food in the tribe right now."

"Banquet?" Lothar rolled over. "Will you use Gruffin meat? Can I help with the cooking?"

"As you like." Sejuani impatiently perfunctory Lothar, said to Ashe, "Ashe, tonight I want to take a few people to plunder a small tribe, can you help us? You have your Zhenbing Longbow, you can help us a lot."

Ashe was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lothar with some embarrassment: "This..."

"Ashe doesn't like to rob other people's things." Lothar helped Ashe to say what she meant.

"I didn't ask you!" Sejuani gave Lothar a stern look, then her eyes turned to pleading, "Please Ashe, Winter's Claw is really short of food. You Avarosa tribe never used to Do you often rob someone else?"

"But..." Ashe recalled the plundering that Glenna had brought her to participate in. She didn't like this way of obtaining food, although she knew that if it wasn't like this, more people would starve to death in Avarosa.

In the Freljord, stealing food is not much different from killing people outright, and the victims end up dying.

Looting is killing.

Ashe closed her eyes and thought silently for a long time.

"Okay..." Ash finally agreed.

"That's great!" Sejuani was overjoyed and immediately got up and hugged Ashe, who patted Sejuani on the back with a wry smile.

Lothar didn't say anything, just looked at Ashe's bitter expression, thoughtful.


In the Freljord, it is common for tribes to plunder each other because of the lack of supplies, a tradition that has been formed since ancient times. Freljord blood is the blood of robbers, and powerful tribes can even sail ships across the ocean to plunder other nations. Facing the endless cold and blizzard of the Freljord, perhaps only such sturdy folk customs can survive.

—Excerpt from Ezreal's Travels of Valoran: The Freljord Chapter Six: A Chronicle of the Horde

Chapter 25 Banquet

The "small banquet" that Sejuani referred to was really small, with only a hundred or ten people attending, and the only food to eat was a large pot of snake broth and honey wine.

Sejuani went to prepare for tonight's plunder, Lothar ran to season the snake broth, and Ashe drank alone at the edge of the banquet with a croissant cup filled with mead.

Many young boys in Winter's Claw blushed when they saw Ashe's face, but none of them dared to strike up a conversation, citing the Zhenbing longbow behind her back.

In Winter's Claw, there is no Iceborn as young as Ashe who can wield True Ice weapons.

The sweetness of the mead slightly intoxicated Ashe. She stared at the people who kept eating and drinking at the banquet, recalling that Avarosa often held such banquets.

But now, Avarosa is gone.

Ai Xi exhaled a sigh of relief: "Don't think about it, Ai Xi, no matter how much you think about mom and everyone, you won't be able to come back..."

Just as Ashe whispered to herself, an unpleasant cold breath came from her back.

Ashe turned back suddenly, and the three frost priests of Winter's Claw did not know when they gathered behind her.

"What do you want?" Ashe couldn't help but want to take a step back, but she held back and raised her chest to face them.

The three frost priests glanced at each other, and the head frost priest said in a hoarse voice, "What is your name, Avarossa."

Ashe glanced at the three of them. She used to think that the Frost Priest was mysterious, powerful and kind, but now, she only thinks they are hideous.

"I'm Ashe." After Ashe finished speaking, he added, "I'm Longbow."

"Are you Ashe? The daughter of Avarossa's war mother Glenna", the frost priests headed up to look at her.

"You know me." Ashe felt a little bad, but the cold air of the longbow behind her made her face it calmly.

"We know the Frost Priest of Avarossa. Marukolo mentioned you...our priests sometimes communicate with each other." Another Frost Priest said sullenly, "He likes you, I can feel it."

"I don't like that traitor at all." Ashe's face turned completely cold, and she was almost unable to hold back her bow.

"Traitor, it seems that something really happened to Avarossa. Did your mother go down that path completely?"

Ashe's heart was beating wildly, and she searched for the truth from the scattered words of the Frost Priest.

"What is that path? Is the throne of Avarossa that my mother has been looking for?" Ashe's mind was racing, "Do they know that I have obtained Avarossa's holy bow... It seems that they don't know this one? The bow...I haven't shown its power yet."

Thinking of this, Ashe completely cut off the idea of ​​drawing a bow: "I can't let them know that this bow is not an ordinary True Ice weapon..."

The frost priests sensed Ashe's restlessness, they smiled coldly, and put their hands into their arms.

"Yo, what are we talking about?" A lively boy's voice broke the tense atmosphere.

With a bowl of hot soup in each of his hands, elbows, and head, Lothar walked towards them with a smile.

"Avarosa... you are" Frost Priest stopped his hand in his arms and asked.

"It's just a nobody, not an iceborn. Don't worry about it, Lord Priest." Lothar said, walking to Ashe and handing her the hot soup in his hand, "My dear, it seems that the people in Winter's Claw are indeed starving. , a whole pot of snake meat was taken away in one fell swoop, but I left some for you."

Ashe took the hot soup in a daze. As Lothar said, there was a lot of snake meat in the soup, all of which were cut into small pieces.

"It's not the blood alliance of the Iceborn..." The frost priest headed looked at Ashe disdainfully, "It seems that even if Avarossa is not destroyed by Marukolo, the tribe will be lost to your generation."

"You!" Ashe was furious, but was blocked by Lothar.

"It's okay, Ashe, drink the soup." Lothar didn't seem to be provoked, and handed the second bowl of soup to the Frost Priest. "Everyone is the people that Lissandra is watching, and they are peaceful."

Hearing that Lothar mentioned Lissandra's name, the faces of the frost priests softened a little, and one of them took the soup, stared at the soup noodles carefully, and smelled it.

Lothar knew that he was checking the soup for poison, but he didn't care. After giving the last bowl of soup to the frost priest, he took Ashe's hand: "Let's go, the banquet is not over yet, let's go Have some fun."

"Wait." The frost priest at the head showed a cruel smile and took out a sharp dagger from his arms, "Who let you go."

Ashe's eyes became colder, while Lothar still smiled.

"Peoples!" the Frost Priest shouted, attracting everyone's attention at the banquet, "Why do you have to feed these two outsiders when you can't get enough to eat or wear warm clothes! They're liars! Don't believe in the heretics of Cerelda and Lissandra! Don't be fooled by this girl's appearance! Don't be fooled by this boy's wounds! We have seen the darkness! We priests are the ones who stand against the darkness at Lissandra's command!"

Frost priests surround Lothar and Ashe: "They are cursed by darkness!"

The dagger stabbed towards Ashe fiercely, with the breath of magic, and the frost priest's target was Ashe who had a real ice weapon.

Ashe hurriedly wanted to draw a bow to resist, but a vigorous figure suddenly jumped between them, knocking the Frost Priest back with a stick.

It was Sejuani, who fought off the Frost Priest with the long handle of her broad blade.

The girl's face was flushed, and she seemed to have drank a lot of mead. She stabbed the ground with a wide blade and stood straight in front of Lothar and Ashe.

To be precise, it actually only stood in front of Ashe.

"Sejuani!" The Frost Priest clutched his aching chest, "What are you doing!"

Sejuani said angrily: "This is the question I want to ask! Without the approval of the mother of war! Why do you dare to do anything to my guests!"

"They lied to you! You lost your head! They are perfidious!"

"Priest, even if I drink a lot, I can tell who is friend and who is enemy!"

Sejuani raised a croissant cup from a nearby table and shouted, "Winter's Claw! Listen up! I am Sejuani! Daughter of Warmother Corgia! Master of this banquet!"

She ignored the vicious eyes of the frost priests, grabbed one of Ashe's hand, and raised it high: "I declare! I will let this outsider be my robe!"


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