He squinted his eyes and smiled alluringly.

Looking at that face, Feng Chuge's expression gradually became serious. "Master Mozun, you can't joke around."

"I'm not joking." Ji Li tilted his head sideways, folded his arms around his chest, and said very uninhibitedly. "Beauty, just stay here with me! You can eat delicious food and drink spicy food here. I guarantee that you will have no worries and worries in this life. There are also a group of monsters and ghosts at your disposal."

Feng Chuge took a deep breath.

She originally thought that the Demon Lord was a decent person, but unexpectedly, she was wrong!

People... really can't be judged by their appearance!

When Feng Chuge was silent, Ji Li took a step forward.

"Beauty, don't think about it, this benefit is so good..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger, and flirtatiously tried to hook her chin.

At this moment, Feng Chuge suddenly turned around, she leaped forward at an extremely fast speed, and grabbed his arm fiercely!

"Don't touch me, otherwise, be careful that I will destroy you!"

There was a bit of murderous intent in that deep voice, and it looked extremely gloomy in this empty room.

Ji Li faintly smiled.

He suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Almost instantly, a strange air flow was revealed from his body.

Immediately afterwards, the person who was originally fine disappeared out of thin air...

Feng Chuge's hands were still in the gesture of grasping, she looked at the person who just disappeared under her hands in surprise, and was slightly dazed.

He turned his head, looked around, but saw no one else.

Suddenly, from behind her, laughter started again. "Beauty, are you looking for me?"

The elusive Ji Li completely broke Feng Chuge a little bit. "In the end what you want?"

"Stay with me." Ji Li jumped up and sat down on the copper chair on one side, resting his chin on one hand, leaning against the side.


"You have entered my darkest place, so naturally you have to listen to my words." Ji Li changed his movements, raised his fingers, pulled out tea from the teapot, and poured it into a cup.

With another wave of his hand, the cup flew across the air and landed in his palm.

"If it wasn't for the extremely dark dzi bead, how would I get in here?" Feng Chuge didn't expect Ji Li's attitude to be so tough, she snorted coldly.

Ji Li took a sip of tea, "Tell me what's urgent."

"I'm going to find my husband."

"Oh? You have a husband?" Ji Li raised his eyes and asked lazily. "How is he? Is this seat handsome? Is this seat strong? If not, abandon him and come to be with this seat!"

Hearing Ji Li's words, a little softness flashed across Feng Chuge's eyes.

This softness vividly reflected in the eyes of Mozun Jili.

I could see Feng Chuge's red lips lightly raised.

"He is the most powerful man in the world."

As he spoke, he raised his eyes and looked at Ji Li, the expression in his eyes changed instantly. "You are inferior to him!"

Hearing the sound, Ji Li's expression froze.

He had never heard that he was inferior to others.

He was about to say something, but when Feng Chuge spoke again, a sneer appeared on his red lips. "Don't be convinced, he is better than you. If you don't believe me, you can let me out, and when I bring him back, you can compete with him again."

This is actually a radical method, and Ji Li also knows it.

However, he really followed his will.

"Okay, beauty, I will give you a chance. If he is not as good as this seat, then you can obediently come to the extremely dark place to accompany me..."

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