"He won't be inferior to you." Feng Chuge's red lips curled slightly, and he looked at Ji Li. "At least, he blows you away in terms of character. He never forces others."

Feng Chuge said these words without mercy.

Ji Li's pupils shrank slightly, but he was not angry. "Really? I'll let you come willingly."

If we say that before, Ji Li was just for fun, but now, Feng Chuge really aroused his desire to conquer.

No one has ever dared to talk to him like this, and he is still a human being. What's more, this is a woman!

Feng Chuge didn't answer Ji Li's words, but just looked at him. "Can I go?"

"Let's go."

It wasn't until hearing these two words that Feng Chuge's tightly clenched fists on both sides loosened, and heaved a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart.

She, in the end, won.

The purpose of saying those words just now is to stimulate Ji Li.

She knew that if she angered him, the consequences would be serious. But no matter how serious it was, it was just a fight with her. This is the worst possible outcome.

Fortunately, she succeeded...

She raised her eyes, looked at Mozun Jili, and smiled. "Master Mozun, then I will take my leave first."

Turning around, intending to leave, she saw Ji Li tidying up her clothes and following behind her facing out.

Feng Chuge paused. "Master Mozun, you don't have to send him off."

"I didn't see you off." Ji Li's height was half a head taller than Feng Chuge's. At this moment, he squinted slightly and looked at the top of his head. "This seat will go with you."

Feng Chuge staggered, she turned her head in disbelief, "What?"

"I said... I'll go with you, didn't you mean that you want me to compete with that man? Then I will go to him with you." Ji Li said, casually pulling up a lock of hair , turning gently in hand.

Feng Chuge wanted to go crazy.

She absolutely didn't want to take this Demon Lord on the road.

Not to mention that he is a dangerous person, even if he is not dangerous, she has too much privacy and cannot be peeped at.

"Master Mozun, please go back. It's too expensive to follow me. Besides, don't the demons and humans always go back to the bridge? If you go to the ground with me now, it will destroy everything." broke the rules of your demon clan."

"The bridge returns to the bridge and the bridge returns? Then you still break into my demon clan?" Ji Li glanced at her again, with a deadpan expression on his face.

He didn't speak any more, just walked out on his own.

After walking about a hundred meters, he finally turned his head to look at Feng Chuge. "If you don't leave, this seat will close the door, and then you won't be able to get out."

Feng Chuge's pupils shrank slightly, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward...

At the same time, her heart roared...

What the hell is this? !

Opening the gate, several guards outside lowered their eyes respectfully when they saw Ji Li walking out.

"Master Mozun!"

"En." Ji Li's expression was unprecedentedly cold, his whole body seemed to have turned into an iceberg in an instant, and within a hundred meters of him, he could feel the chill all over his body.

Feng Chuge slowed down her pace slightly, and wrapped her clothes tightly.

"Beauty, hurry up and catch up, you are so slow, you are really wasting my time. I will go out later, I won't wait for you." Ji Li turned around, smiling like a flower. "Don't count on Yan Sanniang, it's impossible for her to take you out again. If you want to go out now, you can only rely on me!"

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