As soon as his voice sounded, everyone looked at him.

In this boundless territory, who doesn't know him?

This Xuanyuan Yuche was once the young master of the Burning Heaven Clan, and also one of the top geniuses.

And after Xuanyuan Zhan died, he became the sect master of Burning Heaven Clan.

He can also be regarded as one of the youngest sect masters in history.

"What's the matter with Master Xuanyuan, just say it." The person who spoke was another sect master with a little reputation.

Xuanyuan Yuche's expression flickered a few times, "Today, while everyone is here, I will announce something. From now on, the Burning Heaven Gate will be merged into the Floating Life Gate."

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Incorporate into the Floating Gate?

What does it mean?

Could it be to ban the existence of Burning Heaven Clan?

"What does Master Xuanyuan mean by this? Can you explain it a little bit more clearly?" Someone said.

"It means that from now on, the Floating Life Clan will take over my Burning Heaven Clan's big and small affairs, and the Burning Heaven Clan will no longer exist."

"The Burning Heaven Clan no longer exists!!"

"Is this to destroy the Burning Heaven Clan?"

"God, how could Xuanyuan Yuche have such an idea? Isn't he a member of the Burning Heaven Clan? How could he be willing to give the Burning Heaven Clan to others?"

For a while, there were discussions among the crowd.

Especially those former members of Burning Heaven Clan, after hearing such words, they were all furious.

It was under such circumstances that two guards walked out. "The bones of the old sect master are not yet cold, but you want to give the Burning Heaven Clan to others. Do you do this to the old sect master and the brothers of the Burning Tian Clan? If so, I would rather leave the Burning Tian Clan!"

As soon as these words came out, those Burning Heaven Clan people who were already angry were successfully ignited.

"Yes! It can't be like this!"

"can not be like this!"

Wave after wave of voices came, Xuanyuan Yuche stood on top, listening to these, with a cold expression.

He swept everyone away and sneered. "There's no room for negotiation on this matter, it's settled like this, if you want to leave Burning Heaven Clan, fine, I'll let you go out lying down!"

Although he was no longer able to practice spiritual power, the majesty he had accumulated over the years was still there. Now that he said this, everyone fell silent.

Now, their state is that they dare not speak out.

"Okay, that's it. I'm done with what I'm going to say, and then, you do what you want."

Xuanyuan Yuche came down from the height and mixed with the crowd.

Leng Yangyan came to the stage with a smile on his face. "Everyone, please feel free to drink as much as you like today. It's rare to have such a happy event, haha."

People from other sects looked at Leng Yangyan and murmured in their hearts.

How could it not be a happy event?

The Fushengmen annexed the Burning Heavenmen so effortlessly, it's no wonder that Leng Yangyan didn't laugh to death!

At the same time, the leaders of those small sects felt bitter in their hearts.

If things go on like this, when will it be their first day! !

After the wedding was over, everyone dispersed, and people from Burning Heaven Clan still had a lot of dissatisfaction.

However, things are set.

Just when the original guards of Burning Heaven Clan were depressed, the two guards who came out to speak came out again and looked at everyone. "I didn't expect Xuanyuan Yuche to be such a person. As soon as the old sect master died, he couldn't wait to send the Burning Heaven Clan to others. Who knows if the old sect master's death was related to him and the people from Fushengmen, just because of today's matter. "

These words awakened the dreamer.

All the guards in front of the Burning Gate looked at the two who were talking. "Yes, very likely!"

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