"But, that's all!"

After finishing speaking, Leng You laughed again.

She took two steps back and waved her hands lightly.

At that moment, the black hair was flying, and the cold face was full of viciousness!

She is bound to kill Feng Chuge.

Only in this way, no one will compete with her for Emperor Juechen!

She has never been unable to get what she Lengyou likes.

After speaking, she suddenly flashed her figure and took out her soft sword from behind.

In this boundless territory, anyone with a certain status and status has his own exclusive weapon.

Although the soft sword in Leng You's hand is not as good as Leng Yangyan's Soul Calling Banner and Xuanyuan Zhan's Spirit Snake Whip, it is still one of the spiritual weapons.

Now, as she took out the soft sword, the soft sword moved slightly.

Every time it moves, it creates a powerful airflow.

"What? Want to use this sword to kill me?"

"There are not many people who can die under my bloodthirsty sword, Feng Chuge, you should be grateful that your blood can be used to feed my bloodthirsty sword..." Leng You waved the sword like a goddess scattering flowers, stirring up the air. various airflows.

"Bloodthirsty sword? It sounds awesome." Feng Chuge raised his brows lightly and laughed coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense! I'll let you try it now!"

Saying that, Leng You raised her body again.

clap clap...

With the release of her spiritual power, the soft sword circled the city in the air, and dexterously rushed towards Feng Chuge.

Seeing the attacking bloodthirsty sword, Feng Chuge let out a low laugh, and she quickly avoided it.

The bloodthirsty sword seemed to have eyes, and locked Feng Chuge tightly.

Seeing the bloodthirsty sword lingering on her, Feng Chuge sneered. "Like me so much? If you keep pestering me, then I will reluctantly accept you in a while!"

Leng You, who was manipulating the bloodthirsty sword, laughed mockingly after hearing Feng Chuge's words. "Haha, Feng Chuge, come and get it if you have the ability!"

After finishing speaking, her eyes flashed coldly, and she charged again!

bang bang bang!

The sound of the collision of spiritual power resounded in the air again.

After all, Feng Chuge's strength is not as good as Leng You's, and now, Leng You has a bloodthirsty sword in his hand.

After an unknown amount of time, Leng You finally gained the upper hand.

"Feng Chuge, go die! Wuji Realm, this is not what you should have come here!" Seeing that Feng Chuge was about to lose his hold, she let out a low voice, raised her head, and struck Feng Chuge again. .

This blow almost used Leng You's full strength.

Leng You wanted to kill her with one blow.

However, just when the sword was about to touch Feng Chuge, suddenly, something happened...

Feng Chuge's body was flying, and after a while, a red light flashed all over her body.

When the red light dissipated, a crimson sword suddenly appeared in her hand!

The red sword was raised, and matched with Feng Chuge's purple skirt, it flew in the air.

Finally, the red sword collided with the bloodthirsty sword that Leng You attacked!

boom! !

Snapped! !

Two loud noises exploded in the air, and at this moment, Leng You stepped back a few steps!

There was a fishy sweetness in the mouth, and a mouthful of blood spit out from the mouth.

Leng You's eyes fell on the bloodthirsty sword in her hand, and at that moment, she was so shocked that her face was ashen...

"How is it possible? Impossible...impossible..."

"What? Do you still want to kill me?" Feng Chuge hung lightly on the side, condescendingly looking at Leng You who was leaning against the wall, as if looking at a dead person, asking expressionlessly.

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