For two consecutive days, everything was peaceful.

After the snow lasted for five days, it finally stopped.

In two days, Yao Ye finally returned.

Yaoye, who reappeared, was indeed much stronger than before.

In the yard, Yao Ye was so angry that she heard the people around her talking about the recent events.

"He even came to invade while I was not around. If I were here, Xuanyuan would definitely die without a complete body." After Yao Ye finished speaking, she glanced at Di Juechen again. "However, for those surnamed Emperor, bloodletting and repaying the kiss, this matter really belongs to you."

Di Juechen pondered for a while.

Bleeding to repay the kiss.

He just didn't want to owe any favor to Xuanyuan Zhan!

Seeing that Di Juechen didn't speak, Yaoye raised his eyebrows.

"Little Ge'er, I was missing from such a wonderful picture last time, why not leave the Fushengmen to me in a few days."


"That's right! At that time, I will lead the beast army to destroy him! Leng Yangyan, that idiot, dares to imprison me, and I will make him pay the price." Yao Ye suddenly grinned, with hatred on his face look.

Seeing Yao Ye like this, Feng Chuge understood.

This demon night of feelings wants to avenge the previous imprisoned!

"Okay! Then I'll leave it to you."

"Just wait and see, I promise, it's a big scene you've never seen before!" Yao Ye said, closing her eyes slightly, with a little excitement shining in her eyes.

In order to promote the various industries of Burning Heaven Clan, Xuanyuan Zhan released the news that the Goddess appeared in Wuji Realm before, but after the crowd came, there was no clue for a long time, and they quickly dispersed.

That is, not long after they separated, the wedding of Xuanyuan Zhan and Leng You ushered in.

Today's scene is very grand.

Ten-mile long street, red silk and satin.

In the entire Promise Realm, there was joy everywhere.

Everyone knows that today is a happy event for the top two sects, and congratulations come from all over the world.

Leng Yangyan stood aside with a happy face, looking at the people who came.

How can he not like it?

Xuanyuan Yuche promised that once Leng You married him, he would hand over the Burning Heaven Gate to the Fushengmen, and merge with the Fushengmen.

Now, he is waiting quietly for Xuanyuan Yuche to announce the matter after the wedding ceremony is over.

"Haha, unpopular master, congratulations, the marriage between the Burning Heaven Clan and the Fusheng Clan is really a happy event." A Yu flatterer stepped forward and said.

Leng Yangyan's old face couldn't hold back a smile, like a chrysanthemum blooming in the wind.

His eyes were full of complacency: After a while, everyone will know that it is not the Burning Heaven Clan and the Fushengmen that unite, but the Fushengmen completely annex the Burning Heaven Clan. From then on, there will be no more Burning Heaven Clans in this world. Just, Floating Gate!

More and more guests came.

Leng Yangyan swept everyone away, overjoyed.

Today, people from all major sects more or less came to congratulate Fushengmen and Burning Tianmen's face, which also means that everything that happened in a short while will be completed under the witness of everyone.

"The auspicious time has come, the bride and groom are paying their respects." Following Xi Po's shrill cry, Xuanyuan Yuche slowly entered the arena with Leng You.

"Bow to heaven and earth!"

"Second obeisance to the high hall!"

"Husband and wife salute!"


All the process, smooth sailing.

Until the end of the ceremony, Xuanyuan Yuche ascended to a high position as expected.

"Everyone, on this great day, I have something to announce."

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