"Me? I'm going out for a stroll!" Feng Chuge's eyes overflowed, and he responded indifferently.

Behind him, Di Juechen followed directly. "My lady, are you going to Guanghua Gate?"

Feng Chuge paused, then turned his head, "Not bad."



The two looked at each other, then left without saying a word.

Guanghuamen dared to do this to Yaoye, so don't blame them for being rude! !


But he said it was inside the Guanghua Gate.

After the man went back, he was very excited to find the owner of Guanghuamen.

"Master, I got a good thing!"

In the huge hall, above the high position, a tall man stood with his back facing him.

Now hearing the voice behind him, he moved his lips. "Have you got the Spirit Snake Whip?"

"No, no, this is a elixir that is even more powerful than Jin Yuan Dan. Sect Master, you can try it."


The man finally turned around.

On closer inspection, the man's left face was covered with countless knife scars.

In particular, one of the scars snaked from the corner of the left eye to the corner of the right mouth.

At this moment, in the slightly dim hall, this appearance is indeed a bit shocking.

"Sect Master, look, this is the pill, which is said to be more powerful than the Jinyuan Pill! In order to test whether it is a poison for you, this subordinate took one, and you have been promoted to two levels in a row." Xiao Xiao The tall man deliberately concealed the previous facts, but he knew that the sect master would definitely notice that he was suddenly promoted to two levels, so he simply fabricated such a lie.

The head of the Guanghua Gate made an investigation and found that it was exactly as the man said.

He took the elixir, and when his nose was close to the elixir, the fragrance flooded into his breath, and he felt relieved for a while.

"Hahaha, it really is a good thing!" The scar sect master laughed out loud, with countless excitement in his eyes. "Zuo Hu|Fa, you have worked hard."

"It's not hard work, it's an honor for the subordinates to serve the sect master." The little man called Zuo Hufa smiled contemptuously, and at the same time couldn't restrain his great joy.

He will not tell anyone that he has hidden three pills.

These three are enough for him to advance from the realm of gods to immortals.

Once he advances to the fairy spirit, no one will dare to do anything to him in the entire Promise Realm.

One must know that in the entire territory of Wuji, the strongest person is none other than the master of the Floating Life Sect.

Moreover, only that one person advanced to the fairy spirit!

"Sect Master, this subordinate is stepping down first, you should take this elixir first."

"Okay." The scar sect master responded.

After the little man stepped back, the scar sect master finally couldn't restrain himself and directly took the elixir.

After taking it, I felt a tumbling in my body, and my spiritual power kept surging.

The Scar sect master closed his eyes and began to adjust the breath in his body.

Not long after, he suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He has advanced! !

He was promoted to two levels at once.

From the fourth level of the gods to the sixth level!

But at this moment, the head of the scar sect noticed a strangeness in the air.

He looked slightly stern. "who?"

After a while, two figures broke in through the window outside.

"Hey, congratulations to the head of the Guanghua Sect. It's really a gratifying thing to be promoted to two levels!" A clear voice rang in the hall.

Then, the two peerless figures, one black and one blue, appeared in front of the scarred sect master.

The Scar Sect Master narrowed his eyes and looked at the person coming. "who are you?"

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