Luo thought for a while: "How about I help you destroy Kunlong?"

Xia was startled, and then burst into laughter. She kept patting her back: "Okay! If you can destroy Kunlong, I will promise you anything!"

"Really" Luo's eyes flickered a few times, and he looked at Xia's eyes, "Then... can you be more intimate with me in the future?"

The smile on Xia's face disappeared.

She swayed her feet gently: "How close do you want to be?"

"It's just... as close as a husband and wife" Luo was not very sure, "You are obviously my wife, but you are always angry and refuse to sleep with me..."

"You really think I agreed to your courtship." Xia rolled her eyes, "Okay, if you can destroy Kunlong, I will officially be your spouse and treat you like a real wife."

"Really" took off a feather, "It's a word"

Xia looked at the feathers on Luo's hand and laughed, "You actually know that Lautland swears, but this is for children to play, adults have another way to swear."


"I'll tell you when you succeed."

"That's good!" Luo clenched his fists, "I'm going to destroy Kunlong now! How can Kunlong be destroyed?"

"I don't know how you dare to boast about Haikou." Xia Yi slapped her head off, "Do you remember those five rocks? That's Kunlong, just destroy any one of them."

"It's that simple"

"How complicated do you think it is?" Xia said depressedly, "I would have almost succeeded, if it wasn't for that fire mage hindering..."

Xia's words got stuck in her throat halfway through.

She saw a ball of fire jumping out of Luo's hand.

"Isn't his magic ice and blood?" Xia was stunned, "Where did this fire come from?"

The fireball in Luo's hand expands continuously, and Luo then compresses it back to its original size with both hands. This cycle repeats, and the fireball in Luo's hand gradually possesses extremely terrifying power.

Xia Lian forgot about staying away from the source of danger, she just grew her mouth and looked at Luo in disbelief.

"Is this the power of the ancient bloodline Lautran?" Xia couldn't understand, "This is too outrageous!"

Finally, Luo Jiang gathered the power of the fireball to a satisfactory level, and the color of the flame was almost pure white.

He raised the fireball and threw it hard in the direction of the temple.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but at the moment when the fireball was thrown, Xia faintly heard a roar of a giant beast.

Fireballs pierce the night like shooting stars.



The judge sighed regretfully and instructed the attendant: "The visitor is very strong, but it is enough for Kunlong to have nothing to do. In the future, he must continue to strengthen his guard. The pension of the dead brother will be arranged first..."

"Your Majesty! Look!"

The judge hurriedly looked up into the sky, and the dazzling white meteor trailed the long flame tail and fell towards them.

"It's direction!" The judge was shocked, and hurriedly found the flame mage, "Can you control it?"

The flame mage closed his eyes, and in an instant, the sweat on his head fell like spring water: "What kind of fire is that! Definitely not ordinary fire! Nor is it ordinary spiritual fire!"

The magistrate no longer cares about the authority, he tore his throat and screamed: "Everyone! Find a way to stop the fire!"

All kinds of magic came out, slamming into the flames of the sky.

But to no avail, the meteor fell unstoppably, and in the judge's desperate eyes, landed on Kunlong.


Kasumi was submerged in a sea of ​​sudden magic.

The majestic natural magic is laughing cheerfully, they are no longer bound, they are scattered, nourishing every creature on the land.

Xia felt that her limbs and bones were soaked in warm water, as if someone who had been holding their breath for a long time suddenly surfaced.

"Kunlong is really destroyed!" Xia looked at Luo, unable to believe it was true.

"It's your turn to fulfill your promise." Luo said nervously.

Xia felt the wonderful magic that filled her breath. This was her goal, which was now accomplished by this boy.

The boy who likes her.

Is there a more ideal spouse than this?

Xia no longer hesitated.

"It's like being dazzled by magic... fart! I'm Xia who dares to love and hate!" She didn't suppress herself anymore, and threw herself on Luo's body.

"Okay, this is how adults swear." After Xia finished speaking, her lips were heavily imprinted on Luo's mouth.

After a long deep kiss, both of them were a little breathless, Xia opened her mouth and pulled out a long silver thread.

Her cheeks were flushed, and she rode on Luo's body: "I'm still in heat..."

Luo Wenyan was surrounded by crystal wings, wrapping Xia in it.

Xia did the same, and a pair of wings tightly wrapped the two of them, turning them into a nest of only love.


Ha you ask me how many times a rutland girl can do in a night do you think I'll tell you? That is the privacy of my clan, how can I tell you.

what do you want me to eat chocolate

Fourteen times a night.

——Lo 5

Chapter 231 Feather

Luo wrapped her hands around Kasumi's waist and slowly slid down her armpits.

"Ah..." Xia didn't resist, but Luo's touch made her as sensitive as an electric shock.

She hugged Luo's shoulders: "how do you know I'm sensitive?"

"A friend told me last night." Luo wanted Xia to feel comfortable, and he slowly stroked her back.

"What friend?"

"A deer."

"Lu" Xia thought it was a vastaya, without thinking much, her legs looped around Luo's crotch, "I want to ask for it again..."

"Okay." Luo would not refuse Xia's request.

Feeling the incomparably fulfilling pleasure, Xia couldn't help groaning. The feathers all over her body began to stretch, rhythmically following the master's breathing, and new feathers began to grow slowly. The surrounding natural magic gathered around the two of them with the act of intercourse, forming a magical vortex.

