Cerylda is the eldest of the legendary three sisters, and the image is a brave female warrior riding a huge wild boar. Cerylda is the goddess believed in by all the brave and fearless of the Freljord, and is said to be capable of smashing glaciers and sweeping away thousands of armies by herself. Many tribes that worship fighting and plundering will choose Cerilda as their main religion, such as the great claw of Winter's Claw, known for its plundering.

—Excerpt from Ezreal's Travels of Valoran: The Freljord Chapter Two: Myths and Legends

Chapter 26 The Blood Oath

As soon as Sejuani said this, the people at the banquet exclaimed in surprise.

If Sejuani really wants Ashe to be her robe sister, it means that Ashe is no longer an outsider to Winter's Claw, but is forever bound to Sejuani and Winter's Claw. companions together.

Not to mention the others, even Ashe was frightened by Sejuani's sudden sister declaration, and could only open her mouth and look at Sejuani's determined face in astonishment.

Only Lothar rolled his eyes, with an "I know" look.

The frost priests began to condense dark magic in their hands, and scolded Sejuani: "You are bewitched!"

"You don't need to judge!" Sejuani pointed her broad blade at the priests.

"What happened so loud!" A rough roar resounded throughout the banquet.

It was Kojiya, and a few Iceborn warriors followed behind her.

"Warmother Kojiya." The frost priests released their magic and saluted Koujia.

Sejuani gave a "tsk" and retracted her weapon in displeasure.

Koujia glanced at the audience, stayed on Sejuani's face for a while, and said, "Priests, stay away from my daughter, she is not under your control."

"Yes..." The frost priests bowed respectfully.

"And you, Sejuani, you're too daring, you're always like this." Kojiya scolded, but Sejuani still looked dismissive, "Tonight is not the day for the ceremony, do you think The matter of being a robe with this foreign girl has to be discussed again."

"Never mind!" Sejuani protested.

Kuo Jiya was unmoved, and said loudly: "Tonight is the day of the banquet! Although there is not much to eat, there is enough mead! Everyone just drink it! I will come back tomorrow morning to decide what to do with these two outsiders!"

After saying that, without leaving anyone a chance to object, Kojiya turned around and took people away.

"It's really a casual war mother." Lothar thought.

Because of Corgia's intervention, the conflict between the Frost Priest and Sejuani was temporarily put on hold.

After the banquet was over, Sejuani took Ashe and Lothar to the outskirts of the Winter's Claw tribe, under the gloomy gaze of the priests.

"Why do you have three Frost Priests in your tribe?" Ashe asked Sejuani while she left Winter's Claw, "Isn't your mother afraid?"

Sejuani sneered: "Hmph... what is she afraid of, she wants to be in the arms of a man she likes more than sitting on the throne of the mother-in-law. If it wasn't for the death of her grandmother, she would never come back. In the tribe She doesn't do anything when people are starving and freezing, and I don't think she would care if the priests told everyone to give up Cerylda and convert to Lissandra."

The three walked outside the tribe together, and a group of Sejuani's men were already standing by the campfire.

Lothar glanced at it, no one had a real ice weapon, and it seemed that Sejuani's influence could not be called the adult ice bloodline in Winter's Claw.

"My compatriots!" Sejuani pushed Ashe to the crowd, "This is Ashe! The ice bloodline of the Avarossa tribe! The daughter of Warmother Glenna! You can use the real ice weapon! Tonight there is She will win with us!"

Sejuani's words boosted morale a little, and Ashe was a little unaccustomed to being looked forward to by many people, and rubbed her neck awkwardly.

Lothar was beautifully ignored, Sejuani didn't introduce him, and the others didn't pay attention to him as a young man with a broken arm.

Only Ashe looked at Lothar, her expression revealing her reluctance to participate in the plunder.

"Don't worry about my mother, Ashe." Seeing Ashe's unnatural expression, Sejuani thought she was worried about what Kojiya did to her, and comforted, "Don't worry about those dark priests, with me here, They can't move you."

Ashe raised her eyebrows slightly: "Are you going to challenge your mother's authority?"

Sejuani shook her head: "I can't challenge, unless the whole tribe supports me... But tonight must be done, the priests can't tolerate half a snowflake in their eyes, they will definitely find a chance to kill you. Or my mother will give you to They deal with it, and it's over..."

"Then I didn't mention me at all." Lothar thought a little speechlessly.

"As long as we bring back more food tonight, so that everyone can see that you are only good for the tribe and not bad, my mother and the priest can't do anything to you." Sejuani solemnly pressed Ashe's shoulder , "Must be successful, understand?"

"Well..." Ashe replied in a low voice, but shook his head quickly, "Forget it... I'll go back to the ice sea with Lothar..."

"No!" Sejuani shouted, "I won't let you drag this **** out to suffer!"

