"Impossible... Impossible..." Leng You didn't care about what Feng Chuge was saying, but still leaned against the wall, looking at her broken bloodthirsty sword, and muttered in a low voice.

That's right! It's broken!

Just now, when Feng Chuge's red sword came out, it cut off the bloodthirsty sword in her hand!

"Leng You, let me tell you, there are people out there who are out of this world, so don't take yourself too seriously." Feng Chuge raised his body lightly, fell from mid-air, and landed on the ground smoothly.

"Feng Chuge, I'm going to kill you!!" Leng You suddenly raised her head, looked at Feng Chuge, and shouted angrily.

That bloodthirsty sword, she spent a lot of effort to get it back then, but now, it was destroyed by Feng Chuge, how could she not be angry?

And that man...

She won't budge to the death!

It's still the same sentence, she must get what she likes...

Until death... Fangxiu!

Thinking about it, Leng You suddenly rushed towards Feng Chuge again.

Feng Chuge looked at Leng You like this, raised his eyebrows Leng.

"Xuanwu Qinglong, come on, what do you like about this person, it's time for you to exercise your muscles and bones!"

Following Feng Chuge's words, the multicolored bracelet emitted a huge light.

When Suzaku and Baihu went out just now, Qinglong and Xuanwu couldn't hold back anymore. Now, it's finally time for them to show their talents, how can they not be excited?

Blue light and black smoke radiated out, and for a moment, two huge beasts surrounded Leng You, preventing her from moving forward.

Xuanwu's appearance is really scary, but it happens to be standing in front of Lengyou.

Now, looking at Xuan Wu in front of her, Leng You screamed in fright!

"Ah!! Monster!!"

Hearing the word "monster", Xuan Wu was very displeased!

So familiar with human nature, it suddenly swiped its tail, sweeping Leng You away viciously.

In an instant, Leng You's body was swept up from mid-air, and finally thrown into the distance like a kite with a broken string...

Fortunately, she reacted in time, stabilized her body the moment she was about to hit the ground, and used her spiritual power to reduce the impact.

Otherwise, under this blow, you will be injured even if you are not dead...

Standing on the same spot, looking at Qinglong and Xuanwu, Lengyou trembled with fright.

She screamed, and glanced at the guards who had already been frightened. "Hurry up, go call daddy!!"

The guard heard the sound and was about to leave.

But at this time, the green dragon was spinning in the air, and a blue light shone, covering the entire courtyard.

The entire courtyard seemed to be covered with an invisible barrier at the moment, and those guards wanted to go out, but they repeatedly bumped into the wall and were not allowed to go out! !

Not only that, everything that happened inside this barrier, people outside can't perceive half of it.

Feng Chuge looked at the situation in front of her, and she gave Qinglong and Xuanwu a thumbs up. "Good job, this is called closing the door and beating the dog. These people will be handed over to you!"

As Feng Chuge said, he raised his feet and went straight to the room...

Outside the house, there were waves of wailing.

Inside the room, Feng Chuge looked at the man lying on the bed with cold eyes.

She stepped forward and probed Di Juechen's meridians.

Then, there was a low curse.

"Xuanyuan Zhan, Leng Yangyan, I will not let you go!"

She could clearly perceive that Di Juechen had been poisoned by a hidden race.

Three days before the poisoning, the symptom was coma, and when he was comatose, the poison was allowed to climb to the internal organs.

When the person wakes up three days later, the whole person will be under the control of the vomiter!

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