The vastayas are a magical race, and their lives are inseparable from magic, even reproduction.

Xia felt that the magic in her body was unprecedentedly abundant, and she could absorb the magic to the fullest without suppressing her estrus.

Luo used all the skills she knew to make Xia happy. These skills were sent to him by Lilia's vortex seed last night. Luo asked her to help send more knowledge about Lautland last night. She really I sent as much detail as possible, including mating. Luo still faintly saw Lilia's red ears in the dream while compiling these dreams.

Xia felt the hardness in her body stretched to the extreme, she kissed and landed: "Go ahead...give me..."

Luo Yiyan, strong magic power poured into Xia's body.

"God!" Xia was trembling all over, and the amount of magical power that fell on her was terrifying, Xia felt that her soul was sublimating with every injection, "Is this the power of the ancient bloodline... It's too powerful …”

Kasumi's body greedily absorbed every trace of the essence that fell.

Luo tried to get out, but was caught between Kasumi's legs.

"Wait a while..." Xia never thought that she would say this one day, "Let me be comfortable for a while..."

Luo contentedly lay on Xia's chest, pillowing her softness: "It's really comfortable, so this is the husband and wife..."

Xia hugged Luo's head and kissed him lightly between his brows: "Why are you so skilled? Have you done it with other girls before?"

"No." Luo followed the curve behind Xia and touched down, "You are the first."6

A sweet feeling rushed into Xia's heart, and the corner of her mouth rose uncontrollably: "Then why are you so powerful? I feel like you stabbed into my heart every time."

Luo kissed Xixia's skin: "You forgot? I took the egg for you yesterday, and I completely remembered your shape when I took it."

Xia was ashamed and annoyed: "Don't move!"


"I also want to remember your shape." Xia began to shrink her private parts and feel it carefully. 1

The sun shines through the crystal wings into the love nest of the two of them, which is warm and comfortable.

"I really want to hold you like this..." Luo sleepily said.

"How is it possible, we are Lotland, not a tree, we can stay in one place all the time."

"Kunlong also ruined where to go next?"

"Of course I'm going to destroy the next Kunlong." Xia Zhi said proudly, "You can also feel the cheers of natural magic after Kunlong's destruction?"

Luo didn't feel any cheers, he just felt that the magic power that had been gathering in the town seemed to spread out in all directions.

But he didn't want to disappoint Xia, so he lied: "Of course."

This is not the first time that Luo has lied in memory.

He was not Lotland, not even Vastaya, he remembered, he was human.

But Xia didn't know about it, Luo actually didn't want to hide it, but after learning that Xia hated humans very much, he decided to pretend for a while.

"I told her about Luo and her mother-in-law last night. She should feel better about humans." Luo thought optimistically, "I'll tell her when she likes humans."

Xia fiercely kissed Luo's face: "Then it's settled! Let's continue to destroy Kunlong! With you and me, it is absolutely impossible for humans to stop it!"

"Can you not kill people? I don't like killing people."

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

The first taste of love made Xia's face radiant, and the estrus period that had been suppressed for a long time seemed to explode at this moment.

The two dressed each other, opened their wings, and they saw the light of day again.

Xia took a deep breath of the fresh air full of magic contentedly: "Chaos... This is what the land of birth should look like."

Luo hugged Xia and jumped off the tree: "Are you going to say goodbye to Luo and mother-in-law? Anyway, they helped us too."

Xia rested her head on Luo's shoulder: "It's all up to you, but I don't like that guy Luo very much. If he finds out that you and I are spouses, he might laugh at me."

Thinking that Luo's character might really do this, Luo pondered for a moment: "I have an idea."


When the old doctor got up early in the morning, the city was already in chaos.

According to the neighbors, it seems that Kunlong in the town was destroyed by the thieves. The farmers, hunters, etc. rushed to the Magistrate's Office to complain, asking him what to do if Kunlong's harvest this year was lost.

The old doctor was not very worried. For her, if the harvest was not good, the price of rice had risen.

She is very worried about the two young men and women from Lautland now, and she doesn't know how they are now.

Luo is a restless prodigal, and it is estimated that she will not be able to stay here for a few days before going to travel around again.

The old Physician lamented that her son and her husband had been lost in the Noxian invasion a few years earlier, and she had lost hope of their survival.

"Those two children are gone, Luo is going too, and my old wife is left..." The old doctor sat on the steps of the bamboo house, doing nothing.


A small figure suddenly burst into the vision of the old doctor, a child who tripped over a stone.

"Oh, child, are you alright!" The old doctor hurried over and helped the child up.

It was a little girl with a very large pointed hat, which obviously did not fit her head, blocking the upper half of her face.

She was pounding the ground with a wooden cane taller than herself, her lavender-colored skin showing under her hat - clearly not a human child.

The "Yordle" old doctor was a little surprised. The yordle was quite rare, at least she hadn't seen it in this town.

"I'm blind!" exclaimed the yordle girl. "What a novelty!"

"No, you're not blind, little..." The old doctor hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say the word "little", yordles are wonderful creatures, no one knows - maybe they themselves don't know how old they are . The guy in front of him, who is younger than a five or six-year-old child, may be much older than the old doctor.

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