Flying in front of Feng Chuge, he kept flapping his wings in front of her. "Oh, master, you don't know, it's because the previous master, little sweetheart, was not as powerful as you, and they couldn't open the third floor. Master, you are the most powerful."

A slightly immature voice, coupled with that sweetheart's deliberately flattering tone.

Feng Chuge shook his head helplessly, stretched out his pale index finger, and lightly touched Little Sweetheart's forehead. "Okay, it's just your mouth!"

"Hee hee, sweetheart is telling the truth, okay?"

"Okay, okay."

"Then master, can we open the third space now?" Little Sweetheart's eyes were full of light, as if she really couldn't wait.

"Okay, but I want to keep some of the heavenly mud." She promised Patriarch Emperor that she would reshape his body for him. To reshape the body, you must use Tianni.

"Master, don't worry, it only takes a little bit to open the third space."

"That's good." Feng Chuge nodded, then took out a box and handed it to Little Sweetheart.

Little Sweetheart held the box firmly in her small hands, very excited.

Opening the box, looking at the handful of snow-white dirt inside, he took out a fingernail-sized piece of dirt, and handed the box to Feng Chuge. "Master, that's all I need."

After Feng Chuge took the box away, Little Sweetheart closed her eyes slightly and muttered something.

In an instant, a strong golden light radiated from her body!

When the golden light overflowed, just like when the second layer of space was opened, there was a powerful vibration!

The ground shook violently, accompanied by bursts of explosions.

Until those explosion sounds dissipated, the little sweetheart's surprise sounded! "Master, the third floor is open! Close your eyes, and you can enter through your spiritual sense!"

Feng Chuge closed his eyes and focused for a while.

Sure enough, the next moment, the surrounding scenes all changed.

Emerald green onions.

The environment is very elegant, with mountains, water, fields and houses, and even a pagoda in the distance.

This environment is like a rural pastoral!

"Master, master, can you just put me here?" Suddenly, the tree demon jumped out of Feng Chuge's sleeve with a little excitement, and looked around with surprise in his eyes.

"You like it?" Feng Chuge raised an eyebrow.

"Of course! Master, do you know what the soil here is?"


"Heavenly mud!!"

The dryad's answer made Feng Chuge almost vomit blood in shock.

Sky mud?


She worked so hard to get such a small box of sky mud, and now, the soil here is full of it?

"Really, I don't lie to you, if you don't believe Master, you dig out the surface layer and have a look."

Feng Chuge really did that.

When the soil was dug out, the snow-white thing inside almost blinded her eyes.

wipe! !

Inside, it's really full of heavenly mud!

Fortunately, she was still worried about whether the heavenly mud used to shape the emperor's body was enough! Her feelings are all mediocre.

"Master, as long as you put the seeds here, it will bloom and bear fruit in an instant. Moreover, the fruits or grains grown on the sky mud are good for cultivation." The tree demon explained. "When you go out in the future, you don't have to worry about having nothing to eat."

Feng Chuge stood aside, the expression on his face slowly recovered. After listening to the dryad's words, she still sighed with emotion after all.

This third layer is really a good thing...

I don't know what surprises the fourth and fifth floors will give her.

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