"Hey... I'm still here..." Lothar said with a wry smile.

Sejuani ignored Lothar, and took out a small knife: "I have been protected by Glenna since I was a child. If your mother was not there, I would have died under the whip of my grandmother and mother."

Ashe remembered that when she was a child, Sejuani was often trained to the brim by her grandmother. She was only a skinny little girl under ten years old. Only Glenna, who was also the mother of war, could save her at the hands of her grandmother. . Among her peers, only Ashe dared to risk angering the Winter's Claw War Mother by feeding her medicine and playing with her when she was all wounded.

Sejuani had never experienced the love of her own relatives in her blood, she had only experienced it in Glenna and herself.

"I will never let you die in vain, nor will I let you leave the tribe and go outside to survive in pain." Sejuani slashed her palm with a dagger, blood spilling out.

She stretched out her **** hand and dagger in front of Ashe at the same time: "You don't need any witnesses from shamans and priests, just swear an oath with me."

Ashe looked down at the red line on Sejuani's palm.

She turned her gaze to Lothar again, who did not move, meaning "you judge".

Ashe took a deep breath, took the dagger, and smiled wryly at Sejuani: "How can you tell me to refuse Sejuani."

Sejuani smiled heartily and said, "I swear here - Ashe of Avarosa, I will protect you like a sister, I will protect your children, share your pain, I will treat you as family, I will I will regard you as a confidant, and I will regard you as a robe. In the name of Cyrilda, blood is an alliance."

Ashe made a cut in her hand and met Sejuani's eyes: "I swear again - Sejuani of Winter's Claw, I will protect you like a sister, whether in battle or in childbirth , I will be by your side. I will regard you as my family, and I will regard you as a robe. In the name of Avarossa, blood is an alliance."

The two bleeding hands were tightly clasped together, and the blood of the Frost Bloodline mingled with each other.

"Sister," Sejuani said.

"Sister." Ash replied.

They hugged tightly.

"The strong should do the unfeasible." Ashe said softly.

"We'll do it," Sejuani said firmly.


The robe is a very important and rare oath in the Freljord, and the weight of the oath is no less than the blood oath of marriage. The parties will become brothers and sisters, and they will defend each other's life, family and property with their lives.

This kind of oath is generally not easily concluded. Like all other important oaths, it needs to go through complicated and lengthy ceremonies and debates before it can be established. Once established, it is bound for life and will not change until death.

—Excerpt from Ezreal's Travels of Valoran: The Freljord Chapter 1: The Structure of Society

Chapter 27 Night Attack

Sejuani and her party set off at night, with a dozen Juvasque boars serving as their mounts and pack animals.

Sejuani, who had just become sisters with Ashe, was very excited and invited Ashe to sit on the same wild boar with her, but Ashe was worried about Lothar, who was injured, and suggested that Lothar sit with them.

The result can be imagined, if eyes can kill, Lothar feels that now he has gone to see Glenna.

Sejuani sat sulking on the lead of the Juvasque Boar saddle, while Ashe and Lothar huddled on top of a wild boar at the back, a certain distance from Sejuani, and behind them were several wild boars with weapons and soldiers on foot.

Lothar hugged Ashe's waist with one hand from behind, and whispered in her ear: "Remind her to be careful of the Frost Priest."

Ashe cast a strange look, meaning why don't you say it yourself.

"Do you think she will listen to what I say?" Lothar rolled her eyes.

Ashe finds it amusing that Sejuani, for whatever reason, has always harbored outright hostility towards Lothar.

Ashe didn't think much about it, she simply thought that Sejuani looked down on Lothar as a disabled furnace.

"Why did you suddenly think of giving her advice?" Ashe was a little curious, "Didn't you say you don't care about anyone except me?"

"Why, jealous" Lothar smiled slyly.

"Don't make trouble, seriously." Ashe lightly pinched the soft flesh around Lothar's waist.

Lothar put his chin on Ashe's shoulder and sniffed her scent: "Aren't you two in a robe? She is also a family with us. Helping her doesn't mean helping you."

"This way..." Ashe put both hands on Lothar's hand on her lower abdomen, a warmth reverberated in her chest, "Thank you..."

"Thank me and don't need it. When will you make an oath with me?" Lothar said pitifully, "You and Sejuani are already connected, and we haven't even become a blood alliance yet. Obviously I came first..."

Ashe's face became hot, she put her delicate body in Lothar's arms: "At least we have to wait until we become adults and settle down..."

"Ah..." Rosa looked disappointed.

Ashe looked back and kissed Lothar on the face: "Be patient, I promised you something, and I won't go back on it."

"Sejuani!" After Ashe finished speaking to Lothar, she called out directly to Sejuani in front of her.

"What's wrong?" Sejuani looked back at her.

"I suggest you be careful with the Frost Priest." Ashe said sternly.

