But to be honest, the fourth and fifth floors seemed a bit too far away from her.

Feng Chuge sighed slightly, shook his head lightly, and then sat down on the ground.

Don't think about that for now, it's great that the third floor can be opened.

The most urgent task now is to quickly increase the spiritual power!

With both eyes closed, Feng Chuge began to activate the spiritual power in his body.

She slowly circulated her spiritual power one week after another.

After all, the spiritual power of this third layer is thousands of times stronger than that of the first and second layers. After a while, Feng Chuge noticed the change of spiritual power in his body!

She opened her eyes slightly, overjoyed...

On the side, Little Sweetheart kept waving her wings and watching Feng Chuge's every move.

After noticing her change, Little Sweetheart opened her mouth wide in shock.

Be good, this third floor is really perverted!


But on the other side.

It was a very quiet place.

The mountains are green and the water is green, without the slightest coldness of winter.

Beside the pool, a man in a black robe was fighting against the water of the lake, and his slender figure cast a little reflection on the lake.

He narrowed his eyebrows slightly, and his face was slightly pale.

These days, he has been restless, always feeling that Feng Chuge is going through something.

That's right, he is Di Juechen! !

The breeze picked up, and his ink-like hair fluttered lightly, blowing over his face like a banished fairy.

Outside a gazebo not far away, a woman looked at him from afar and felt her heart go numb.

"Mistress Longnu, is it him you are talking about?" She turned her head, looking at the lady beside her with a hint of obsession in her eyes, and asked.

Seeing the woman like this, Chi Yutian smiled beautifully. "That's right, it's him, how about it? Shuiyue can still be seen?"

The woman called Shuiyue nodded slightly, her face full of shyness.

"He is my son, and he has the blood of the dragon. If he can become the patriarch of our Xilong clan, you will be the patriarch's wife in the future." Chi Yutian squinted his eyes and continued. Very treacherous.

Although Chi Yutian had heard these words before, Lin Shuiyue still couldn't restrain her joy when she saw Di Juechen and heard Chi Yutian say these words.

"Go, have a good conversation with him. I'll go first, so I won't bother you. You young people have your own way of communication." Chi Yutian smiled softly, she patted Lin Shuiyue's hand, and then turned away Get up and leave directly.

After Chi Yutian left, Lin Shuiyue walked towards Di Juechen slowly, with shyness and obsession in her eyes.

She had never imagined that the man that the Dragon Lady spoke of was so graceful.

To be honest, when she first found the Lin family and intended to point her to Di Juechen, she was absolutely unwilling, but Lady Longnv promised her that as long as she was willing to marry, she would be the one in the future. The patriarch's wife of the Longyin clan.

Madam head, who can resist such a temptation?

So, she agreed.

However, when I saw him today, I realized that Di Juechen was so handsome...

She had never seen such a handsome man, even Chi Jingyu, another dragon blood of the Xilong clan, couldn't compare to him.

Lin Shuiyue's little heart was beating while walking in the direction of the ground.

However, the moment she was about to get close to Di Juechen, Di Juechen's body radiated endless killing intent!

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