Thinking of this, Di Juechen's expression flickered coldly.

He raised his hand again, and in the palm of his hand, a strong blade of energy struck towards Xuanyuan Zhan!

quick! ruthless! allow!

There was no time for Xuanyuan Zhan to catch his breath, the air blade directly slashed across Xuanyuan Zhan's neck, and in just a moment, Xuanyuan Zhan died immediately!

The cold wind rustled, and the snow was flying. The courtyard has long been covered with snow.

The surrounding land is completely desolate.

Di Juechen killed Xuanyuan Zhan in this way, and the three elders around him were already trembling in shock!

Before they came, they never thought that it would end in such a scene.

Originally, they wanted to kill Feng Chuge and Di Juechen, rescue Xuanyuan Yuche, and snatch Feng Chuge's treasure.

But never expected...

At this moment, Di Juechen's expression flickered, and he turned to look at the three elders. "And you..."

He was about to make a move when Suzaku suddenly flapped its wings and came forward. "Leave these three people to us. Oh, it's been a long time since I exercised my muscles and bones."

Di Juechen stamped his feet and nodded. "Also."

Elder Yu stood where he was, his pupils shrank when he saw the divine beasts coming forward!

He raised his hand, and the strength of the great spell master came out at the moment.

In an instant, all the elements in the air were mobilized, attacking forward.

"Yeah, I really have some strength! It seems that my old lady can stretch well today." Suzaku turned around in mid-air, smiling happily.

"Hey, Baihu, Xuanwu, leave those two to you, and leave this big charmer to me." Suzaku turned his head and gave them a look.

Baihu and Xuanwu were already excited and rushed forward one after another.

In the same place, Qinglong looked at them, a little aggrieved, and the poor little eyes seemed to say: "Why is there no me?"

Sensing its thoughts, Suzaku laughed. "Little Qinglong, your teeth haven't even grown yet, let's wait until your teeth grow, hahaha!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed forward without being negligent, and met Elder Yu.

Qinglong pursed his mouth and stayed where he was, with a pair of dark eyes rolling around.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Di Juechen again, and there was a little light in those faint eyes...

There is a golden dragon in this man's body!

The three divine beasts had already been fighting with those three people.

How could those three people be the opponents of the beasts?

From the beginning of the battle to the present, the three elders were all at a disadvantage, but the three divine beasts refused to kill them all at once, and just played slowly.

But here, Di Juechen stood where he was, facing the wind and snow.

"My lady, it's all right." He wrapped one hand around Feng Chuge's waist and said.

"Chen..." Feng Chuge raised his eyes, looked at Di Juechen, moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but saw Di Juechen shook his head. "It's all right, Xuanyuan Zhan deserves to die."

"Is your body all right?"

"How could something be wrong with your husband?" Di Juechen smiled lowly.

Seeing Di Juechen like this, Feng Chuge closed his eyes lightly, hiding the pity in his eyes.

At this moment, a small blue head suddenly appeared between them.

The unexpected extra head surprised the two of them.

"Qinglong, what are you going to do?" Qinglong suddenly squeezed between them, Feng Chuge was very surprised.

Qinglong ignored Feng Chuge, just stared straight at Di Juechen, sticking out his tongue, his dark eyes were full of light.

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