However, just when his whip was about to touch her, Feng Chuge's figure suddenly flashed, and then his whole body turned into a white light...

When the light dissipated, there was no one who had her in place.

"Her, where did she go?" Looking around, the person who still couldn't see her looked around, but still couldn't see her figure, and the three of them stared wide-eyed in astonishment.

The surrounding area was still silent, as if Feng Chuge had just disappeared out of thin air.

"Smelly girl, get out!" Xuanyuan Zhan couldn't take a single blow, he stood on the spot and growled angrily.

How did he know that right now, Feng Chuge was lying leisurely in the colorful space, with Erlang's legs raised high.

"Xiao Ge'er, someone is calling you outside." The voices came, Yao Ye stepped forward, looked at Feng Chuge, and said.

Feng Chuge didn't care about him, "Let him applaud if I like it so much."

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand, and a powerful aura enveloped her surroundings. At the moment, the sound from outside is completely isolated.

"Little Ge'er, your move is not bad. Now, those people will probably be depressed and half dead when they go back. How come the good people just disappeared out of thin air."

Feng Chuge stood up from the ground, she clapped her hands lightly, and stared fiercely at Yao Ye. "Okay, let's go to practice. If you don't practice, you can't do it. You can only let mermaid."

"I'm so strong, I don't need to practice anymore." Yao Ye put his hands on his hips and shook his head coquettishly. In an instant, his black hair was as light as ink.

Feng Chuge gouged him hard, and then ignored him. "Whatever you like, I'll go first."

After the words fell, she raised her body, went up, landed in a pavilion, and began to practice.

But outside, the three of them have never been seen.

Xuanyuan Zhan gritted his teeth bitterly. "This stinky girl runs fast!"

"Master Xuanyuan, what about the beast king?" Leng Yangyan's expression was not good either.

Seeing Leng Yangyan's expression, Xuanyuan Zhan compensated and said with a smile. "Unpopular master, don't worry, I will definitely find that beast and your soul-calling flag, and then I will send someone to your Fushengmen personally."

Leng Yangyan took a deep look at Xuanyuan Zhan, and then. "Okay, I'll wait for your news. Also, your son..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely let him marry Ling Qianjin. That girl Leng You, no matter what she is, is much better than Feng Chuge, Chen will like her."

Hearing the sound, Leng Yangyan was slightly relieved.

He took a few more glances at Xuanyuan Zhan and Xuanyuan Yuche. "In that case, I'll go back first. I'm waiting for your good news."

"Okay!" Xuanyuan Zhan wiped his sweat lightly and said.

It wasn't until Leng Yangyan walked away that Xuanyuan Zhan's eyes widened in hatred, and his fists on both sides were clenched tightly.

"Smelly girl, you actually went to steal the soul-calling flag of Fushengmen, isn't this causing trouble for me? I will definitely not let you go."

"Father..." At this moment, Xuanyuan Yuche who was beside him suddenly spoke hesitantly.

"Huh? Do you have something else to do?" Xuanyuan Zhan raised his eyes and glanced lightly over Xuanyuan Yuche.

"Father, don't kill Feng Chuge, she has offended me several times, I think..." Xuanyuan Yuche suddenly laughed softly, and there was a little weirdness in that laugh.

"Okay, whatever you like, as long as you don't offend Fushengmen." Xuanyuan Zhan waved his hand impatiently, and then thought of something. "By the way, a new sect suddenly appeared in Wuji, called... Fengyuemen..."

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