"Zhizhizhi..." Qinglong hadn't advanced to a certain level and couldn't speak human words, so now he could only make such a sound.

However, the excitement and light in its eyes were too obvious.

Seeing Qinglong like this, the corners of Feng Chuge's lips could not help but twitch...

With Xiao Qinglong like this, why does he seem to have taken a fancy to her husband?

Is this green dragon male or female?

Just as she was thinking about it, the little green dragon suddenly crawled over to Di Juechen.


Di Juechen didn't like strangers approaching him. Now, seeing that Qinglong was about to climb up his arm, he swung it violently.

Little Qinglong was thrown off by Di Juechen without any defense, and his whole body lay on the ground, revealing his white belly.

It moved its body, trying to turn over from the ground, but found it futile.

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn into a blue light and leap into the air again with a rustle.

At this moment, it stood in front of Di Juechen, baring its teeth and claws.

Obviously it should look fierce, but in the eyes of Feng Chuge and Di Juechen right now, it is quite funny.

On the opposite side, the three people had already been bewildered by the three divine beasts, so there was no need for Feng Chuge and Di Juechen to worry.

Di Juechen looked at Qinglong like this, he turned his head and asked Feng Chuge. "What is it talking about?"

He was obviously still so enthusiastic just now, but now he suddenly seems to have met an enemy.

Feng Chuge frowned, then reached into a touch of divine consciousness to communicate with Qinglong.

After a detailed exchange, she laughed.

Good guy, it turns out that Qinglong has taken a fancy to the golden dragon that appeared just now!

"This little guy likes that golden dragon just now." Feng Chuge lightly patted the little green dragon's head and said with a faint smile. As he spoke, he raised his eyes and looked at Di Juechen with some doubts. "The golden dragon, what is it?"

Feng Chuge has seen a dragon appearing from Congdi Juechen's body more than once.

And every time, the golden dragon came out when the situation was very dangerous.

"I don't know about this either." Di Juechen shook his head lightly. "Perhaps, it has something to do with blood."

Just as he was talking, there was a scream in the distance.

Looking around, I saw a fire suddenly rising in the snow.

And the fire was burning on Elder Dian's clothes.

Elder Dian was so frightened that he wanted to put out the fire, but it was in vain. He just ran around in fright, his whole body rolling in the snow.

Suzaku on the side screamed excitedly.

"Hehehe, why did you want to deal with my master? If I don't play you to death, I won't be a mythical beast Suzaku!"

After finishing speaking, another ball of fire spewed out of his mouth...

At the same time, the other two elders were almost killed by Xuanwu and Baihu.

"I never thought I would have such a ferocious beast." Feng Chuge's eyes twitched, and he sighed slightly. She glanced at Huahua and Routuan. "You two can't do this, or people will think I taught it."

Huahua and Routuan curled their lips.

Didn't she teach it?

It seems to be what the master said, if anyone bullies him, he will beat him to death...

But to be honest, there really is such a beast as there is a master.

If it were them instead, they would definitely not make things easier for those few people.

Di Juechen glanced at the scene with cold eyes, then sighed as he watched the snow that was falling more and more heavily. "Let's go in, it's cold outside."

"Yeah." Feng Chuge nodded and agreed.

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