The old doctor picked up the yordle girl and helped her lift her pointed hat, revealing her grass-green eyes.

"Ah! I'm not blind again! A miracle happened!" Although the nose was smashed red, the yordle girl did not cry, but a cheerful smile on her face: "Wow, hahaha! My nose hurts! Teeth hurt! Pain and fly away! Hahahahaha!"

Seeing that the Yodel girl was all right, the old doctor was relieved: "Be careful when walking."

"Be careful I've always been careful!" the yordle girl giggled, with a purple sparkling butterfly lying on the brim of her hat, the old doctor had never seen this breed. 5

"What's your name?" The old doctor had a good impression of the yordle girl, but maybe it was just an illusion of her petite body.

"Oh my name..." The yordle girl held her head, and the smile on her face became brighter. "I fell down and lost my name! Hahahahaha! It's funny!"

The old doctor was beginning to think this yordle girl was a little strange.

"I'm going to find my name! Goodbye! Sad mother-in-law!" The yordle girl staggered to leave, the pointy hat on her head was longer than her own height, and she swayed as she walked. .

The old doctor watched the yordle girl go away: "What a strange girl..."

She walked slowly back to the bamboo house, planning to simply get something to eat and then go to bed.

Suddenly, she froze.

On the table, there are two feathers.

A piece of crystal clear, a piece of dark purple.

The old doctor covered her mouth, she knew what it was.

The plumes and feathers of the Luotland tribe, the Luotlan people will only give their plumes and feathers to five kinds of people - parents, spouses, children, teachers and benefactors.

The old doctor still has a golden feather in her collection, and now she has two more.

She smiled happily.

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————

Mmmmm...he does he want this kind of knowledge... wife is intense...more than human...

Just a little bit more... just a little bit...

——Lilia who fainted shortly after

Chapter 232 Lulu

"Hey! You don't want to run! My name!" The yordle girl shouted happily and ran in the forest. She swung the wooden staff, and the wonderful magic was scattered everywhere.

The leaves of the big trees grew small arms and legs, and they jumped off the branches and ran chattering in front of the yordle girl.

"Ha! Got you!" The yordle girl saw that the leaves had caught a long, shiny thing.

"Yeah! Snake!" The yordle girl puffed up, "Bad snake! How could you steal my name!"

The snake didn't know what to say. It was just lying down and basking in the sun. Suddenly, it was surrounded by a group of leaves. No snake would believe it if it said it.

The yordle girl grabbed the snake and made an ugly face: "Wow! You dare to steal my name! Give it back to me!"

The snake snapped out of its body, piercing its sharp fangs into the flesh of the guy who was disturbing his sleep.


The snake's teeth did not penetrate, and it was shocked to find that its proud fangs had become as soft as cotton, and the bite on the yordle girl's face only turned into a massage at this time.

"Hee hee! It's so itchy!" The yordle girl grabbed the snake's tail and swung it around, making the snake dizzy and fainted.

"Ah! My name is back!" The yordle girl jumped up happily, "My name is Lulu!"

In order to celebrate that she remembered her name, Lulu began to dance, and the little leaves jumped up and down everywhere, making the originally peaceful forest noisy.

"Wait! Where is this?" Lulu found herself in an unfamiliar place, "Why am I here? Playing with Tristana, isn't it? I blew her gunpowder last time and she seems to have said that I will do it later. Won't play with me either... that's not right for Bobby, I don't like where she's staying... um... what the **** am I here for?"

Just when Lulu was puzzled, the purple butterfly on her hat flew in front of her.

It wasn't actually a butterfly, and the thing between a pair of butterfly wings was not a bug, but a humanoid fairy.

"Pixar! You slacker! Sleeping for so long!" Lulu said angrily, "No one talks to me, I forgot what I'm doing here!"

Pixby fumbled, Lulu watched intently.

"Right! I remembered it!" Lulu exclaimed in surprise, "I came after that ball!"

Lulu was walking down a forest path that day, thinking about what new magic formula to feed squirrels to make them grow as giants.

Suddenly, she saw a magical ball rolling past her.

The spherical ball was filled with dream-like magic, and Lulu's eyes were instantly attracted, and she couldn't leave it again.

She mounted a wooden staff and started a happy chase with the ball.

Lulu chased all the way, and seemed to crash a lot of things in the process - Kunlong in the human village, the altar of the Vastaya tribe, the statue of the monastery and the library, etc...

But Lulu didn't care about that, those things weren't cute or funny, and they were ruined.

But that ball, Lulu really wanted it, she hadn't seen something she wanted so much for a long time.

Lulu wanted to bring the ball back to her small flower field, as a lantern, or as a toy for radishes and eggplants to relieve boredom, so that they would not always grow up. Lulu really wanted to eat carrots and eggplants.

But Lulu failed.

The ball ran faster than the aurora, but Lulu couldn't catch up with all her strength.

"Ugh... Pixar blames you!" Lulu put her hands on her hips, her mouth almost touching her nose, "If you try harder, I'll catch the ball!"

