"That's right, I've also heard about it." Xuanyuan Yuche nodded.

These days, in the territory of Wuji, the momentum of Fengyuemen seems to be a little fierce.

However, it is just a new sect after all...

After thinking about it, Xuanyuan Yuche said again. "Father, you don't have to worry. It's just a small sect. How many sects have been updated in Wuji territory?"

"But the posture of Fengyuemen seems to be different from those of other small sects." Xuanyuan Zhan said. "When you have time, go and investigate the Fengyuemen. If you can, kill it in the bud. I will absolutely not allow anyone to threaten our Burning Heavenmen's status."

"Yes!" Xuanyuan Yuche nodded. "Then father, Di Juechen... Did father lock him up or something? Why haven't I seen him all day?"

"You don't need to worry about him." Hearing Xuanyuan Yuche mention Di Juechen, Xuanyuan Zhan's expression turned cold.

At the same time, his fists were clenched tightly.

He knew that no matter what, Di Juechen's status in his father's heart would always be higher than his, especially... now that Leng You from Fushengmen has taken a fancy to Di Juechen, he is afraid that Di Juechen's status will be even higher in the future .

His eyes were full of unwillingness.

Even though he knew that his father was using Di Juechen, he would rather be used by himself.

Because he knew that no matter who married Leng You, his position in the entire Everlasting Realm would be unmatched from now on!

"Okay, you go to deal with Fengyuemen's affairs first, I'll look for Feng Chuge and the Summoning Banner." Xuanyuanzhan said, raised his sleeves, and walked away.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Yuche stood where he was, his eyes flickered a little...

When Di Juechen was mentioned just now, his father's expression, presumably there must be ghosts.

Although Di Juechen's strength is high, he is one level lower than Xuanyuan Zhan. Moreover, once Xuanyuan Zhan and Leng Yangyan join hands again, Di Juechen will definitely be unable to escape.

Xuanyuan Yuche clenched his fists tightly——

He would never allow Di Juechen to marry Leng You.

Otherwise, in the future, this Wuji Territory will only belong to Di Juechen, so how can he still have the status of Xuanyuan Yuche?

After thinking about it, Xuanyuan Yuche suddenly turned around and went to the courtyard where Feng Chuge was again.

Feng Chuge's courtyard was still silent.

Ever since Feng Chuge disappeared just now, it seems that she never came back, and Xuanyuan Yuche didn't know where she went.

He went alone to the house where Huahua and Routuan were.

Right now, Huahua and Routuan were dozing off, when they heard footsteps outside, they both opened their eyes.

Seeing that it was Xuanyuan Yuche, the two became more vigilant.

"What are you doing here?" Huahua stood in front of Routuan, fearing that Routuan would get hurt in the slightest.

Xuanyuan Yuche just stood outside the door, looking at the two spirit beasts, "Don't worry, I have no other intentions, I just came to inform you of something."

"What can you do?" Routuan walked out from behind, looked at Xuanyuan Yuche, and sneered.

They didn't believe that Xuanyuan Yuche would have any good intentions when he came.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. It's best, you go and tell Feng Chuge that Di Juechen is missing."

"What?" Huahua and Routuan were startled when they heard the sound, they turned their heads and looked at each other.

"Impossible." Routuan suddenly said firmly.

In its consciousness, Di Juechen is so powerful, who would dare to do anything to him?

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