"make a deal!"

Following the words, the man untied the iron cage, and Feng Chuge also gave the man the remaining four pills.

The little man excitedly took the pill.

He figured it out.

He is now at the third level of the gods.

After taking these four elixirs, each elixir can be promoted to two levels as the girl said just now, then he will be able to advance to the fairy realm in one fell swoop.

He couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart anymore, and left here in a hurry.

After the man left, Feng Chuge stepped forward and helped Yao Ye up.

At this moment, Yaoye is still in a coma.

Feng Chuge probed him with his spiritual sense, and immediately his expression turned cold.

Yao Ye actually got the Mihun powder.

"How is he?" Di Juechen took two steps forward, looking at Yaoye like this, pursed his thin lips tightly, and asked.

Although he was not very happy to see Yao Ye with his wife, Di Juechen was shocked when he saw Yao Ye in its current state.

"Because of the medicine, she is very weak, but she will recover after some time of recuperation." Feng Chuge said.

"That's good." Hearing that, Di Juechen breathed a sigh of relief.

It was also at this time that Xuanyuan Zhan, who had been in shock for a long time, finally came to his senses.

What did he just see?

Feng Chuge gave that person a elixir, and that person immediately advanced to two levels? !

Could it be that this elixir is really better than that Jin Yuan elixir?

"Chu Ge, what was that elixir just now?" Xuanyuan Zhan couldn't restrain the surprise in his heart, so he stepped forward and asked.

Feng Chuge turned around, met Xuanyuan Zhan's eyes with a little bit of desire, and raised his brows. "Oh, I got a few pills from other places, but these are not real panacea. After taking it, there will be an illusion of promotion."

"Illusion?" Xuanyuan Zhan was taken aback.

"That's right. The elixir is overdrawn spiritual power. After taking it, it will have consequences similar to self-explosion."

Xuanyuan Zhan stared slightly.


This term is known to all practitioners.

Once self-detonation, the spiritual power will be inflated, and the combat power will also increase, but at the same time, it is also a bet with life.

"So, just now he has been promoted to two levels in a row, because after taking that elixir, he exploded himself." Xuanyuan Zhan was startled.

He knew that Feng Chuge had killed that person invisibly.

The poor man is still ecstatic, he really got some kind of treasure.

"That's right." Feng Chuge nodded with a light smile, "Master, let's find a place to put him down first."

Xuanyuan Zhan glanced at Yao Ye and then at Feng Chuge.

He suddenly realized that he couldn't see through this girl.

"Huh? What's wrong with the sect master?" Seeing Xuanyuan Zhan looking at her all the time, Feng Chuge smiled lightly and met his eyes.

Xuanyuan Zhan withdrew his gaze and said again and again. "good!"

After all, he ordered a few maids to put Yaoye in the guest room.

Inside the room, Feng Chuge healed Yaoye's wounds and fed him the holy water of the heavenly spirit.

Little Jinchan could no longer hold back, and crawled out of Feng Chuge's sleeve.

"Ahhh, what bastard is it, who actually made master like this!!" Xiao Jinchan said, and her whole body became bigger in a hurry.

"Little Jinchan, stay here and take good care of your master. Remember, no matter who comes over and wants to harm your master, you should peck hard! Then throw him out!" Feng Chuge turned his head, looked at Looking at Xiao Jinchan, she suddenly said very seriously.

"I know!!" The giant eagle clenched its fists. Instead, he realized something, "What about you, Second Master, where are you going?"

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