Pixar flew around Lulu and made a gesture of spreading his hands.

"I don't care! I want balls!" Lulu began to splash and roll on the ground, crying with snot and tears.

Pixar scratched his head and pointed into the distance

Lulu jumped up all of a sudden, her tears all turned into starlight and disappeared: "Really! A new ball has appeared again! Let's go after it!"

Lulu just sat on the stick and was about to take off, but Pixar stopped her.

Lulu nodded: "You're right! Pixar! You're so smart! Let's go to the direction of the ball and wait for it! We'll catch it!"

Lulu cheered and flew out of the forest. The leaves lost their magic and turned back to normal leaves.

The leaves of an entire forest were all piled up on the ground, and the originally lush trees were now bare.

like a dead forest.


"Ah~~~" Xia put a piece of mung bean cake into Luo's mouth, "Is it delicious?"

"Yeah!" Luo enjoyed Xia's feeding very much, feeling like she was taking a big mouthful of honey.

Xia also smiled, she picked up the last piece of mung bean cake: "Come on, open your mouth."

"Don't you like to eat this too?"

"I can't let it go to you."

"No, it's only fair for one person and one piece."

"What is fair or unfair between the two of us?"

"Then... one and a half"

"it is good……"

Xia broke the mung bean cake in half.

Luo interjected: "I want to feed you too."

Xia dashed down charmingly, rolled her eyes, and gave him half of the mung bean cake.

The two put cakes into each other's mouths and happily enjoyed the sweet time.

Since Xia opened the knot, the next journey between the two has been like glue. During the day, they traveled all over the place, and at night, they built a love nest.

"Love is really good." Xia thought sincerely.

But Xia was not overwhelmed by love and forgot her mission. She and Luo kept on their way to another mountain and forest area. Xia felt that the natural magic there was whimpering, something must have happened.

Xia bit her earlobe lightly: "Let's go, we should hurry."

"Okay." Luo just agreed, and suddenly his face changed.

"What's wrong?" Xia keenly sensed the strangeness of her lover.

"It's nothing." Luo said embarrassedly, "I want to be convenient."

Xia smiled and hammered her falling chest: "Go!"

Luo temporarily stayed away from Xia, confirming that she didn't notice what she was doing.

Luo looked in one direction, and a bouncing ball stepped on the grass and rolled towards him.

New vortex species.

Luo took this gift from Lilia and opened it skillfully.

New things poured into Luo's mind, and this time Lilia didn't bring knowledge.

but memory.

Luo stumbled to see an unfamiliar scene.

Snow, snow everywhere.

The pale white snow field made Luo go cold just by seeing it. The bone-piercing extreme cold wrapped around his whole body, and it was as painful as falling into an ice cellar.

Luo unexpectedly saw the smoke rising from the dead land.

Some people actually live in such a place.

Not just one, but many people, they formed a tribe.

Fall saw himself.

His reflection appeared in an ice lake, and he was very thin in the water, his face was blurred, and he could not see clearly.

Luo recalled a name, a name spoken in a language he was very familiar with but also very unfamiliar with.


"Ah!" Xia's scream interrupted Luo's thoughts, he flapped his wings violently, and flew to Xia's side at full speed.

Xia was fine, not injured or attacked, he sighed in relief, he hugged Xia: "What's wrong!"

Xia raised her head: "Egg."


"My egg..." Xia bit her lip, "It's gone..."


Let me introduce myself, my name is Lulu.

There's nothing to hate, the thing I like is tootoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo back

- Lulu


Chapter 233 Forbidden Mountains and Forests

Lulu was lying comfortably on a paddle leaf, the reed stalk flew to her mouth, and then reached into a hive held in the air by thousands of bees, who offered to Lulu the essence of their hard work.

"Yeah! Sure enough, honey is the thirteenth sweetest thing in the world! Still can't beat the twelfth winter moonlight." Lulu said to Pixar, "I bet you, we can definitely get that round ball. !"

Pixar kicked a big tiger butterfly that fell in love with it at first sight, sat on the tip of Lulu's nose, and raised Erlang's legs.

"Ballball must be mine!" Lulu bit the straw, confident, "I've asked a lot of cuties to help me find it! The direction of the ball will definitely pass through this forest!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Lulu was pleasantly surprised to see a small lizard running towards her standing on both feet, holding a round thing in its front paws.

"Look! I just said it can do it!" The leaf bed under Lulu suddenly tensed back and launched the yordle girl like a slingshot.

Lulu landed lightly in front of the little lizard, picked it up, and rubbed its head fiercely: "Well done little gecko! I will reward you well! How about giving you a pair of wings!"

After speaking, a pair of bat wings grew on the back of the little lizard, and before it could react to the changes in its body, it started flying around Lulu, making the yordle girl giggle.

Pixar flew to Lulu's side, and lightly tapped the little lizard with his fingers to make it hang firmly in the air.

The little lizard licked his eyes and handed Lulu the things in his hand as if taking credit.

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