"Xuanyuan Yuche, that's too much!" Someone said angrily.

"If this is the case, I'm afraid that we will not have a good life following Xuanyuan Yuche in the future. If this is the case, we might as well escape from Burning Heaven Clan." The few guards lurking in Burning Heaven Clan tried to lure them. "Right now, there is a newly developed Fengyue Gate, we might as well join it, it's always better than letting others slaughter us here!"

The guards hesitated a little, and after an unknown amount of time, someone finally nodded in response.

"Let's go to Dafengyuemen. Fengyuemen is newly developed, and there is a shortage of manpower, and we take the initiative to defect, Fengyuemen should not be difficult for us."


So, it took almost a while, and everyone responded one after another.

Those guards looked at each other a few times, and there was excitement in their eyes.

They succeeded!

Feng Chuge's intention was to recruit people from the Burning Heaven Clan under his command, but he was afraid that those people who came hard would not be convinced, so he took this move.

One is to wipe out all the forces of Burning Heaven Clan, and the other is to make these people follow him willingly.

Now, it finally came true...

At the same time, on the other side, it was the wedding night, when the bridal chamber was festive.

The red candle flickered, making the room ambiguous.

The room was filled with soft moans.

After the ups and downs, Xuanyuan Yuche looked at the person below him, his eyes were full of calculations.

He knew that from now on, even if the Burning Heaven Clan ceased to exist, he was the son-in-law of the Fushengmen, and the Fushengmen would be his eternal backing.

At this moment, the person under him suddenly moved slightly.

She frowned slightly.

His eyes were slightly opened, and at this moment, his eyes were clear.

"Ah!! What's going on? Why are you here!!" Leng You met Xuanyuan Yuche's face as soon as she opened her eyes. Seeing Xuanyuan Yuche's enlarged face in front of her, she screamed out in shock.

She shook her head violently, but found that she didn't remember anything.

The last memory actually only stays in the scene where Feng Chuge moved the insect gu into her body...

"You'er, what's the matter?" Seeing that Leng You's expression was wrong, Xuanyuan Yuche asked. "Could it be that it was because of my husband that I hurt you just now? I was wrong. I should be lighter. Today is our bridal chamber wedding night. I am too ignorant."

What Xuanyuan Yuche said was to please Leng You inside and out.

From now on, he still wants to live by Leng You.

His words, however, exploded in Leng You's heart like thunder.

Wedding Anniversary! !

What exactly is going on?

Turning around, the room is full of red.

Lowering his head again, he saw that both of them were naked.

At the moment, her face was ashen.

In the end, what happened? Why is this happening?

The only person she wants to marry is Di Juechen!

"You'er?" Seeing that Leng You's expression was wrong, Xuanyuan Yuche asked again tentatively, but at this moment, the person under him suddenly jumped up and sucked the clothes from the side.

Leng You's strength is indeed at the fourth level of the gods and spirits, and it is more than enough to deal with Xuanyuan Yuche who is completely unable to condense his spiritual power.

So, when Xuanyuan Yuche stepped forward to grab her and ask her to find out, Leng You made a move!

"You dare to touch me, I will kill you!"

When the hand is raised, the air blade is brought up.

Seeing Leng You like this, Xuanyuan Yuche was startled suddenly, and hurriedly retreated to the side, avoiding her attack in time.

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