"Priest," Sejuani spat, "They're just guys who know some weird magic. If I really want to fight, I'll be afraid of them?"

"Don't underestimate them." Ashe was very serious, "Remember what I told you about the Frost Priest who betrayed my tribe, he has been hiding his strength in Avarossa, but he is actually a very strong mage , even my mother can't beat it."

Sejuani frowned: "Even Glenna can't beat it"

Ash nodded.

Sejuani pondered for a long time, and finally said: "Thank you, I will be careful."

The gait of the Juvask boars was heavy and firm, and even on the rough mountain roads, Lothar and Ashe felt like they were on the ground while sitting on them.

"Glena's daughter, we have to hurry up, the moon has risen." The person who urged Ashe was a bald man with five or three thick, he was the second-in-command in Sejuani's team.

"Erkas, don't worry." Sejuani stopped her men. "We'll catch up."

Ashe was a little confused, she really didn't want to participate in this plunder, but she couldn't refuse Sejuani, not to mention that Sejuani did this to help her.

"Go to sleep, Ashe, and keep your spirits up," Sejuani said. "If our night attack doesn't succeed, we'll have to rely on you and your True Ice Bow."

Ashe nodded, leaning on Lothar and closing his eyes.

Lothar didn't sleep, anyway, no one expected him to go to the battlefield as a young man with a broken arm.

In the middle of the night, the group finally arrived at their destination.

"This is the Ibrato tribe, our prey." Sejuani explained to the awakened Ashe, "They are a weak tribe without the blood of ice, and those priests don't know what they are trying to force my mother. Made a covenant with them and shared the hunting ground with them."

Lothar looked at the Ibrato tribe. It was a very small village with no more than five or six hundred people at most. The people in the village should have been fast asleep, with only a few scattered torches and sentries.

"You are going to **** the food of your allies" Ashe was shocked, "What will Kojiya do when she finds out?"

"Don't worry, I have a way." Sejuani told her subordinate Ekas, "You take your people to the Ibrato tribe to hide and surround them, and follow the plan. If it fails, I and I Ash comes out again."

"Understood." Urkas smiled and sneaked into the village with the others under the cover of darkness.

Ashe jumped off the back of the wild boar and said to Lothar, "You take it here and wait for me to come back."

Lothar nodded silently, looking at the village not far away.

Ashe took off the longbow and felt the pain in the palm of the hand holding the bow. She walked to Sejuani: "So what's the plan? Erkas and the others stole the food, shall we cover their retreat? "

"Steal" Sejuani smiled disdainfully, "Our Claws of Winter will only **** by force."

Ashe was puzzled: "Then how do you hide it in case Ibrato's people report to your mother after the incident..."

"They won't have this chance," Sejuani said lightly.

Ashe was stunned, she seemed to realize something.

In Ibrato's village, the flames erupted.

Exclamations and cries broke the silence in the middle of the night, the fire grew bigger and bigger, and soon dyed the entire village red, and the sky-high flames blocked the snow.

"Let's go." After waiting for a while, Sejuani took Ashe's wrist and led her into the village.

Sejuani's men succeeded in the surprise attack. The flames engulfed the Ibrato tribe, and every house was set on fire. I don't know how many people were burned to death by the fire or smoked to death in their sleep.

Sejuani's men screamed and hunted and killed the surviving villagers. Axes and blades ruthlessly plundered lives, even the elderly, women and children who were powerless to resist were not spared.

Ashe saw several people covered in fire screaming and jumping into the snow, rolling frantically in it to survive.

Ashe saw a woman with a big belly, with several arrows stuck on her back, but she was still crawling on the ground desperately, the blood oozing from her skirt dragged a long line on the ground.

Ashe saw that Urkas was laughing wildly and chasing and killing several young children. The children were crying and hiding behind an old man who was dying. The old man waved his cane and tried to drive Erkas away, but he fell to the ground with an axe.

"No..." Ashe murmured, raising her longbow. ——————————————————

The Juvask Boar is a giant wild boar from the Freljord with thick fur, sharp tusks and immense power. Adult boars can grow to four or five meters long, and even giant carnivores rarely dare to hunt Juvasque wild boars in the wild.

At first, the Freljords hunted the Juvasque boar for their meat, pelts and tusks, but then they discovered a greater use for the Juvasque. As wild boars, they are surprisingly well tame, and are good at charging and turning, even better than horses in some ways, making them ideal as mounts. A small army of the Noxian Legion also used Juvassk boars captured in the Freljord as military mounts, which were said to be very effective on the battlefield.

—Excerpt from Ezreal's Travels of Valoran: The Freljord Chapter 3: The Natural Environment

Chapter 28 Disputes


An ice crystal arrow passed through the fire, and even in the midst of the fire, everyone present could still feel the extreme icy cold emanating from the arrow.

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